/ Christchurch Hospital Redevelopment Partnership Group
Date / Thursday, 31st August 2017
Time / 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Location / Ministry of Health, 48 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Chair / Evan Davies
Membersin attendance / Margaret Wilsher, Dr John Wood
Ex Officios / Michael Hundleby - Director Critical Projects, David Meates – Chief Executive Canterbury DHB & West Coast DHB
Attendees / Ministry of Health:,John Hazeldine - Chief Advisor DHB Funding and Planning, Tony Lloyd - Programme Director, Marbeth Isaac –Hospital Redevelopment Finance Manager, Lynn Archibald - minutes
CDHB: Barry Bragg, CDHB member/Observer, Dr Rob Ojala – Clinical Lead Facilities Development Project, Angela Mills – Programme Manager Facilities Development Project
RCP: Waren Warfield - Programme Director(via teleconference)
RLB: Neil O’Donnell – Quantity Surveyor
Turner & Townsend Thinc: Leonie Kelly – Project Director, Ross Dunkerley – Regional Manageritem 3. Johnstaff: Alistair Burke (Project Director) items 4 and 5.
Item / Subject
The Chair extended a welcome to Dr John Wood, newly appointed Chair of the Christchurch Hospital District Health Board and Partnership Group member.
1 / aApologies
Tony Lanigan, Brad Cabell.
bRegisterof Interests
Dr Wood to lodge his interests.
cMinutes and Action Points of 4 August 2017
It was recommended that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 August 2017 were accepted as a true and correct record, with the following addition under item 2 Campus Planning:
Noted workspace offices increasing by 4,000m2 in some options, clinics have not increased to the same scale though. Rob noted this may be of a consequence of office provision in ASB.
Moved from the Chair
dOutstanding Action Points
ASB - Contingency funding
A paper has gone to Joint Ministers for a decision. There are plans to use some allocated contingency to cover immediate concerns.
DHB/CPB timelines around FF&E
The late paper prepared by Turner and Townsend Thincand circulated to the Partnership Group prior to this meeting was received. This was in response to request to review the history of the agreed FF&E procurement dates and to identify potential risks should those dates not be met.
Drug Testing – Psychoactive substances
CPB’s fitness for work framework document was received. Leighs documentation to come.
The Chair felt it was appropriate that the Partnership Group have a set of minimum expectations for drug and alcohol procedures. This has been communicated to the three main contractors.
Bullet point summary to be provided to Partnership Group to advise contracturally what our minimum requirements are. This will be a standard to apply to all future contractors.
2 / Campus Planning
Bryan Spinks from Proj-X joined the meeting to provide a verbal report to the Partnership Group on progress:
  • Tom Love from Sapere has commenced the peer review on bed modelling and has been in consultation with DHB personnel. Mainly focused on population projections and occupancy. A draft report (due 8th September) will go through a round of clinically based discussions after this in preparation for final HRPG paper. Tom will not offer direction on clinical matters he will only make suggestions that items are considered.
  • The structural review of Riverside and Clinical Services building is underway. Involves extensive earthquake scenarios being run which takes up to 6 weeks at which time a preliminary report will be prepared then a further 4 weeks for analysis of figures, calculations and peer review.
  • A decision around IL3 vs IL4 for Parkside needs addressing soon to avoid over spending on structural repair work, ie exterior panel work treated as IL4 design at the moment. The Chair agreed that the best way forward was to continue discussion with the Canterbury DHB (Mary Gordon) on this.
Discussion ensued on Parkside noting there are some activities in Parkside that need to be delivered in IL4 facility, that building strength and soundness varies between wings. David noted that to upgrade all of Parkside to IL4 rating would be a poor investment decision.
A query was raised whether the planning should be extended to include the labs and other buildings. The Chair noted the process be kept as clear and confined as possible.
The Chair asked for an indicative programme to be provided for the next meeting acknowledging that the current investigations (structural and bed numbers) were prudent and must be completed before the balance of the process can be commenced.
Leonie Kelly and Ross Dunkerly from Turner and Townsend Thinc joined the meeting.
3 / ASB Consultant reports
aTurner and Townsend Project Management report
Leonie Kelly spoke to the ASB consultant reports.
Provide a health and safety industry benchmark comparative to give visibility as to how site is comparing with other like sites.
bAdditional Funding
Prior to today’s meeting the Partnership Group endorsed via email a proposal to settle a claim with CPB which included a number of large variations and extension of time claims, noting that there will be an extension to the completion date of 15 November 2018 and they further endorsed the transfer of XXXXXXXXXXXX allocated contingency and $XXXXXXXX relocations budget to unallocated contingency on the understanding that once the additional funding is approved it will be transferred back.
This settlement expunges the contractor’s right for time and disruption for all known issues up to 18 August and removes their right to claim for either of these issues to the end of the project.
The contract date for completion is to be adjusted on the Programme, once the document is executed, to 15 November 2018. The contract is still subject to extension of time claims for any new issues that occur that are not covered by this settlement. This removes a level of risk and gives certainty for delivery of timeframe.
  • Ongoing design co-ordination challenges and documentation standards due to under resourcing.
  • Underspending on the cashflow which is a reflection of under-resourcing on site
  • CPB’s inability to attract additional resource and their capacity to meet programme given their current resourcing.
  • New construction manager has commenced.
  1. A meeting to be arranged for the Chair to meet with the relevantConsultant Principals to discuss under resourcing impacting on design co-ordination and documentation standards.
  2. A meeting be scheduled with CPB, the Chair and Ministry representatives.
Leonie updated progress with the at grade car park which is to be renamed “emergency services access”.
dRider LevettBucknall
The Rider LevettBucknall report dated 22 August 2017 was taken as read.
eLucas Safety
The Lucas Safety Review report for July/August 2017 was taken as read.
The project status and forecast report for ASB for period July to August 2017 was taken as read.
Alistair Burke and Jarrod McCartney from Johnstaff joined the meeting.
4 / Outpatients Consultant reports
aJohnstaff Project Management report
The Johnstaff report dated 20 August 2017 was received. Alistair Burke spoke to the consultant reports giving a brief summary of progress and key issues for the month.
  • Continual monitoring of drug and alcohol testing process.
  • Structure is now 98% complete with fitout progressing well.
  • Façade erection to commence next week.
  • An updated programme has been provided with very little time recovered.
  • The forecast completion date continues to be problematic at 25 days behind plan.
  • There is no concern regarding momentum with internal programme as project tracking against programme.
  • No more change requests being accepted.
bRider LevettBucknall QS report
The Rider LevettBucknall report dated 31 July 2017 was taken as read. The project cost continues to track under budget.
cLucas Safety report
The Lucas Safety Review report for July/August 2017 was taken as read.
5 / Energy Centre consultant reports
aJohnstaff Project Management report
The Johnstaff report dated 24 August 2017 was received. Alistair Burke spoke to the consultant reports.
  • No health and safety incidents to report.
  • The boilers are running smoothly with good capacity.
  • Good progress with the services tunnel works with walls and floors starting to be formed next week.
  • Lamson tube was interrupted temporarily with orderlies being utilised in the interim whilst repairs took place. Appropriate post examination has been undertaken.
  • Subtrades are working 7 days a week.
  • Noted concern around programme and interface with Acute Services building and Outpatients. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • There is no float in the programme.
  • Targeting the next meeting to present concept design and estimate of the energy centre to the Partnership Group.
  • Team are confirming the appropriate size of boilers, efficiencies, taking into consideration future developments on site, in consultation with DHB, in order to future proof as much as possible.
bRider LevettBucknall QS report
The Rider LevettBucknall report dated 31 August 2017 was taken as read.
cLucas Safety report
The Lucas Safety Review report for July/August 2017 was taken as read.
dRisk Register
The Risk Register was taken as read.
6 / CDHB Facilities Project
Angela Mills spoke to the Facilities Development report for period 20 July to 22 August 2017.
The main focus is on pulling back the overspend on FF&Eand planning around links and docks. Operationally team are working on planning how they will work in new building.
Noted floor vibration issues still flagged as risk in this report as there is no certainty that mitigations are a fix.
7 / Programme of Works
The Facilities update dated 1 August 2017 and status reports were taken as read.
The report on external panel restraints on Parkside was provided to give the Partnership Group visibility. The cost of this work is to be funded from the Programme of Works and is required to be carried out prior to the link bridge being erected due to access issues.
8 / General Business
Traffic review
Tony Lloyd advised the meeting that as it was now six months since the previous parking review an updated review would be commissioned as the Partnership Group had requested six monthly reviews. It was agreed that as there had not been significant change since the previous review another review would not be useful at this time. The Canterbury DHB advised that it had undertaken work on a broader transport strategy and that the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (who had Canterbury Rebuild responsibilities) were having a look at parking in the vicinity. The DHB advised they would share this work with the Partnership Group. It was noted that the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet had also contacted the Ministry of Health. There was consensus that the long term provision of car parking would be dealt with when the Partnership Group had clarity around the long term demand for carparking.
The meeting closed at 2.45pm.
Endorsements since previous meeting.
An endorsement made outside of the previous HRPG meeting was as follows:
Settlement of CPB claim (extension of time and variations), noting an extension to the completion date of 15 November 2018 and further endorsement of the transfer of $XXXXXXXXXXX allocated contingency and $X XXXXXXX relocations budget to unallocated contingency on the understanding that once the additional funding is approved it will be transferred back.
Reports/Documents Distributed prior to the Meeting
-Minutes of Previous Meeting 4 August 2017
-CPB Alcohol and other drugs – fitness for work framework
-ASB Project Director’s Report for period 21 July to 20 August 2017
-ASB FF&E forecast report for period July to August 2017
-RLB Financial Cost Reports for ASB No. 44, Outpatients No. 23, Energy Centre No. 4
-Lucas Safety report ASB, Outpatients and Energy Centre – July/August 2017
-Ministry of Health/Johnstaff – Outpatient Status report as at 20 August 2017
-Ministry of Health/Johnstaff – Energy Centre report for August 2017
-CDHB Facilities Development project 20 July to 22 August 2017
-CDHB Programme of Works – Facilities Update 1 August 2017, Project Status reports and Parkside External Panel Restraints
-DHB/CPB timelines around FF&E (late paper circulated prior)

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