Human Sexuality Constructed Response questions

Category 1: “Love” and Relationship

Select at least 1 prompt below for a total of 3 maximum points


Question 1: Recall the “7 things needed for a successful relationship” from class. Select any 2 of the 7 things and explain in your own words, their importance in building a successful relationship.

Question 2: Using your class notes, define dating violence. After creating a definition, list and briefly explain 3 ways dating

violence can occur AND 3 ways you can protect yourself from being the victim of dating violence. Remember correct answers are scored holistically…..2 for basic and 3 for strong answers

Question 3:Select one song from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000-2009 and 2010-present. (total 6 songs) that reference Love.

They can be any genre. Create a chart listing the following information

Analyze the song: How does the song refer to love?

What does the song say love is?

Is the song about loving someone you are going out with now ORafter a break up?

Is it really talking about love or is it talking about sex and calling it love?

Does the song ever use the word Love or is it implied by other lyrics?

Do a 2-3 sentence minimum summary of the changes over the decades in “love songs”

Category 2: Sex and Decision Making

SELECT at least 1 prompt below for a total of 3 maximum points


Question 1: Mary is feeling pressured by her boyfriend to have sexual intercourse. She is unsure of how to discuss this with

him. Describe 3 reasons why postponing sex is a good idea then, list at least 3 strategies Mary can use to communicate her feelings to her boyfriend

Question 2: Maria and Anthony are best buddies and are talking about HIV. Anthony has been engaging in un-protected

sexual activity and Maria decides that Anthony has many misconceptions about how HIV is transmitted. She

decides to find a few websites giving information about the spread of HIV and writes Anthony an email explaining them. Include in this DTAG the letter explaining at least 4 ways Anthony can protect himself and prevent the spread of HIV.

Question 3: Using your class notes or the class website, fully explain 4 reasons to practice abstinence

Question 4: There are many things that can influence a young person when making the decision to be sexually active or not.

Identify at least 3 influences. For each influence, explain how your choice is an influence