Reading Endorsement: Practicum/Work Sample

3 credits

FacultY: tbd

Description of COURSE

This course provides students with a field-based opportunity to demonstrate the ability to plan and implement specialized reading instruction. Students will develop a critical understanding of the interaction between reading and writing theory and practice and thereby be in a better position to consider for whom, in what context, and what strategies can be successful in supporting student learning, motivation, and reading and writing success. The students will demonstrate their understanding of this dynamic interaction of theory and practice by developing, implementing and evaluating a Reading Work Sample and passing the Professional Growth Assessment (PGA).


1.  Develop and demonstrate an understanding of data-based decision making. Students will identify a small group of children (3-5) who are in the emergent stage of reading and writing. Students will review the assessment and diagnosis materials that led to the identification of these children as emergent readers in need of intervention.

2.  Demonstrate competence in the development of literacy curriculum. Students will develop a work sample (two-week curriculum unit) with the support of the reading specialist.

3.  Demonstrate competence in teaching children who are in need of reading intervention. Students will be formally observed twice while they are teaching their work sample.

4.  Show competence in meeting the standards for a Reading Specialist. Specifically, students will focus on:

• dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading;

• utilizing appropriate instructional strategies and curriculum materials;

• assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation;

• creating a literate environment;

• professional development; and

• leadership.

Students will meet with their supervisor and school-based supervisor to complete the PGA.


The table below provides an overview of practicum requirements based on area of specialization.

Practicum Requirements by Area of Specialization

Literacy in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts / Literacy Leadership
Terms / • 90 hours of practicum are completed in one term / • 30 hours of practicum are completed per term: fall, winter, spring
Practicum Placement /Endorsement / • early childhood/elementary
• middle/high school / • early childhood/elementary
• middle/high school
• Candidates completing a practicum experience at either early childhood or elementary AND at either middle or high school shall qualify for authorization for pre-primary through grade 12.*
Work Sample / • students develop and implement a two-week curriculum unit with a focus on literacy skill development / • students develop and implement (a) a one-week curriculum unit winter term with a focus on providing Tier II support; and (b) a one-week curriculum unit spring term with a focus on providing Tier III support
Observations / • students will be formally observed twice while they are teaching their work sample / • students will schedule one visit from their university supervisor fall term for him/her to participate in/observe a practicum activity outside of direct teaching
• students will be formally observed once while they are teaching their work sample in the winter and once while they are teaching their work sample in the spring
Documentation / • establish a consistent and predictable schedule for observation
• complete a Time Log / • complete a Practicum Agreement to be updated at the beginning of each term (fall, winter, spring) identifying activities that will be completed at the practicum site to address each of the Oregon standards
• complete a Time Log
Supervisor Meetings / • meet with university supervisor and school-based supervisor at the beginning of the term to plan the schedule and activities for the term
• schedule a final 3-way conference to address PGA at the end of the term / • meet with university supervisor and school-based supervisor at the beginning of fall term to plan practicum activities for the term
and again at the end of each term to discuss progress on tasks on the Practicum Agreement and plan activities for the next term
• schedule a final 3-way conference to address PGA at the end of spring term and to sign off on the Practicum Agreement

* A candidate must hold a license at the appropriate authorization levels to qualify for K-12, in addition to completing the two practicum levels.

Educational activity / Hrs student engaged / Explanatory comments (if any):
Course attendance
Assigned readings/studying for exams
Project / 30 / Preparation of work sample and completion of other necessary documents (e.g., Time Log, Practicum Agreement, PGA).
Writing assignments
Lab or workshop
Field work, experience / 90 / 70 hours of observation/activities in a setting with a Reading Endorsed Teacher.
20 hours teaching a minimum of 10 lessons to be organized into 1-2 units.
Online interaction
Performances, creative activities
Total hours: / 120


See UOTeach Blackboard site for Time Log Forms, Practicum Agreement, Work Sample Criteria and Evaluation forms, and PGA.


P: All scores on the Work Sample at 3 or better.

All scores on the Professional Growth Assessment (PGA)

at 3 or better.

Minimum 90 hours documented on the Time Log

Completed Practicum Agreement signed by supervisors*

NP: Less than 3 points in any section on the Work Sample

Less than 3 points in any section on the PGA

Fewer than 90 hours documented in the Time Log

Incomplete or unsigned Practicum Agreement*

* For students specializing in Literacy Leadership only

suggested Schedule

A. Literacy in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts (1-Term Practicum)

Week / Activity / Forms
1 / Establish schedule for observation
Determine children to observe and group you will be teaching. Review assessment and diagnosis materials for these children. / Time Log Form
2 / Maintain consistent and predictable observation schedule. Start developing the curriculum unit based on your observations of the children in the group / Work Sample criteria
3 / Continue observations and phase in for teaching
4 / Begin teaching the work sample between weeks 4 and 6.
5 / Teach Work Sample
Schedule Formal Observation / Formal observation by supervisor
6 / Teach Work Sample
Schedule Formal Observation / Formal observation by supervisor
7 / Complete teaching work sample and student data collection / Work sample evaluation form
8 / Evaluate success of work sample based on student learning gains.
Reflect on your gains as a teacher.
9 / Submit final document to supervisor
Schedule a final 3-way conference to address PGA / PGA
10 / Submit time log and all evaluation forms

B. Literacy Leadership (3-Term Practicum)

Fall Term:

Week / Activity / Forms
1 / Establish practicum schedule
Meet with supervisors to determine practicum activities for fall term / Time Log Form
Practicum Agreement
2-8 / Maintain consistent and predictable practicum schedule.
Schedule one visit from university supervisor for him/her to participate in/observe a practicum activity outside of direct teaching / Observation by supervisor
9 / Schedule a 3-way conference to review progress on Practicum Agreement and plan activities for next term
10 / Submit time log for fall term.

Winter Term:

Week / Activity / Forms
1 / Establish practicum schedule for term
Finalize Practicum Agreement for term
Determine children who require Tier II support to observe and identify group you will be teaching. Review assessment and diagnosis materials for these children. / Time Log Form
Practicum Agreement
2 / Maintain consistent and predictable practicum schedule. Start developing the Tier II curriculum unit based on your observations of the children in the group / Work Sample criteria
3 / Continue observations and phase in for teaching
4-6 / Teach the 1-week work sample between weeks 4 and 6
Schedule formal observation / Formal observation by supervisor
7 / Complete teaching work sample and student data collection / Work sample evaluation form
8 / Evaluate success of work sample based on student learning gains.
Reflect on your gains as a teacher.
9 / Submit final document to supervisor
Schedule a 3-way conference to (a) review progress on Practicum Agreement and plan activities for next term; and (b) evaluate first part of work sample
10 / Submit time log for winter term and all evaluation forms

Spring Term:

Week / Activity / Forms
1 / Establish practicum schedule for term
Finalize Practicum Agreement for term
Determine children who require Tier III support to observe and identify group you will be teaching. Review assessment and diagnosis materials for these children. / Time Log Form
Practicum Agreement
2 / Maintain consistent and predictable practicum schedule. Start developing the Tier III curriculum unit based on your observations of the children in the group / Work Sample criteria
3 / Continue observations and phase in for teaching
4-6 / Teach the 1-week work sample between weeks 4 and 6
Schedule formal observation / Formal observation by supervisor
7 / Complete teaching work sample and student data collection / Work sample evaluation form
8 / Evaluate success of work sample based on student learning gains.
Reflect on your gains as a teacher.
9 / Submit final document to supervisor
Schedule a 3-way conference to (a) review progress and sign off on Practicum Agreement; (b) evaluate second part of work sample, and (c) address PGA / PGA
10 / Submit time log for spring term, completed Practicum Agreement, and all evaluation forms


Diversity: It is the policy of the University of Oregon to support and value diversity. To do so requires that we:

·  respect the dignity and essential worth of all individuals.

·  promote a culture of respect throughout the University community.

·  respect the privacy, property, and freedom of others.

·  reject bigotry, discrimination, violence, or intimidation of any kind.

·  practice personal and academic integrity and expect it from others.

·  promote the diversity of opinions, ideas and backgrounds which is the lifeblood of the University students with documented disabilities. If you have a documented disability and require accommodation, arrange to meet with the course instructor within the first two weeks of the term. The documentation of your disability must come in writing from the Disability Services in the Office of Academic Advising and Student Services. Disabilities may include (but are not limited to) neurological impairment, orthopedic impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment, chronic medical conditions, emotional/psychological disabilities, hearing impairment, and learning disabilities. For more information on Disability Services, please see http://ds.uoregon.edu/

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Conflict Resolution: Several options, both informal and formal, are available to resolve conflicts for students who believe they have been subjected to or have witnesses bias, unfairness, or other improper treatment.

It is important to exhaust the administrative remedies available to you including discussing the conflict with the specific individual, contacting the Department Head, or within the College of Education you can contact Edward J. Kame’enui, Associate Dean for Curriculum and Academic Programs, at 346-1644 or or Surendra Subramani, Diversity Coordinator, at 346-1472 or .

Outside the College, you can contact:

* UO Bias Response Team: 346-1139 or http://bias.uoregon.edu/whatbrt.htm

* Conflict Resolution Services 346 -0617 or http://studentlife.uoregon.edu/programs/crs/

* Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity: 346-3123 or http://aaeo.uoregon.edu/

Grievance Policy: A student or group of students of the College of Education may appeal decisions or actions pertaining to admissions, programs, evaluation of performance and program retention and completion. Students who decide to file a grievance should follow the student grievance procedure, or alternative ways to file a grievanceoutlined in the Student Grievance Policy (http://education.uoregon.edu/feature.htm?id=399) or enter search: student grievance.

In Case of Inclement Weather: In the event the University operates on a curtailed schedule or closes, UO media relations will notify the Eugene-Springfield area radio and television stations as quickly as possible. In addition, a notice regarding the university’s schedule will be posted on the UO main home page (in the “News” section) at http://www.uoregon.edu.

If an individual class must be canceled due to inclement weather, illness, or other reason, a notice will be posted on Blackboard or via email. During periods of inclement weather, please check Blackboard and your email rather than contact department personnel. Due to unsafe travel conditions, departmental staff may be limited and unable to handle the volume of calls from you and others.

Course Incomplete Policy: Students are expected to be familiar with university policy regarding grades of “incomplete” and the time line for completion. For details on the policy and procedures regarding incompletes, consult the UO Catalog or http://www.uoregon.edu/~registrar/common/incomplete_policy.html