Syllabus: Japanese 3

Course Description:

Japanese 3 is designed as an upper-level beginner course. Japanese 3 students will further develop their understanding of the language and culture of Japan through communicative activities.


Grades will be based on a point system as follows;

·Homework 5 pts. each

75% of all homework assignments must be completed for any credit. If less than 75% of assignments are completed without mistakes, no credit for homework will be given.

·Quizzes 10-50 pts. each

·Final 150-250 pts.

·Projects 10-80 pts.

·Participation—Approximately 30% of final grade 20 points per week or 4 points per day are possible. To receive a 4 for the day, students will actively participate in the target language. A score of 3 will be received by students who participate, but only in a minimalist way. If English is used, a score of 2 or less will be received. Participation includes speaking in the target language, being prepared for class and following the Foothill Basics (refer to Foothill High School handbook). Participation is assessed on a daily basis.

Bonus Participation points are possible.


·Textbook: Adventures in Japanese 3

·Workbook: Adventures in Japanese 3 Workbook

·Three ring binder—see student contract for details.

·Foothill High School handbook*


·*Handbook is required for taking down assignments and for use as hall pass.

·Projects and tests must be completed to pass the course.

·The notebook will periodically be collected and graded.

·Late homework will be accepted for 50% credit. (One day only)

·All FHS rules and regulations will be enforced. (See handbook for details on FHS rules/policies)

·Tardies—Three or more tardies per quarter will affect grade, result in student-teacher conference, and/ or other action.

·Cuts—cuts will result in loss of all participation points for the day, referral and/or teacher-parent conference.

·Textbooks must be covered. Lost or damaged textbooks must be replaced by the parent/guardian.

·All LARC rules and policies will be followed.

·Students should come to class prepared to study.

I’m looking forward to a pleasant and rewarding experience for everyone in this class. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Please sign below and keep in the front of your three ring binder.

I have read and understand the syllabus explained above.

Student signature______