These steps are meant to be guidelines to be implemented by the Jewish Community Housing Corporation’s staff in the event of a disruption of physical plant services at one of the JCHC’s buildings. Each incident will be evaluatedat the time of occurrence and some of the following steps may be changed, based upon the judgment of the Emergency Response Coordinator.
STEP I: Identifying disruption of services
a)Identification of physical plant operation interruption is identified by Site Superintendent;
b) Superintendent contacts the Facilities Manager and / or l FacilitiesDirector with information on the interruption and its cause;
c) The Facilities Manager and or Regional Facilities Director will contact the Site Manager
d) Regional Facilities Director notifies Chief Operating Officer; and, if needed, the Facilities Manager and or Regional Facilities Director will go to the facility, if not already present.
e) The Regional FacilitiesDirectoracts as on-site Emergency Response Coordinator
STEP II: Immediate triage and emergency support
a)The Site Manager or the Superintendent will contact local police, fire department and/or utility companiesto determine if interruption is regionalor specific to the facility;
b)The Site Managerplaces a triage call to theRegional Facilities Director in regards to physical plant and to the COO in regards to resident safety and concerns;
c)Superintendent will start emergency generator and other needed emergency equipment and perform other necessary tasks as appropriate; and,
d)The Regional Facilities Director will direct Superintendent or Site Manager to call vendors to assist with appropriate service repairs needed.
STEP III: Extended physical plant disruption of services – At one hour:
If problem exists for more than one (1) hour:
a)Residents will be notified of problem, probable cause and timing of potential service recovery as quickly as possible.
b)Signs indicating the specific nature of the emergency and time to resolution (if known) will be posted at each site. The signswill be strategically placed throughout the building to inform residents of power outage.
c)COO will contact CEO in regards to outage.
The FacilitiesDirectorwill contact the local police department/fire department/utilities companies to get updates on status of resolving the problem.
STEP IV: Extended physical plant disruption of services – At two hours:
If problem exists for more than two (2) hours:
a)COO will make determination as to whether Site Manager should go to the building. (if not already there)
b)Staff on site is required to stay until instructed to leave by Site Manager Staff will be given tasks to do as required to meet the needs of the tenants.
c)Based on the emergency, Food Service Director and other staff may be contacted and requested to come to the facility to assist.
d)Meal service will be affected as follows:
- If during normal mealtime for meals provided by the facility, meals will be delivered to residents;
- If meals cannot be made at the compromised facility, the meals will be made at another JCHC facility, if possible;
- If this is not possible, a food order will be placed from an approved Glatt Kosher food vendor, based on approval of COO, under direction of CEO.
- If this is not a viable option, residents will be encouraged to use their shelf safe meals.
Note: Biannually, each resident will be provided two shelf safe meals foremergencies.
e)CDL licensed drivers will be called to be on stand-by for potential evacuation of residents. Based on severity of issue, potential evacuation sites will be contacted to inform of potential evacuation of residents (e.g.,how many residents, supplies taken and length of time to be at evacuation site); and,
f)Family members of Assisted Living Residents will be contacted in regards to facility physical plant emergency. Family members and residents will make decision about whether the resident wishes to leave the facility temporarily until the matter is resolved.
STEP V:Extended Physical Plant Disruption of Services – At three hours
If problem exists for more thanthree (3) hours:
a)At the discretion of the COO, additionalmanagement team members and/or direct staffmay be called to assist with any needed services.
b)Based on severity of problem, COO, with direction from CEO, will start evacuation procedure.(See Evacuation Plan)
c)For Weston Assisted Living Residence, the Department of Health and Senior Services will be notified by phone in regards to the status of the services and the immediate plan for care of residents.
STEP VI: Quality Assurance Follow-Up:
a)A log of events will be kept during the emergency by the Emergency Response Coordinator ordesignee.
b)Quality Assurance Report will be provided by the COO to Chief Executive Officer within 72 hours of incident.
1. Electrical Power Loss
Any full or partial loss of electrical power is to be treated as an emergency. Any staff person who encounters such a problem should first determine what systems the power loss affects (i.e. HVAC, telephone, computers, water supply, lighting, alarms, etc.). They are to notify the Superintendent immediately and then be ready to describe the situation, if asked. The Superintendent will determine, in conjunction with Facilities Director, the cause and expected duration of the power loss.
If there is a partial loss of power (defined as single phase) the Superintendent will shut down any equipment or motors that would normally draw 3 phase power so they will not burn out. Each building will have a list of the single phase and three phase equipment or motors. (See attached addendum#1.)
The Emergency Response Commander will triage the emergency plan. The Emergency Incident Commander will be responsible for coordinating all components of the plan. The EIC will be the Chief Operating Officer, under the direction of CEO. The COO can designate the Regional FacilitiesDirector to act in this capacity, if necessary.
Repair capability is available 24/7 from Superintendents and the Regional FacilitiesDirector. When out-of-facility repairmen, equipment and supplies are required, the repairs will be done by approved vendors. Emergency request for vendors will be coordinated and approved by Facilities Manager and COO.
In the event our normal external electrical supply source is disrupted due to an emergency event, the procedure for activation of our emergency generation system will be the responsibility of the Superintendent.
Temporary power in any situation can be obtained by facilities internal generator system, except at Village Apartments. Contracted vendors (listed on the addendum #2)can also be contactedfor an additional portable generator. (Typically, additional portables are purchased and stored until needed. In the event of an emergency, we may not find any available for use).
Emergency Generator power will sustain most sites for up to 4 hours. In the second hour a contracted oil supplier should be contacted for a refill.
The activation switch (turn on) of the emergency generation system is located at the generator site; A remote ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) is located in the Main Electrical Room.
ATS Location within each site includes:
- Jewish Federation Plaza of West Orange-Basement Mechanical Room
- Jewish Federation Towers of Irvington- BasementMechanicalRoom
- B’nai B’rith of South Orange - Rooftop Mechanical Room;
- Lester Senior Community of Whippany- BasementMain Electrical Room
Emergency Power supports the main life safety equipment at each facility, including:
- Elevators;
- Common area lighting (usually every 3rd or 4th light);
- Stairwell lighting; and,
- Fire pumps.
Resident emergency response systems
All staff will have access to portable flashlights to use as needed. These are stored in all administrative offices, nursing station, kitchen, concierge desks. An emergency kit will be kept in each administration office and will have at a minimum:
- Emergency cell phone and car charger;
- Flashlights, batteries, shortwave radios
- Phone list of all JCHC management, list of vendors, local Emergency Management Offices and other pertinent information; and,
- Generic emergency signs/memos that can be posted in case of an emergency.
In our Assisted Living Residences, nursing staff will monitor all residents in their care. All adverse reactions and deterioration are to be recorded. All treatment and care that does not depend directly on electrical power is to be maintained to the extent medications and medical supplies are available. Alternative treatment and care is to be provided to the best of our staff’s knowledge and ability. Nursing team is responsible for upkeep of the Resident Profile. The family members will be contacted. As appropriate,physicians will be called based on acuity of need.
Upon resumption of normal electrical power, staff is advised to wait for the notice by Site Manager that functions requiring electrical power are to resume.
(Note: The fact that lights return does not mean all is clear and returned to normal operations at that time)
- Elevator Failure:
All vertical movement that is not essential will be delayed until normal elevator operation is resumed and an announcement of such is made by the Site Manager. Essential vertical movement will be done via stairs and stairwells or via those operating elevators in the event only a portion of the elevators are not functioning. The designation of the operating elevators that can be used as alternatives is to be made by the Superintendent.
As appropriate, signs may be put in to clearly identify out-of-service elevators and resident priority use elevators. Residents in need of assistance to move are given priority.
All elevators are equipped with 24/7 emergency lighting and emergency telephone or push button for emergency notification. (See addendum #2 for contracted elevator emergency service.)
If the elevators that are stopped have people in them, staff will maintain verbal contact with occupantsuntil an emergency rescue team arrives. The Superintendent will contact the elevator maintenance company at (Slade Elevators (973) 481-2700. If needed, the local fire and or police department will be contacted for assistance.
- HVAC Failure
In the instance when HVAC is reduced or ceases to function during an emergency, the appropriate repairmen or internal qualified maintenance personnel checks and reports to the Superintendent whether there is an external chemical, biological or heavy snow/rain/wind activity.
The procedure under non-emergency conditions is to open windows and ceiling tiles if applicable, check all residentsfor dehydration or hypothermia, supply fans and/or blankets to residents as needed, and restrict use of odorous and hazardous materials.
- Plumbing System Flooding
The internal plumbing system could fail by breaking or failure to close faucets while the system is under pressure. This can cause flooding both during normal circumstance and an emergency event. During an emergency the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendentwill use our maintenance procedure to close faucets, employ flow diversion and blockage methods, and activate the main floor supply valve cut off procedure.
5. Water Supply Disruption
During a disruption in the water supply for any reason, we will institute a fire watch per the Fire Plan, conserve any stored water, identify potable stored/containerized water where possible and, if time permits, advise staff and residents to collect potable water in their sinks and personal containers. All non potable water and sources should be identified andused for toilets only. In addition, housekeeping staff and other designated staff members will use personal protection equipment and will be provided “red bags” which are bio hazardous waste bags in toilets and store in plastic trash containers if disposal is not possible.
6. Boiler Failure
This usually affects the ability to provide heat, hot water, renders sterilization equipment inoperative, and limits cooking and cleaning. We will maintain stock of sterile materials to sustain a disruption of 7 days of conservative use. Clothing will be laundered only once every 7 days, unless contaminated or soiled to the point they pose harm to the resident or staff. The alternative means of obtaining hot water are Potable Water(see food supplies). Should foodstuffs be available, only those that require no water to prepare will be used, unless the water can be boiled, which would be the responsibility of the dining service staff or designated by Site Manager.
7. Ground Floor Flooding:
a.In the event flooding is coming from surface run off, rising water or direct intrusion via roof and window/wall openings, it is necessary to use the sump pumps and vacuumextractors.
b.In the event drains from flush toilets, sinks, bathtubs and slop sinks used for cleaning back up during an emergency, even if there is no disruption to the water supply, we will still not flush toilets or pour water and/chemicals to reduce the stoppage until the Emergency Response Coordinator approves.
8. Heat Emergency
A heat emergency condition exists when indoor temperatures exceed 82 degrees for more than three (3) consecutive hours. In the event of sustained temperatures above 82 degrees externally and temperatures indoors that pose a potential threat to residents, those persons are to be moved to areas that are maintaining acceptable temperatures. Superintendents will have laser pointing temperature thermostats. Two portableA/C units will be used in one or two community rooms that are designated as safe rooms
If applicable, residents at risk will be identified by the appropriate staff (i.e, nursing staff, House Calls Social Workers or Congregate Service Program Coordinators) in advance of any potentially harmful condition. The Resident Profile Summary, which list with names and locations of residents who may need a high level of assistance shall be used in addition to verbal communication.
The Superintendent and other staff will monitor the internal temperature levels. In the event the temperaturesposes a potential threat to tenants, those residents will be moved by staff to areas identified by the Regional Facilities Director as holding the necessary temperature.
During the emergency, there shall be certain rooms/locations within the building designated as “Safe Rooms”These areas are the main dining rooms;activity rooms and lobbies’
In the event that the HVAC fails entirely (ie, the backup generator is not functioning properly), the situation will be governed by the power loss sections of this Plan.
9. Severe Cold Emergency
When an emergency occurs or the weather brings the inside temperature below 68 degrees for a period of 3 continuous hours, staff will immediately determine if heat can be restored in a reasonable time. In the meantime, staff will communicate with tenants the need to use heavy and layered clothing along with blankets and bed spreads/linens and towels. For longer intervals, we will cluster residents in common areas in a safe manner and provide heat through supervised use of potable heating units.
10. Natural GasDisruption/Leak
The disruption of natural gas by an emergency, especially pipe line explosion, may cut off our supplier. The building will be temporarily evacuated until it can be checked by responding authorities. Once a gas leak is suspected we will issue instructions to cease use of any spark producing devices, electric motors or switches.
The main valves are located in each building. They will be shut off by staff (Maintenance and Security Staff) trained in cut off functions. If no such staff is available, valves will be shut off by community emergency responders.
All gas-using equipment is to be turned off by users, including residents, maintenance, housekeeping and security.The Facility Incident Commander will have notices placed in public areas in an emergency event. In non-disaster events, the order to evacuate is to come from the CEO. In disaster events, the order to evacuate is to come from the police, fire department or other first responders.
11. Oxygen(Assisted Living Residence only)
The location of oxygen tanks not in resident’s apartments are clearly marked and found at the Medical Supply rooms, located in the Wellness Center. They are secured in holders and can be only removed by approved nursing personnel.
In the event of an emergency the alternate supply of concentrator oxygen is located at medical office in the Assisted Living Facility by our contracted vendor(s) within 3 hours. We have an appropriate inventory of stock of oxygen supply that would be used during an emergency period.(Please see addendum #2 with list of contracted vendors.)