The following are the minutes of the Regular Company Meeting held on Monday, August 11th, 2008. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Sachsat 1930 hours. The body recited the American’s Creed and the Bible verse was by Marc Loeb. The previous meeting’s minutes were approved as published.

Medic Report:

58 / Medic calls since the last meeting / 1041 / Calls for the year.
$ / 613.00 / In Medic Donations have been turned for the period.

Suppression Report:

Unit number / Calls since last meeting / Responses for the year
Engine 321 / 23 / 370
Squad 322 / 17 / 296
Tower 323 / 19 / 314
Total for period / 57 / 370

Committee Reports and Company Business:

Member Welfare:

President Barrett’s son is having serious open heart surgery tomorrow. Keep the Barrett family in your thoughts.
Danelle Dansicker is in Johns Hopkins battling an infection.
Bart Schanberger is back from his injury.


State meeting coming up in Branchville. Rick Udell will be attending the Executive committee meeting for the state.


The next meeting is next week, hosted by Maryland Line, not sure where it will be actually held.

Senior Officers:

The BCVFA is investigating tuition free scholarships for 4 members per company. This would include a reimbursement for EMS or EHS programs.
The pager inventories are being eliminated.
The Fire Expo will be on September 27th. We will be involved in a Rescue Demonstration.
Middleborough’s Truck request was denied.
The new standards for Special Units are being updated.
Nominations for BCVFA offices will be next meeting for a September election.


If anyone needs Hepatitis booster, they will be at the PSB tomorrow night.
The KDT will be replaced with tough book laptops, and eventually will be replaced by E-MAIS.
BaltimoreCounty is accepting applications for ALS providers.
ALS refreshers are posted and you must have it if your ALS expires in March.
If you want to be an EMS preceptor, see Lt. B. Schumer. You must have been an EMT-B for three years.
If you’d like a pocket protocol, see Lt. B. Schumer.
If you get a call for abnormal lab values in a Nursing Home, it’s a non-emergency call, IV level.


RIT Training, Sunday August 24th at 0800 hours. Need lots of participants to be successful. Please sign up so we know if we will have it.
Captain Resnick recognized Lt. Smith on the job well done on the Truck/Squad program. The class has been going very well.
CPR classes are ongoing. There is no excuse not to be certified. You also need the Trauma Decision Tree and protocol class.
The EMT-B Rollout has been extended through September. See Lt. B. Schumer if you still need this. EMT-B didactic 12-hour refresher will be on-line.
The NIMS 300 program also must be completed by all riding members.
Tower 323 will be going to Station 3 for a class with Engine 3. They will be flowing water.
There will be an EMS class on burns tomorrow night.

Fund Raising:

We had a Fund Raising committee meeting last Friday night. If anyone wants to attend the next meeting
Friday, August 29th for the next Fill-the-Boot at 1600 hours.
Please sell your raffle tickets for the Firefighter’s challenge at Padonia Station on August 24th.


Lieutenant Andrea Lavine and the Company got publicity for Andrea being the first Orthodox Jewish Female to be a Lieutenant in BaltimoreCounty.

Finance Committee:

There is a finance committee meeting this Thursday. Anyone may attend to observe.

Historical & Archives:

The names will be going on the plaques this week.
The BCVFA centennial book should be available before the Holidays.


There is a meeting of the Paid staff committee this Thursday.


Thanks to all who helped with the picnic, and especially to Kathleen Resnick for chairing the committee.

Treasurer’s report:(A full report is enclosed.)

Treasurer’s report for the between meeting period
$ / 1,989.85 / Deposits made
$ / 9,341.30 / Expenses paid



New Business:

MOTION by Roody, 2nd by Udell to purchase 10 lottery tickets for the Bessie Marshall Fund at a cost of $50.00. MOTION PASSED without dissent.

Good of the Company:

Tuesday night, September 9th, will be a “Town Hall” meeting here at the Firehouse. There will not be motions, a certain agenda, etc. for this meeting. It’s just a meeting to allow members to openly discuss company issues.
Congratulations to Adam Goodman on his election to the position of 2nd Squad Lieutenant.
If you have training suggestions, please suggest them to one of the Officers.
Roger Powell would like to have Pikesville host the MSFA Executive Committee meeting next August. MOTION by Roody, 2nd by G. Resnick to support the MSFA Executive Committee meeting, and host it here at PVFC. MOTION PASSED without dissent. Vice President Sachs feels it may cost roughly $1,000.00 to hold this event, including the meals.
Roger also thanked all the members for the support at OceanCity’s convention.
Matt Gold is now a history teacher at PikesvilleHigh School.

Captain’s Report:

The Engine will now run the Medical responses, first responder calls, and patient assists. The Tower will handle the Carbon Monoxide calls and all Fire Alarm calls.
There was a media blitz about Carbon Monoxide and we are getting phone calls from the public.
We have had no issues with Hatzallah at this point. Station 2 has had meetings with their personnel. We are working on a positive position with this group.
Be cognizant of steep inclines with our apparatus. Have spotters watch the bottom of the vehicles when possible, especially when backing out. Use cribbing or wedges if you need to.
All of the wheels were polished by some of our members and paid personnel. Please work to keep the equipment clean.
If something breaks, please take care of.
The C-space gear has been issued. It still belongs to PVFC. It is NOT to be altered or marked in any way, with the exception of your name.
Lieutenant Josh Schumer will handle all tee shirt questions, not the Captain.
We will be revising a members qualifications list, data sheet showing everyone’s training and qualifications.
The fire priority is progressing, albeit slowly.

Having no further business to bring before the Company, the meeting was adjourned at 2014hours.

These minutes are respectfully submitted and typed by L. Allen Roody, Secretary.


Recap of meeting motions

Treasurer’s report

EMS report

Recap of this meeting’s motions

MOTION by Roody, 2nd by Udell to purchase 10 lottery tickets for the Bessie Marshall Fund at a cost of $50.00. MOTION PASSED without dissent.

MOTION by Roody, 2nd by G. Resnick to support the MSFA Executive Committee meeting, and host it here at PVFC. MOTION PASSED without dissent.