EU Environmental Technology Verification


Purpose: This form intends to collect sufficient information about the technology you would like to propose for verification in order to evaluate whether your technology is eligible for verification under the EU ETV Programme and to provide you with a first indication of the costs involved. This Quick Scan is to be completed by the proposer and assessed by the Verification Body. The boxes for responses, in grey, may be extended but the responses should remain brief (no more than one half-page each).

Verification Body / Proposer
Name:BRE Global
Contact person:John Holden
Address: Bucknalls Lane
WD25 9XX
Telephone:+44(0) 3333218811
Email: / Name:
Contact person:
Code NACE:
Number of employees:
Quick-Scan date:
Previous Quick Scan performed: No Yes, date: / Indicate if you have already submitted a quick-scan on the same or similar technology to be evaluated by this Verification Body
Identification of the Technology
Name of the Technology: / NB : A technology can be a product, a process or a service
Technology Area:
Water Treatment and Monitoring
Materials, Waste and Resources
Energy Technologies
Comments: / If the technology could fit in more than one area, please signal this and insert a clarification in the comment section.
General description of the Technology
Introduction or context: / Briefly explain the specific problem(s) or opportunities your technology wishes to address
Main purpose of the technology: / How does this technology address the problems or opportunities?
Relevant alternatives / The ‘relevant alternative’ helps to determine the environmental added-value and innovation levelthrough a qualitative comparison (quantitative if data is available). It should perform an identical or similar function than the technology under verification butit can correspond to different technologies working in sequence, e.g. a sorting procedure including dismantlement can be an alternative to a crusher. It should be a technology that is both current and commercially available, it should be legal and accepted by the end-users on the specific targeted market, It should also be effective in achieving a reasonably high level of protection of the environment.
Principle used: / Which are the scientific or technical principles and techniques used by this technology
Which are the main claim(s) on the technology's performance that would need to be verified? (Preliminary elements for the performance claim) / Consider as much as possible verifiable, quantifiable features, expressed in absolute (i.e. not comparative) terms. Please note that the initial performance claim is starting point for the verification and may evolve during the verification process
Under which conditions is this performance(s) achieved? / Detail the key operational parameters and limits in order for the technology to perform as described in the claim.
Main technical standards, regulations or references applicable to this technology: / Are there already standards that cover (parts of) this technology? What would be the main regulations relevant for this technology? Are you aware of any guidelines that would be useful for the verification of this technology?
Market readiness
Is the technology already on the market?
No Yes, number years:
If no, is there a prototype or a demonstration unit available?
No Yes Pilot scale Full-scale
When transforming the prototype/ demonstration unit into a marketable product, will any changes affect the technology's performance?
No reason:
Yes How substantial will the changes be?
Comments: / A verification will check whether the technology matches the claimed performance. Ideally this verification should only be done once the product is finished, so as to reduce costs of new verifications with changes or upgrades to the technology.
The intention is to determine if the technology is ready to market: "is it available on the market or at least available at a stage where no substantial change affecting its performance will be implemented before introducing the technology on the market (e.g. full-scale or pilot scale with direct and clear scale-up instructions)".
Innovation level
Description of the innovation provided by the technology, in comparison with relevant alternatives on the market: / Novelty presented by the technology in terms of design, raw materials involved, energy used, production process, use, recyclability or final disposal, when compared with the alternatives identified above
Environmental added-value
Please provide a short overview of the major positive and negative environmental aspects resulting from your technology in each of the four main life-cycle stages identified below:
You are expected to provide as much information as possible, especially for the manufacturing and use phases. Qualitative or quantitative information may be given on emissions, waste streams, consumption or use of raw materials, energy and water.The information provided will help the Verification Body assess whether your technology would fit and benefit from an ETV. If you have no detailed information you are encouraged to provide any generic information you may have useful to the evaluation.
In some cases you may limit the amount of information, in particular when:
i) the technology will lead to environmental pressures/impacts that are not significantly different than those of the relevant alternative
ii) those environmental pressures/impacts are negligible compared to those of the other phases
iii) the information cannot be obtained – please provide a short justification in this case
Natural resources (raw materials, energy) extraction and transformation phase:
Is this stage under your direct control? Yes No
Do you have information concerning environmental aspects for this stage? Yes No Partial
In terms of environmental performance, are there significant differences in this stage between your technology and relevant alternatives?
Yes No
Major positive and negative environmental aspects: / Extraction, refining, processing, transformation and transport of natural resources including every aspect of all activities involved before the manufacture of the technology's equipment, sub-assemblies or products. By definition, this also includes all of the raw materials, the energy and water used and all waste or emissions released to the environment during these activities.
Manufacturing phase:
Is this stage under your direct control? Yes No
Do you have information concerning environmental aspects for this stage? Yes No Partial
In terms of environmental performance, are there significant differences in this stage between your technology and relevant alternatives?
Yes No
Major positive and negative environmental aspects: / Manufacturing of parts, components, machinery and of products including every aspect of the production of the technology. In general, it is expected that this will include the production of most if not all sub-assemblies. This also includes all of thewater, energy and consumables used, together with all of the emissions and all of the products and wastes. This will generally occur on production sites under control of the proposer.
Use phase:
Is this stage under your direct control? Yes No
Do you have information concerning environmental aspects for this stage? Yes No Partial
In terms of environmental performance, are there significant differences in this stage between your technology and relevant alternatives?
Yes No
Major positive and negative environmental aspects: / Use and maintenance phase of a product, a process or a service including estimates of its use by the client/end-user refers to consumables, maintenance, and all raw materials, energy and water used for its functioning, as well as all the emissions, products and waste streams.
End of life phase:
Is this stage under your direct control? Yes No
Do you have information concerning environmental aspects for this stage? Yes No Partial
In terms of environmental performance, are there significant differences in this stage between your technology and relevant alternatives?
Yes No
Major positive and negative environmental aspects: / End of life of a technology including every aspect of all activities involved in the ‘End of Life’ of a product or an equipment, when it is discarded by the client/end-user, including its recycling, dismantling and/or disposal of all components. This also includes all of the water, energy and consumables used, together with all types of emissions, all of the products and wastes.
Potential to meet user needs
Does the technology have the potential to meet user needs?
Yes No
What specific user needs is the technology addressing? How does this technology meet the user needs? / Does this technology address a need in the market? Are the advantages provided a real advantage to the user? If the technology is already on the market provide general information on its success in addressing user needs.
Fulfilment of legal requirements
What is the target market for this technology?
EU Specific country/countries:
Does the technology fulfil the legal requirements in the targeted market(s)?
Yes No
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Are you the sole and full owner of the technology? Yes No
If no, do you detain intellectual property or other rights on the technology?
Description of the license or other contractual arrangement giving you the legal right to ask for the technology to be subject to a verification procedure:
Are there any Intellectual Property issues in respect of this technology or any part or aspect of the technology that might prevent its development and/or which could result in any legal or other issues for the ETV Programme?
Yes No
Please tick here to authorize the Verification Body to share the information provided in the Quick Scan in a confidential way with the ETV Technical Working Groups.
Please note that, once a verification contract is concluded, the main process documents including the Quick Scan, specific verification protocol and verification report, will be shared with the ETV Technical Working Groups in a confidential way. / The purpose of information sharing is harmonization and improvement of the EU-ETV programme. All members of the Technical Working Groups have the same confidentiality obligations as the Verification Body.
Existing data
Are there available test results or other data to back-up the technology's performance?
Yes No
Comments: / Please include in our comments, if a test plan was followed, if standard methods were used, if testing was done by accredited testing bodies, i.e. ISO 17025 or EN ISO 9001.
If test results are not available, please indicate if you have a test plan prepared and/or if there are test methods available, including standard methods.

Assessment of Quick-scan (for the Verification Body)

Assessment of the technology description
The technology fits in the scope of the EU ETV programme?
Comments: / Yes No
Description/principles clear?
Comments: / Yes No
Clear and verifiable performance claim(s)?
Comments: / Yes No
Comments: / Yes No
Prototype in advanced stage of development?
Comments: / Yes No
Technology shows innovative characteristics?
Comments: / Yes No
Potential to meet user needs?
Comments: / Yes No
Fulfilling legal requirements (limited to VB's expertise)?
Comments: / Yes No
Technology shows environmental benefits?
Comments: / Yes No
Life-cycle aspects described?
Comments: / Yes No
Test results are available?
Comments: / Yes No
Further testing would/could be necessary?
Comments: / Yes No
Conclusions of quick scan by the Verification Body
Enough information is provided to conclude? Yes No
If no, indicate the information that needs to be provided:
If yes, is the technology recommended for ETV? Yes No
Technology in the scope of VB ? Yes No
Comments / remarks / recommendations:
Estimated cost range for a verification (excluding tests):
Signature: / Verification body: