Myland Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Community Council held on Wednesday 22nd February 2017, 7.30pm, at Mile End Methodist Church Hall, Nayland Road, Colchester.

Present: / Cllr John Stewart (Chair) / Cllr Pete Hewitt
Cllr Richard Beauchamp / Cllr Alison Jay
Cllr John Dickson / Cllr Robert Johnstone
Cllr Adrian Ellis / Cllr David King
Cllr Liz Gray
The Clerk
The Assistant Clerk

Essex County Councillor Anne Turrell was also present.

CBC Ward Councillor Phil Coleman sent his apologies.

There were three members of the public present.

195-16/17 Apologies - to receive and accept

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs C Clouston, D Clouston, Dickinson, Goss and Hurst.

196-16/17 Declarations of Interest - Councillors to declare individually any interests they may have in the items on the agenda.If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at a meeting, he/she must not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter at the meeting. The Councillor must withdraw from the room where the meeting is being held unless he/she has received a dispensation from the Clerk.

There were no Declarations of Interest made.

197-16/17 Have your say - Members of the public and Councillors with a prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda to comment on any matters affecting Myland (maximum three minutes).

Mr Patrick Mills said he saw a number of councillors were missing from the meeting. He asked if they were aware of their statutory duty to attend.

198-16/17 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 25th January 2017 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

The minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 25th January 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

Proposed: Cllr Dickson Seconded: Cllr Beauchamp (Unanimous)

199-16/17 Update on progress of resolutions made at the last meeting

There were no updates.

200-16/17 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman gave the following report:

·  I responded to an enquiry from Essex University researchers on litter with the comment: Myland Community Council currently does not have, or carries out, any enforcement duties with regards to litter enforcement. We do have a council officer who supplements the Borough Council street cleaning, albeit on a small scale. Our council do have concerns in respect of littering as well as dog fouling. Our council staff have a good working relationship with the Colchester Borough Zone Team who enforce current legislation. We have also supported Colchester Borough in their introduction of a PSPO (Public Spaces Protection Order) concerning Mill Road Sports Field. Education coupled with enforcement action, where necessary, is the way forward.

·  I attended a liaison meeting last week with the Highwoods Councillors. Among the subjects discussed were –

Northern Gateway

Village Green

Dog mess/litter

An offer to open the Myland Fete as Mayor of Colchester

These beneficial meetings will continue a regular basis.

·  Cllr Hurst has submitted her resignation as both Chair and member of the Community Working Group. With no current vice-chair the future of this group needs to be looked at. A meeting has been arranged for later this week to discuss this matter. In the interim, it has been decided, after consultation with Cllr Hewitt, that the Community Halls sub-group will now come under the auspices of the Neighbourhood Plan Group.

The following items have been covered before but I think a timely reminder is in order: -

·  Can I remind colleagues that if they sponsor an agenda item then they should submit a paper to support it. If it involves any expenditure, then a costing should be added as well.

·  Can I remind colleagues that the meeting notice sent out by the Clerk is a lawful summons to attend a Council meeting. It is neither professional nor acceptable to fail to attend those meetings without notifying the Clerk that you will be absent and the reason for this. Apologies must be received prior to the meeting in order that the Council can accept them. They cannot be accepted retrospectively. The Clerk is required to keep a book recording those who do or do not attend meetings to ensure councillors do not fall foul of the 6-month rule and become disqualified.

·  As you know we all have an allocated council email address When any of us are emailing outside persons can you please use the official email address. It not only looks more professional but stops your private emails being accessed under a freedom of information request.

201-16/17 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk gave the following report:

“Bus shelter

The Mill Road Rec bus shelter was repaired but vandalized again within 12 hours. The Street Officer is going to repair with weatherproof hardboard to see if that lasts longer.

MCC Documents

The following have been prepared for the RP&S Committee:


·  Community Engagement Policy

·  Scheme of Delegation Policy

·  Casual Vacancy & Co-Option Policy

·  Action Plan 2017-18


·  Equality & Diversity Policy

·  Equal Opportunities Policy

Myland Fete

Sent email to all Cllrs 26th Jan (got 7 responses) asking for:

1.  Suggestions for different date – one 26th or 27th Aug; two 2nd September; two same

2.  Volunteers for Fete Group – None

3.  Volunteers for the day – JS, PH, AJ. RJ. AJ. RB, LG, John D

Chased responses 2nd Feb (got 4 more responses)”

202-16/17 Finance - To consider and possibly resolve to authorise invoices for payment and receive details of expenditure and income to date.

It was resolved to authorise invoices for payment and receive details of expenditure and income to date.

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Johnstone (8 For; 1 Abstention)

Date / Amount / Received from / Type
31-Jan-17 / 45.00 / TDT Enterprises / Mylander
07-Feb-17 / 45.00 / Nick Bell / Mylander
07-Feb-17 / 45.00 / TDT Enterprises / Mylander
08-Feb-17 / 45.00 / D Smith (Jazzercise) / Mylander
08-Feb-17 / 130.00 / Langham Pre-school / Mylander
10-Feb-17 / 400.00 / Palmer & Partners / Mylander
16-Feb-17 / 70.00 / Blaber Tree Force / Mylander
16-Feb-17 / 70.00 / Mr & Mrs Newton (Gravity Home & Mtce) / Mylander
20-Feb-17 / 45.00 / Mayne Vets / Mylander
20-Feb-17 / 70.00 / M&K Gardens / Mylander
20-Feb-17 / 130.00 / W Quince / Mylander
21-Feb-17 / 125.00 / Yogababe / Other Income
Date / Amount / Description / Type
09-Feb-17 / 68.04 / BT Group plc / Broadband
15-Feb-17 / 20.00 / Contract Services / Cleaning
20-Feb-17 / 150.61 / CNG / Gas
23-Feb-17 / 23.00 / Mile End Methodist Church / Meetings
23-Feb-17 / 63.86 / Copy IT / Office Equipment & Mtce
23-Feb-17 / 2,342.00 / Green Square Comms / Mylander
23-Feb-17 / 224.00 / C Pearne / Mylander
23-Feb-17 / 70.00 / C Clouston / Mylander Honorarium
23-Feb-17 / 100.00 / P Hewitt / Chairman's allowance
23-Feb-17 / 45.00 / EALC / Training - Councillor
23-Feb-17 / 45.00 / EALC / Training - Councillor
23-Feb-17 / 3.49 / H Harris / Office sundries
23-Feb-17 / 1.35 / H Harris / Stationery
23-Feb-17 / 4,187.79 / Various / Staff Costs
23-Feb-17 / 125.00 / Yogababe / Miscellaneous other costs
24-Feb-17 / 19.62 / Titan Telecom / Phone

203-16/17 To consider and possibly resolve replace the notice board at the Bricklayers, Mile End Road at a maximum cost of £620

It was resolved to replace the notice board at the Bricklayers, Mile End Road at a maximum cost of £620.

Proposed: Cllr Johnstone Seconded: Cllr Beauchamp (Unanimous)

204-16/17 To consider and possibly resolve to provide a new notice board at the War Memorial, Nayland Road

This Item was deferred.

205-16/17 If 204-16/17 is resolved to consider and possibly resolve to provide a new notice board at the War Memorial, Nayland Road at a maximum cost of £620

This Item was deferred.

206-16/17 To consider and possibly resolve to agree that some or all of the additional field being provided at Mile End Recreation Ground, Fords Lane, is retained as a community resource in the form of public open space

It was resolved to agree that some or all of the additional field being provided at Mile End Recreation Ground, Fords Lane, is retained as a community resource in the form of public open space

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickson (Unanimous)

207-16/17 To consider and possibly resolve to agree formal conditions for good management of the Myland War Memorial

With the addition of “and Remembrance Sunday” after the words “Armistice Day” to no. 2 and the word “defacing” after “Climbing onto” to no. 4, the formal conditions for good management of the Myland War Memorial were agreed.

Proposed: Cllr Stewart Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

208-16/17 To receive reports from Councillors including updates from Champions

Cllr Dickson said at the last Council meeting the issue of cars standing still at junctions increasing the level of air pollution had been mentioned. He said he had read a report that stated that traffic calming had the same effect. He said with the proposals for Mill Road traffic calming this would be an issue of which the Council would need to be aware.

Cllr Stewart said that air quality concerns were a reason that the Council had sought an HGV ban for Mill Road.

Cllr Hewitt said he would raise the issue with CBC’s Air Quality Officer when a meeting was arranged. He said he would ask for CBC’s view on traffic calming and its impact.

Cllr Johnstone said he had attended a meeting of LCAP on 8th February 2017. He said he had raised the issue of cycling on pavements. He said John Gili-Ross had written to ECC and the LHP about this. He said there was support for his views against cycling on pavements from other Parish Cllrs.

Cllr Hewitt gave the following report on his attendance at the Northern Gateway Steering Group meeting.

“This aspect of the Northern Gateway development focuses on sport and leisure and is sited north of the A 12.

It is planned that the site should be operational from 2019. A detailed planning application is scheduled for June this year and will be preceded by public consultation in various north Colchester locations.

Throughout the ‘build up’ period there has been a Northern Gateway Steering Group to enable sports clubs and other interested parties to participate in the layout of the site and buildings. I have represented MCC on the Steering Group. (Our colleague Robert Johnstone is also a member on behalf of access forums)

The site will house the new Rugby Club building and a separate indoor sports building. The overall layout is just about finalised and so too is the layout of the buildings although some final adjustments are being made to the indoor sports venue.

The range of sports being accommodated include: archery / cycling / BMX / rugby union / rugby league / American football / cricket (indoor) / badminton. There is also likely to be indoor wheelchair sports and other indoor sports, e.g. netball, basketball. There will be a leisure cycling course and equestrian route. There will also be informal outdoor leisure areas merged with the site topography.

Ecology and archaeology investigations are underway. Salary Brook that runs through the site is a sensitive wildlife corridor and this is recognised. White House Farm will be protected as far as possible with bund and treeline screening. Existing tree lines and hedgerows will be retained.

A traffic impact assessment is also underway and work is on-going on how to successfully and safely link this sport and leisure area to the south site leisure area (cinema, hotel, etc).

The overall ethos is sport and leisure for all, not elitist sports, with the overall benefit being health and well-being.”

Cllr King said together with Cllr Goss he had set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Chesterwell. He said they hoped to expand this. He said initial issues were dog fouling and litter. He said he had been seeking information from the Clerk and he would report back to both the Resources, Policy and Strategy Committee and the full Council in due course.

209-16/17 To receive reports from Working Groups – maximum two minutes each

Myland Access Group - Cllr Johnstone said the Group had not met since the last Council meeting. He said he had contacted CBC about the Great British Spring Clean and the Group would be taking part 3rd – 5th March 2017. He said they would be concentrating on FPs in the vicinity of Petrolea Close and Braiswick Lane.

Cllr Johnstone said he and Cllr Beauchamp would be attending the meeting of Senior Moments on 15th March 2017 to present the proceeds of the Boxing Day Walk.

Community Working Group – The Assistant Clerk said the Group had met on 20th February 2017 and discussed the Fete, noticeboards and the War Memorial. She said that she, Cllr Stewart and Cllr Jay would be meeting on Friday 24th February 2017 to discuss the way forward for the Group.

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Cllr Hewitt said first he would like to mention the Time Garden at Colchester General Hospital which would receive funding from CBC under their Big Choice scheme. He said he had been asked to alert Cllrs to this and to ask for their support.

He said he had already mentioned the meeting about air quality that was to be arranged.

He said the Group that was looking at the proposed community centres for Chesterwell and Severalls which currently reported to the Community Group would be moved to the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group. He said everyone involved agreed that this was the best way to proceed.

He said he had been in contact with the Mile End History Group about liaising with them with regard to CBC’s Local List. He said Mr Patrick Mills would be looking at this on behalf of the History Group.

He said the Group was actioning the Cllr John Sutcliffe Memorial Bench.

He mentioned the current application for 122 dwellings in Bakers Lane in Braiswick. He said individuals were being encouraged to object to this application. He said there was a concern that schools planned for the area would not be able to cope with the population in the future. He said he would contact ECC on this issue.