cask (noun) - a large wooden barrel, typically used for wine

amontillado (noun) - a wine from Spain; a pale kind of sherry

borne (verb) - past tense of "bear," which means to tolerate or carry

* avenge (verb) - to get revenge for; to punish an injuring party or wrongdoer

* preclude (verb) - to prevent; to hinder, block or impede

* impunity (noun) - freedom from punishment, harm, or loss

redress (verb) - to make right; remedy or rectify; make amends for

* retribution (noun) - punishment imposed on a wrongdoer for repayment or revenge

immolation (noun) - killing or offering as a sacrifice; to set oneself on fire

* connoisseur (noun) - a person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts

imposture (noun) - fraud; trickery; deception under a false or assumed character

* accost (verb) - to approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with a demand or request

* abscond (verb) - to depart secretly; withdraw and hide oneself

catacombs (noun) - underground cemetery in tunnels with chambers or recesses for graves

gait (noun) - the speed or manner of moving on foot

orb (noun) - a sphere or spherical object

rheum (noun) - a watery or thin mucous discharge from the eyes or nose

* repose (noun) - the act of resting or the state of being at rest

* gesticulate (verb) - to make gestures especially while speaking, for emphasis

*grotesque (adj.) - abnormal and hideous; distorted and unnatural in shape or size

trowel (noun) - tool with a flat, pointed blade used to level and spread cement or mortar

* recoil (verb) - to shrink back, as in fear or extreme dislike; to spring back, as in firing a gun

circumscribe (verb) - encircle; define the boundaries of

*termination (noun) - end or limit of something; conclusion

*niche (noun) - a hollow area in a wall for holding a statue or urn; a crevice or recess

*fetter (verb) - to restrict the freedom of with chains; (noun) a chain or shackle for the ankles

* implore (verb) - to beg for urgently; beseech

hearken (verb) - to listen attentively

aperture (noun) - opening; gap; slit