28TH JULY 2009



1.  Purpose of the Report

1.1  To outline to members recommendations concerning a change to the

Housing Register and Allocation policy regarding the allocation of ex-

tied sheltered units, made in response to the withdrawal of the Portfolio

Holder decision made on 27th May 2009.

1.2 To provide an update to members as to the progress of the consultation process involved in recommending a change to the policy affecting the allocation of ex-tied sheltered units.

2. Recommendations

2.1 To confirm an amendment to the original Portfolio Holder decision,

which seeks to delete the requirement for the re-designation of 10 ex-

tied sheltered housing units, in favour of a prescribed protocol and local lettings plan for each affected scheme.

2.2 To request approval for a Portfolio Holder decision to be made.

2.3 That the Housing Strategy Panel on the 5th August receives an update

on this proposal.

2.4 It is recommended that this approach is followed as

agreement on the allocation process has been sought in consultation with the chair of Housing Strategy Panel, Local Community Representatives, Housing & Community Services and Poole Housing Partnership and with local member involvement.

3. Background

3.1 There are 32 units of tied and ex-tied accommodation located within

Sheltered Housing Schemes in Poole. Since 2006 whenever a vacancy has arisen, Poole Housing Partnership tenants have been consulted on whether the new Sheltered Housing Officer should remain ‘resident’ at the scheme or whether this would not be a requirement of the role. Tenants have in the main supported a move to non-resident status.

3.2 The reshaping of services has led to 25 more homes becoming

available for letting as staff changes were gradually implemented. The

properties vary in size and type (some are flats, maisonettes, houses

or bungalows). These additional units have been largely re-let as

sheltered accommodation and new tenants have needed to meet the

eligibility criteria for sheltered housing i.e. over 60’s.

3.3 The Summary of their current use is detailed as follows:

Sheltered / General Needs / Tied
2 bed SH / 12 / 2 bed GN / 2 / 2 beds / 5
2 bed SH – adapted / 1 / 2 bed GN – adapted / 0 / 3 beds / 2
3 bed SH / 8 / 3 bed GN / 1
3 bed GN - adapted / 1
21 / 4 / 7


3.3  Where there is an identified need for an ex-tied unit to remain as sheltered housing it has remained so, this accounts for the majority of units and new residents include a number of retired Sheltered housing officers.

3.4  To date, 4 units have been converted to general needs accommodation. There were 2 sheltered bungalows at Cynthia House sheltered scheme converted to general needs, pre 1997. These properties both have major adaptations & accommodate families who have disabled adaptation needs.

3.4.1  A small number of ex-tied properties have been identified as difficult to allocate as sheltered properties using the current eligibility criteria, as they are 3 bedroomed properties. (A current void property was advertised on HomeChoice and would have resulted in the property being under occupied by 2 bedrooms, which is not considered a good use of stock).

3.5  There is currently no formal approved policy relating to changing the way in which these few property’s can be allocated. It is proposed therefore that an amendment to the current housing register and allocations policy is made to detail an appendix protocol which considers the future use of former sheltered housing officer tied accommodation properties through a prescribed local lettings plan for each scheme.

3.6  A previous recommendation to amend policy has been withdrawn to allow for full consultation process and consider a resolution which does not affect re-designation of sheltered housing or have implications on residents Right to Buy.

3.7  Extensive consultation has been undertaken with residents at Trinidad

House scheme and the outcomes of this has been considered as part of this recommendation.

3.8  A delay in making this decision will further prolong the outstanding

void property at Trinidad House.

4.0  Changes to the Allocations Policy

4.1  The units this change applies to are 3 bed sheltered properties located at Trinidad House (3 units), Willow Park (1 unit), Cynthia Close (1 unit), Baiter Gardens (1 unit), Hinchcliffe Close (2 units), Victoria Road (Peel Close scheme, 1 unit) and Puddletown Crescent (1 unit).

4.2  It is proposed that discussions are commenced as appropriate with residents where there are prescribed ex-tied sheltered units so that an agreed process is developed to ensure best use of stock is maintained.

4.3  A Local Lettings Plan is developed for each scheme, which is consulted with Local Community Representatives and residents prior to implementation.

4.4  A local Lettings Plan will make better use of the ex-tied properties by balancing the needs of those on the Housing Register with the need for sensitive management and sustainability of the sheltered housing scheme. This approach does not affect any changes in designation to the sheltered units and therefore no right to buy exists as a consequence of this change.

4.5  Housing & Community Services will identify in each case where

demand for a property may require a specific approach to re-letting. Poole Housing Partnership will consult with residents at the affected sheltered housing scheme as to the most appropriate eligibility considerations, which should be taken into account.

4.6  It is recommended that Overview & Scrutiny Committee agrees to a Portfolio Holder decision being made which allows for these amendments to the Housing Register & Allocations Policy

Officer Contact

Kelly Ansell, Principal Strategic Housing Manager

Tel – 01202 633493

Email –