TEAM Lesson Plan
Teacher: Carol Smallwood
Class: Kindergarten Time: 11:10-11:55
Subject: Library
Date: Week 9 – Sept 26 – Sept 30
LESSON OVERVIEW / Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link.
We will review our current nursery rhyme (Jack be nimble). We will discuss fire safety and read a fiction story and nonfiction story. We will also start going over the parts of a book.
STANDARDS / Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
RL.K.5 – recognize common types of texts (eg. story books, poems, etc.)
RL.K.10 – actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
K.1.8 – I know the difference between fiction and nonfiction
K.2.2 – I can identify the parts of a book: cover, spine, barcode, spine label and title page.
OBJECTIVE / Clear, Specific, and Measurable – NOT ACTIVITIES
The student will review and recite our nursery rhyme
The student will learn about fire safety and how to stop, drop and roll
The student will recognize the difference between fiction and nonfiction books’
The student will begin to recognize the parts of a book
We will discuss firefighters and how they are leaders in our community.
ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION / Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of assessments.
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Assessment is informal. I will assess through questioning their understanding of fire safety procedures, fiction and nonfiction and the parts of a book.
MATERIALS / Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Rigorous & Relevant
Stop Drop and Roll by Margery Cuyler
A Day in the Life of a Firefighter by Heather Adamson
Stop Drop and Roll coloring sheet
An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort when faced with a complex, open-ended, challenging, meaningful and authentic questions.
We will begin the class reviewing our nursery rhyme. I will ask if they remember where their nursery rhyme paper is at their house.
INSTRUCTION / Step-by-Step Procedures-Sequence
Discover/Explain – Direct Instruction
Modeling Expectations – “I Do”
Questioning/Encourages Higher Order Thinking
Grouping Strategies
Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension
Welcome to the library.
I will begin by asking students to tell me the name of the nursery rhyme we studied last week (Jack be nimble)
“Where do you keep a copy of this nursery rhyme at your house?” (on the refrigerator, in the magnet clip)
“What did Jack jump over?” (candlestick). Show the candle. “Sometimes grown ups light candles at home. This is something that you should never do. Who knows why?” (something could catch on fire).
“Today we are going to talk about staying safe if there is ever a fire. How would we know if there is a fire at school?” (fire alarm goes off). Explain to students about our fire drills and how they are a time to practice so if there is ever a fire, we know what to do.
“We are going to practice today what we should do if we ever accidently catch our clothes on fire. It’s called stop, drop and roll. Has anyone ever heard of that before?”
We will read a book today called stop drop and roll. Let’s move the rug to read the story.
Move to rug. Read “Stop, Drop and Roll”. Discuss as we read. This book has lots of good fire tips. Talk about these as we read.
After the story, play the “Stop Drop and Roll” game:
·  To begin, choose a volunteer to pretend to be the firefighter.
·  Have her walk around the circle and say “safe” each time she taps a different child on the shoulder; finally, she taps a child and says “fire.”
·  The firefighter returns to her seat, and the last child tapped goes to the middle of the circle and demonstrates how to stop, drop, and roll.
·  The demonstrator then becomes the firefighter, and play continues in the same way.
Back on the rug, pull out the “Day in the life of a Firefighter” book. Discuss fiction and nonfiction.
Talk about how firefighters are leaders in our community. They help everyone and go into dangerous places to save people.
Read the Firefighter nonfiction book.
Begin discussion of the parts of a book (cover, spine, barcode, spine label and title page). Show each part to kids. We will begin doing this with every book we read, along with author and illustrator.
Be sure and clarify to the students that do not have to worry about fires – that our school is safe and they know what to do. I will mention that they should talk to their parents about what to do if there is a fire at their home.
Back at the tables, pass out the Stop, Drop and Roll coloring sheet. Have students color while we check out books.
Encourage Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving
Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension
This lesson is relevant to students because it discusses fire safety, which is very important for kids to know. I will ask questions as we are reading and discussing both books. The stop, drop and roll coloring sheet will help reinforce what students should do if their clothes ever catch on fire.
CLOSURE / Reflection/Wrap-Up
Summarizing, Reminding, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting
I will clarify to the students that do not have to worry about fires – that our school is safe and they know what to do. I will mention that they should talk to their parents about what to do if there is a fire at their home.