The Board of Trustees met on Monday, September 26, 2016, at the Butler Township Government Center, 3780 Little York Road, Dayton, Ohio, at 7:00pm for a Regular Session to transact the business of the township.

Michael Lang, President, called the meeting to order.


The Minutes of September 12, 2016, Regular Session, were submitted for approval. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve the Regular Session Minutes of September 12, 2016, as submitted, with Nicky Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.


There were no comments from the audience at this time.


Resolution #16-54 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-54, finding it necessary to amend the Revenue and Appropriations Budget for 2016, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-54 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-55 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-55, Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Joe Flanagan made note for the record that this is the County’s Budget Commission not the Township Budget Commission.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-55 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-56 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-56, Authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter Into A Contract with Anthem for Providing Health Insurance Coverage for Elected Officials and Full-Time Employees of Butler Township, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-56 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-57 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-57, Authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter Into A Contract with Anthem for Providing Life Insurance Benefits for Full-Time Employees of Butler Township, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-57 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-58 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-58, Authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into a Contract with Superior Dental Care for Providing Dental Benefits for Full-Time Employees and Elected Officials of Butler Township, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-58 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-59 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-59, Authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter Into a Contract with EyeMed for Providing Vision Insurance Benefits for Full-Time Employees and Elected Officials of Butler Township, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang stated that the Ohio Revised Code allows elected officials to get insurance through the township, he noted that he does not elect the Township’s insurance. He also noted that the increase is not bad.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-59 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-60 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-60, Appointing Representatives to the Butler Township Joint Economic Development Zones (JEDZ) Board, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-60 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-61 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-61, Appointing Representatives to the Butler Township-City of Dayton Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) Board, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-61 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-62 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-62, Appointing Representatives to the Butler Township-City of Vandalia Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) Board, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-62 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-63 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-63, Approving and Authorizing Execution of Settlement Agreement and Release Related to the Administration Building, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Joe Flanagan noted how displeased he is to only receive half of the money back of what was originally paid for the heating/air system in the Administration/Police Building.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-63 was approved, 3-0.

A request was submitted to concur with the Butler Township-Dayton JEDD 2017 Budget as Proposed. Joe Flanagan made a motion to concur with the Butler Township-Dayton JEDD 2017 Budget as proposed, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. The motion was approved, 3-0.

A request was submitted to approve a Revised Meeting Schedule for 2016, cancelling the Following Scheduled Meetings; October 24, 2016, November 28, 2016 and December 12, 2016. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve a Revised Meeting Schedule for 2016, cancelling the Following Scheduled Meetings; October 24, 2016, November 28, 2016 and December 12, 2016, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. The motion was approved, 3-0.

Joe Flanagan also suggested changing the meeting schedule for next year to have one regular meeting and a workshop meeting that would still be a regular scheduled meeting to be held as an informal meeting i.e. a round table discussion. He noted that if a workshop meeting is not needed it would then be cancelled. Michael Lang stated that he like the idea of talking as a round at a workshop; however the ability to record the meetings correctly would be limited but not impossible. He indicated that he did not want to go to one regular meeting a month. Joe Flanagan explained that if a meeting is necessary they would call for a meeting, so there would still be two meetings a month. Nick Brusky stated that he also liked the idea of the workshop meeting at a round table and the principle of one regular and one workshop meeting, however, he felt that it would be beneficial to have those workshop meetings as scheduled with video recordings.

A request was submitted to Appoint Chief Alig as the Acting Administrator in the absence of Administrator Vogel during her maternity leave. Joe Flanagan made a motion to Appoint Chief Alig as the Acting Administrator in the Absence of Administrator Vogel during her maternity leave, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. The motion was approved, 3-0.


Police Chief Porter reported that there will be having several informational meetings pertaining to the upcoming ballot issues. Those meetings will be held on October 3 at 6:30 p.m., October 10 at 9:00 a.m., October 20 at 6:30 p.m., October 25 at 9:00 a.m. and November 3 at 6:30 p.m. It was also noted that the Police Department will be available to answer questions at the Chamber Business Expo on October 18 at the Butler HS Student Activity Center at 6:00 p.m.

Fire Chief Alig had no further business to report.

Fiscal Officer, Mark Adams reported that he would be on vacation from the 30th to the 10th.

Trustee, Joe Flanagan had no further business to report.

Trustee, Nick Brusky wanted to remind residents how important it is to vote and the early voting process will begin October 12th in Ohio for absentee voting. He further explained that those ballots are the first ones counted on election night.

Trustee, Michael Lang reported that on September 27th the Montgomery County Commissioners will be hearing the annexation case involving the City of Union and the City of Dayton of annexing township land and hope that they grant those annexation requests to the City of Dayton and not to the City of Union.

Township Administrator, Erika Vogel reported the paving on Maxton Road, Commence Center and Sunnyridge, North and South is completed. She also noted that the concrete work will begin on October 3rd in the Willowbrook subdivision and the County will also be paving Frederick Pike.



Joe Flanagan reported that the trustees have reviewed the financial statements and made a motion for approval to pay the bills of the township, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.

Joe Flanagan made a motion for approval to adjourn the meeting at 7:20PM, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.
