Revised 5/2016


Performance Evaluation

Nutrition Program Associate

Name Evaluator

Title From To To

(Dates of performance evaluation period)


Performance evaluations enable employees and supervisors to work together to achieve performance expectations in key areas, promote both the organization’s development and personal development, and foster commitment and mutual understanding of the mission, vision, and values of the organization. Key objectives include:

Serve as an important communication tool for expectations and providing feedback on performance between employees and supervisors. Actively involve employees in the process, establish performance evaluation as an important aspect of meeting organizational goals.

Increase mutual understanding of job expectations and results. Provide information to plan for personal improvement and professional growth.

Enhance individual productivity for meeting organizational goals.

Provide a fair and objective basis for making personnel decisions, including salary determination, promotion, transfer and separation.


U Unsatisfactory - significantly fails to meet the expectations for the criterion. Improvement in performance on specific recommendations is mandatory. Unsatisfactory rating will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination (see progressive discipline policy).

NI Needs improvement - does not meet the expectations of the criterion. Specific areas of improvement are easily identified. Failure to improve may result in an unsatisfactory rating on future evaluations and may result in further disciplinary action (see progressive discipline policy).

ME Meets Expectations – meets the expectations of the criterion and requires minimal supervision.

E Exceeds expectations - exceeds the expectations for the criterion. Work is high quality and employee requires minimal supervision.

S Superior - consistently provides superior level work. Demonstrates self-motivation to achieve goals and objectives for self, clients, and colleagues.

Criteria and performance matrix

For each criterion, indicate the level of performance you believe this person has demonstrated during the evaluation period. Use the matrix and rating descriptions as a guide for identifying performance ratings for each criterion.

1.  Teaching Time
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Teaching time averages 2 hours or less per day worked. / Fails to teach on average 3 hours per day worked. / Teaches on average 3 hours per day worked. / Teaches on average more than 3 hours per day worked. / N/A
Rating and Comments:
2.  Direct Teaching and Engaging the Target Audience
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Does not teach both youth and adult. / Direct teaches less than 3 target audiences, fails to teach adults on average of 3 hours per week. / Direct teaches 3 of the target audience groups using the approved site list. Teaches adult participants an average of 3 hours a week. / Direct teaches more than 3 target audiences, including direct teaching of youth and adult. Teaches adult participants an average of 3 hours a week. / Direct teaches more than 4 target audiences, including direct teaching of youth and adults. Teaches adult participants more than 3 hours a week.
Rating and Comments:
3.  Indirect Teaching
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Does not use the SMNED displays for indirect teaching. / Has 1 SMNED in place each week and no corresponding materials. / Has 1 SMNED in place each week with corresponding materials. / N/A / N/A.
Rating and Comments:
4.  Curriculum
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Fails to use approved curriculum. / Deviates from approved curriculum. Fails to send home appropriate materials. Fails to provide taste testing during a series of lessons. / Teaches approved curriculum and activities. Ensures materials are sent home with participants.
Provides taste testing at least once per series of lessons. / Teaches approved curriculum and activities. Ensures materials are sent home with participants. Provides taste-testing more than once during the series of lessons. Teaches garden curriculum at least once a year. / Teaches approved curriculum and activities. Ensure materials are sent home with participants. Provides taste testing more than once per series of lessons. Teaches garden curriculum 2 or more times per year. Willingness to participate in special projects.
Rating and Comments:
5.  Paperwork (i.e. timesheets, schedules, program information forms, evaluations, travel, etc)
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Consistently fails to submit paperwork on time. Paperwork is not completed correctly. Consistently does not keep electronic calendar up to date nor notify the FNEP office of schedule changes. / Paperwork is submitted late. Often is completed incorrectly. Electronic calendar not accurate and up to-date by deadline. Fails to notify FNEP office of schedule changes. / Submits paperwork and electronic calendar on time according to FNEP Guidance. Paperwork is completed accurately. Notifies FNEP office of any schedule changes in advance / N/A / N/A
Rating and Comments:
6.  Professional Development
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Does not attend required meetings on a regular basis or has multiple absences on training days. / Attends required meetings, but is not engaged in the discussions or training activities. / Attends required meetings on a regular basis and is engaged in the trainings. And provides feedback on trainings needed. / N/A / N/A
Rating and Comments:
7.  Series Teaching
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Fails to teach series of lessons. / Fails to teach 6 lessons per series. / Teaches a complete curriculum series or a minimum of 6 lessons. / Teaches a complete curriculum series or a minimum of 8 lessons. / N/A
Rating and Comments:
8.  Professional Behavior
Unsatisfactory / Needs Improvement / Meets / Exceeds / Superior
Does not maintain effective internal and external partnerships. Does not communicate program value. Does not demonstrate personal accountability. / Effective internal and external partnerships are inconsistent. Communicating program value and demonstrating personal accountability is inconsistent. / Maintain effective internal and external partnerships.
Communicate program value. Demonstrate personal accountability. Demonstrates civility and inclusivity to coworkers, participants and program partners / N/A / N/A
Rating and Comments:
Overall Summary
Overall Ratings / U / NI / M / E / S
# of Ratings Total
Evaluators Comments
Areas of strength:
Areas for program improvement and professional growth:
Note: Any criterion that is rated unsatisfactory or needs improvement shall be addressed in this section. It shall include a statement on specific items that need attention and suggestions for improvement. A 3 month follow-up should be scheduled to monitor improvement in both ratings of unsatisfactory and needs improvement.
Goals for the next appraisal period:
Employee Input
Coaching, training or development activities that would help you pursue improved performance, job growth and learning:
Overall comments:

A formal performance counseling session was held on


Evaluator Signature (date) Employee Signature (date)

*Employees signature acknowledges that the contents of the performance evaluation were made known to the employee during the performance evaluation session and that his/her signature does not represent agreement or disagreement.

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