Reliability Standards Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2009
9:30 a.m. –12:00p.m.
7620 Metro Center Drive
Austin, Texas78744
Room 168
Conference Call Information
Dial-in Number:512-225-7282| Conference Code:6514
WebEx Information:N/A
- Introduction and Attendance
Rick Keetch welcomed the attendees to the meeting.
The attendees were as follows:
Name / Company / Segment / Present / Called- InNick Fehrenbach / City of Dallas / Cons-Comm.
Paul Gabba / Dow Chemical / Cons-Ind. / X
Danny Bivens / Office Public Utility Counsel / Cons-Res. / X
Brian Bartos / Bandera Electric Coop / Coop
Richard McLeon / South Texas Electric Coop / Coop / X
Darrell Scruggs / Calpine / Ind. Generator / X
Billy Shaw / International Power America (IPA) / Ind. Generator
Jeremy Carpenter / Tenaska Power Services / Ind. PM / X
Rick Keetch / Reliant Energy / Ind. PM / X
Joel Firestone / Direct Energy / Ind. REP / X
Tony Marsh / Texas Power / Ind. REP / X
Paul Johnson / American Electric Power / IOU / X
Michael Quinn / Oncor Electric Delivery / IOU / X
Les Barrow / CPS Energy / Municipal / X
Frank Owens / Texas Municipal Power Agency / Municipal / X
Judith James / Texas RE / X
Sarah Hensley / Texas RE / X
Liz Jones / Oncor / X
Thomas Foreman / LCRA / Coop / X
Walter Bukowski / ICF / X
Randa Stevenson / Luminant / X
Pam Zdenek / BP Alternative Energy / X
John Brockhan / CenterPoint / X
Susan Vincent / TRE / X
At least one representative from six five of the seven segments is required to constitute a quorum. At this meeting, a quorum was achieved with six of the seven segments being present.was present to constitute a quorum.
Antitrust Admonition
The Texas Regional Entity(Texas RE)Anti-Trust Admonition was displayed for the members. The attendees were remindedthat it is both Texas RE and ERCOT policy to obey the antitrust laws and to avoid all conduct that unreasonably restrains competition.
Review of 2009 RSC Slate and Meeting Schedule
Judith James reviewed the 2009 RSC Slate and Meeting Schedule for 2009. The two positions that were vacant as of the last meeting have been filled. Paul Gabba and Nick Fehrenbach have been confirmed. The Texas RE Office move was brought up. Currently all meetings are scheduled at the Met Center, some may change once Texas RE has moved which will now likely be in early March. Meeting rooms are subject to change and the committee will be kept up to date on those developments.
Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes from the January RSC meeting were presented. There were no comments or changes suggested.
Frank Owens moved to approve the draft minutes. The motion was seconded by Michael Quinn. Motion carried by voice vote. The minutes were approved.
RSC Discussions and Activities
- Update on LSE SDT – Judith James
Judith James presented the current status of the LSE SDT. An announcement with background information will be sent out this week regarding the reconvening of the LSERWG and the new direction the working group will be taking. There was discussion regarding the merits of developing regional standards vs. signing a JRO.
Les Barrow moved to suspend activities of LSE SDT efforts pending further direction. The motion was seconded by Richard McLeon. Motion carried by voice vote with no abstentions or opposition.
- Presentation of SAR-001 Voting – Judith James
Judith James reviewed the voting results, comments and next steps for SAR-001 SAR-001 will be presented to the Texas RE Board on February 16 and the ERCOT Board on February 17. The results of those meetings will be presented at the next RSC meeting on March 4.
Frank Owens - Question came up about a simplified process. Judith mentioned that TRE Standards Staff will be putting together a manual that includes all standards processes.
- Revised Interpretation of EOP-001-0 Requirement R1 for Regional Entity Compliance Managers (Project 2008-09)
The committee reviewed the presentation posted and committee members and guests provided some insight into the issue. Many questions were raised about the issue. The committee would like to have this carried over to the next meeting with a representative from ERCOT present to answer questions.
- Review 2009 RSC Scope and Plan for Regional Standards – Judith James
Judith James reviewed RSC scope and plan for 2009 that was presented at the January meeting. The overall discussion was that the committee is not sure if the committee members have the expertise to review the projects and make recommendations. An alternative approach was decided upon. The team will identify the top ten projects that could affect the ERCOT region and try to bring in subject matter experts on those projects to come speak at the RSC meetings.
- Other Updates
SAR-003 first meeting of the year is tomorrow. Initial draft is posted, hoping to have a final draft in next month or so to bring to RSC for posting for comment.
- Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:55p.m. Next meeting is March 4.
Draft Page 1 of 3 February 4, 2009