George Ross Mackenzie Elementary

Band/String Ensembles

Handbook 2015-2016

Kristina Martorano-Band Director

1045 Proctor Road, Glen Spey, NY 12737

(845) 456-1100

Table of Contents:

Introduction……………………………………………………………….…………………. 3

Philosophy………………………………………………………………….……………….... 3

Course Descriptions……………………………………………...…………….…………. 4

Rehearsals/Lessons/Practice…………………………………………………………. 4

Instruments and other supplies………………………...……………………………..7

House Keeping……….……………………………………………………………………… 8

Grading…………………………………………………………………………………………. 9


Dress Code……………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Calendar of events……………………………………………………………………...... 12


Dear Students and Guardians,
Welcome all to the 2015-2016 academic school year. We have many great opportunities planned for the students this year. We are happy to see that the Eldred music program is continuing to grow every year. I am looking forward to collaborating with all students to make this year the most musical and expressive year yet.
This handbook enlists all the expectations for this upcoming academic year. Please review this handbook and talk it over with your parents/guardians. If there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. Ext. 5036 or email
I am looking forward to working with all of you this year.
Miss. Kristina Martorano

Music Faculty:

GRM Elementary School Band Director: Kristina Martorano

Jr/Sr HS Band Director: Brian Nivision

District Choral Director: Justin Glodich


Music is not just an extracurricular activity. One learns many dispositions such as, but not limited to creativity, organization, self-control, leadership and critical thinking. This learning experience should be enjoyable and stress-free.

Students should be here because they want to be. As a music teacher I promise to respect my students just as much as they respect me. You are given my respect from day one; it is not something one needs to earn. With that being said as a team we will work together to create the best musical experience possible.

Music is not just a class it is an art form. Music is a way to express oneself. My music class is a judge free zone where everyone should feel comfortable. Together we will make great musical achievements using the skills and knowledge we will be learning in the classroom and practice room.

Course Descriptions:

Band: 5th Grade Band, 6th Grade Band

Orchestra: Beginners’ String Ensemble, Mackenzie String Ensemble, Vivace Strings

5th Grade Band:

This band is open to any beginning wind and percussion students. Here students will learn how to not only play their instrument but play together as a team. These students will meet Monday and Thursday mornings at 7:30 am. Students can be dropped off or picked up by bus. The fifth grade band will have their debut performance at the District Band Winter Concert (December 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM)

6th Grade Band:

This band is for second-year wind and percussion students. Students will continue to learn how to as a team. These students will meet Tuesday and Friday mornings at 7:30 am. Students can be dropped off or picked up by bus. Students in this band will have their first performance at the District Band Winter Concert (December 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM). This year the sixth grade band will try to go to NYSSMA majors. This is a chance for the band to be heard and given feedback from different music educators.

5th Grade String Ensemble:

This will be the fourth year of this program. When beginning instruments it is important that string players have a separate performing group that consists of only string players consisting of Violin, Viola, and Cello players. These students will meet after school on Mondays from 3:00-4:00pm. Note that this time is different from the band and chorus rehearsal time. Students must be picked up after rehearsal since there is no late bus transportation. Students in this orchestra will have their first performance at the District Band Winter Concert (December 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM)

6th Grade String Ensemble:

This ensemble involves all string players at Mackenzie, as well as some older student and faculty members. Mackenzie String Ensemble meets Wednesday after school from 3:00-4:00pm. Students must be picked up after rehearsal since there is no late bus transportation. Students in this orchestra will have their first performance at the District Band Winter Concert (December 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM)



All students are to show up to every rehearsal prepared and ready to go. Students must always have:

·  Pencil with eraser

·  Instrument

·  Tuner

·  Band Music

·  Ready to learn Attitude!!

During rehearsal students are to be involved by asking and answering questions. Students are to be silent during rehearsals when the conductor or anyone is standing on the podium. Students should be paying attention to all details and should not be afraid to ask any questions. Rehearsals are mandatory.


Enrolling in instrumental music requires a large commitment from both the student and parents. Each ensemble is carefully balanced in terms of instrumentation to ensure the best quality sound possible. Because of the skills-based, cumulative nature of instrumental music lessons, there is a small window of opportunity for joining or dropping band. Students not already enrolled in band who wish to participate must sign up by September 18th, 2015. If a student has not made arrangements to join band by September 18th, they may have to wait until after the Winter Concert (December 16, 2015). Likewise, if a student decides that they really do not want to be in band, they must stay in until after the Winter Concert. After January 8, 2015 no student will be allowed to drop out of band without approval from Miss. Martorano. Please take the time to talk to your child about this commitment.


Students are required to come to all scheduled lessons. If a student cannot come to a lesson due to a test or project student must confront Miss. Martorano before hand and plan a make-up lesson. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule a time to make-up the missed lesson. Make-up lessons will not be available for students who purposely skip lessons. Students who fail to report for a make-up lesson will not be given another chance to make up the time. Lessons are required for all students in Band and String Ensembles. Lesson schedules are posted in the band room, on the band website, all fifth and sixth grade classrooms, and sent home during the second week of school. It is the student’s responsibility to inform their teachers ahead of time of when they will miss class.


Students will not improve without practice outside of school. Students are assigned exercises each week and are required to practice this material just as they would do homework for any other class. Assigned material will be reviewed at the beginning of each lesson. Students may be asked to repeat an exercise for the following week if it is not adequately prepared. Chronic lack of preparation will result in a lowered grade, but more importantly, falling behind in the acquisition of necessary skills. If it becomes apparent that a student is not practicing regularly, they may be required to complete a practicing journal each week.

How much should students practice at home? This depends largely on the student. A good benchmark for beginners is to practice a minimum of 15-20 minutes per day for at least 4 days during the week for a weekly practice goal of 60-80 minutes. This does not mean that the student has to do all 15 or 20 minutes in one sitting. They may choose to practice ten minutes right after school and ten minutes later in the evening. Or they may decide to practice for 30 minutes each day with one shortened session. Consistency is important and it is much easier to practice according to a routine, (i.e. every day at 6:00pm, Jenn practices her trombone for 20 minutes). Students should practice in a place that is quiet and distraction-free. Students should have a place to stand, or an appropriate chair to sit on (chairs that are too squishy make it difficult for students to use good playing posture). A music stand and mirror can also be very helpful when practicing. Our lesson books also include CD’s with accompaniment tracks to make practicing more interesting. If you are unsure how to motivate your child to practice at home, here are some helpful tips:

•  Set up practice goals with appropriate rewards or incentives

•  Ask your student to show you something that they know (i.e. teach you how to play a note that they have been working on)

•  Ask your student if you can listen to them play their favorite piece. Note: Not all students like to perform by themselves. Give your student words of encouragement, making sure that they know it is okay to make mistakes! If a student is really uncomfortable playing on his or her own in front of you, do not force the issue! Confidence will come over time.

•  If a classmate or relative is coming to visit, ask them bring their instrument and they can practice together!

•  SmartMusic© is an amazing program that we use at school. For a demo and subscription information, go to www.smartmusic.com

If you are interested in other motivational techniques, feel free to ask me!

Instruments and Other Supplies:

Students must have a quality instrument for the 2015-2016 school year. Barcone’s Music delivers any rentals to Mackenzie during the first two weeks of school. Instruments are also available to rent from Al’s Music in Port Jervis, Mekeels Music Shop in Newburgh, or from a music store of your choice. If you have or buy a used instrument, it is recommended that you take it to a repair shop to be sure that it is in proper working order. The school has a limited supply of instruments available for use, but rented instruments are usually in much better shape. School instruments are loaned out on an as needed basis.

Because of their size, students who play French horn, baritone, tuba, or cello may keep their rental instrument at home to practice and use a school instrument while at school.

Percussion students are expected to learn to read music and play the mallet instruments.

Therefore, it is important that each student rents a bell/percussion kit, not just a snare drum. Percussionists in fifth grade will play only mallet instruments for the first concert and all rehearsals leading up to it. Snare and bass drum instruction will begin in December after the concert while continuing with mallet percussion.

All beginning students are required to purchase the lesson book Essential Elements 2000 Book 1. These books are available for purchase at most local music stores. You may contact your rental company to have it included with your rental. Sixth grade or second year students will likely need book 2, although maybe not at the very beginning of the year.

Finally, students are required to have the proper tools for cleaning and maintaining their instrument. If renting from Barcone’s most of these items will be included in the rental.

•  Flute – cleaning rod, soft, white cotton rag (old T-shirt or handkerchief is fine)

•  Clarinet/Saxophone – cleaning swab; cork grease; one box of 10 reeds, strength 2.5

•  Oboe/Bassoon—three spare reeds, strength Medium-Soft for oboe, Medium for bassoon

•  Trumpet/Baritone – valve oil, slide grease

•  French Horn – rotor oil, slide cream

•  Trombone – slide cream

•  Violin and Viola – rosin, shoulder rest, an extra set of strings

•  Cello – rosin, rock stop, an additional set of strings

House Keeping:

Department Hours:

Miss Martorano will be in the band room by 7:30 am every morning. If I am not in the band room students are not allowed in. Make-Up lessons and extra practices can be scheduled with Miss. Martorano who will try her best to accommodate you. Please talk to Miss. Martorano at least two days in advance.


There are closets located in Miss. Martorano’s music room to store instruments. If an instrument is left over night the school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Instruments should be brought home every night. If using a school instrument please contact Miss. Martorano to sign an agreement form and receive your instrument. If you rent an instrument from the school and it becomes lost, damaged or stolen, it is the students and families’ responsibility to replace or fix that instrument as stated in the signed contract when putting the deposit down. If you would like to be a part of the band and financially cannot afford an instrument please come and speak to the band teacher in private.


All band music will be handed out at the beginning of the year. Students are required to return all music after each band concert. If music is not returned there will be a fee to replace lost music.

If borrowing a piece of music for a specific instrument or chamber ensemble you must sign that music out with the instructor before taking it out. If lost or stolen student is responsible to replace the item.

Rules, Consequences and Expectations

Band Rules (consistent with Mackenzie expectations)

1.  Be Respectful

-  Be quiet and attentive when not playing

-  Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak

-  Respect self, all others, and all equipment in the room

2.  Be Responsible

-  Bring instrument, music, notebook, and a pencil to every rehearsal

-  Learn your music

-  Be on time for rehearsal

-  Attend all concerts

-  Follow directions

3.  Be Safe

-  Use only your instrument

-  Treat everyone the way you want to be treated

-  Be supportive of your classmates

Consequences: Students who do not follow the classroom rules or are disruptive can expect a lowered participation grade and a conversation with Miss Martorano. If the behavior continues, the student may be issued an Office Discipline Referral. Continued disruptive, disrespectful, or unsafe behavior may result in suspension from the instrumental music program.

Expectations: I have high expectations of every student. I expect that students will try their best and not be satisfied with anything less than their best effort. Personal Mantra: You get out what you put in, so give it all you’ve got!