Fellside Website
The Fellside Team website can be found at:
Gordon File, is now updating this for us.
Please contact him to add new information:
News for individual Parishes can be updated by contacting:
BartonJeremy Braithwaite
BleasdaleDerek Pratt
GoosnarghLindy King
WhitechapelGordon File
Prayer Corners
Each church in the Fellside Team has a Prayer Corner where you can write down and leave a prayer request. Those reading it will join you in your prayer. These prayers are also offered as part of our Sunday worship.
Prayer Cards
If you are going visiting someone who is sick, housebound or in hospital, why not take a Prayer Card to give them. You’ll find them in a rack at the back of church.
Prayer Chain
For urgent prayer requests, please call:
Barton:Alma Hort01772 864677
Brenda Knowles01772 690319
Bilsborrow:Val Eland01772 724963
David Hodgkinson01995 603641
Bleasdale:Betty Berry01995 602041
Mary Beswick01995 605628
Goosnargh:Linda Christopherson01995 640041
David Maddocks01772 865459
Whitechapel:Barbara Scambler01772 783925
Mary Curwen01995 603644
Daily Prayer
It takes place each weekday in a different church, and you are welcome to join us. Daily Prayer is at 7.45am as follows:
Pastoral Visiting Team
The Pastoral Visiting Team works with our Clergy in the pastoral care for the Team. They are willing to make visits if you know people who are ill or housebound. They are also available to take referrals either for visits or for prayer. Initially the Pastoral Visiting Team comprises:
BartonJoan Levey01772 864748
BilsborrowMaureen Campbell01995 604206
Sheena Hornby01995 640972
BleasdaleFreda Parker01524 791068
GoosnarghDelphine Burn01772 865487
Appointment of a new Team Vicar
Following the appointment of our new Team Rector, we have to appoint a Team Vicar to replace Steve. Once this is done we will also be seeking a replacement for Margaret to complete our ministry team. Please continue to pray for the appointment process; for the Bishop, Parish Reps and Patrons whose responsibility it is; and for spiritual discernment throughout the process. Please also pray that those God is calling to join our Team would be open and responsive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Pint & Ponder
Because of our Wednesday night Lent Course there will not be Pint & Ponder in March.
Lent Lunches 2015
Our simple Lent Lunches are on Fridays in Lent (6th, 13th, 20th & 27thMarch)
from12.00 noon for half an hour at St Mary the Virgin, Goosnargh. Soup will be provided with an opportunity to reflect and pray. Donations both of money and dried/tinned food for the Longridge Food Bank would be welcome.
Lent Course 2015
Our Lent Course continues on Wednesday Evenings in Lent at7.30pm at St James’, Whitechapel.
- 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th March
We will be using the film ‘The Way’as the basis of our Lent Coursealong with the book ‘The Long Road to Heaven’ to guide our discussions. The film is one of self-discovery in which a father completeshis son’s pligrimage to Santiago de Compostella following his death. The focus of our discussion is salvation.
Holy Week and Easter 2015
This year we are very pleased to be able to welcome Bishop Geoff and Jean Pearson to join our Holy Week Pilgrimage. They will be bringing their thoughts and reflections to inspire us as we draw close to God. Please join us as we follow the steps of Jesus through Holy Week. In addition to our normal Sunday Morning Services
Palm Sunday, 29th March
Evensong 6.30pmBilsborrow
Monday of Holy Week, 30th March
Compline 7.30pmGoosnargh
Tuesday of Holy Week, 31st March
Compline 7.30pm Whitechapel
Wednesday of Holy Week, 1st April
Compline 7.30pm Bilsborrow
Maundy Thursday,2nd April
Chrism Eucharist 11.00amCathedral
Communion 7.30pmGoosnargh
(with Foot-washing & Vigil)
Good Friday, 3rd April
Stations of the Cross 9.00amBleasdale
(with BVCT and Jacob’s Join lunch)
Tenebrae Service 2.00pmBarton
Holy Saturday, 4th April
Vigil 7.30pm Whitechapel
Easter Sunday, 5th April
Evensong 6.30pm Goosnargh