Suggested Reading List
David J. Schonfeld, MD
Director, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement
Pediatrician-in-Chief, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Chair, Department of Pediatrics, Drexel College of Medicine
Adams D, Deveau E: When a brother or sister is dying of cancer: The vulnerability of the adolescent sibling. Death Studies 1987; 11: 279-95.
Adler R, Jellinek M: After teen suicide: Issues for pediatricians who are asked to consult to schools. Pediatrics 1990; 86(6): 982-7.
Barakat LP, Sills R, LaBagnara S: Management of fatal illness and death in children or their parents. Pediatrics in Review 1995; 16: 419-423.
Brent D: A death in the family: The pediatrician's role. Pediatrics 1983; 72 (5): 645-51.
Drell M: The call: Anticipatory guidance for the death of a family's newborn. Pediatrics in Review 1987; 8 (7): 196-9.
Emswiler M, Emswiler J: Guiding Your Child Through Grief. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 2000.
Ewalt P, Perkins L: The real experience of death among adolescents: An empirical study. Social Casework: The Journal of Contemporary Social Work 1979; 60: 547-551.
Greenham D, Lohmann R: Children facing death: Recurring patterns of adaptation. Health Soc Work 1982; 7 (2): 89-94.
Krell R, Rabkin L: The effects of sibling death on the surviving child: A family perspective. Fam Process 1979; 18 (4): 471-7.
Leash R: Death Notification: A Practical Guide to the Process. Hinesburg, VT: Upper Access, 1994.
Lewis M, Schonfeld D: The role of child and adolescent psychiatric consultation and liaison in assisting children and their families in dealing with death. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 1994; 3(3): 613-627.
Podell C: Adolescent mourning: The sudden death of a peer. Clinical Social Work 1989; 17(1): 64-78.
Rando T: Treatment of Complicated Mourning. Champaign, IL, Research Press, 1993.
Sahler OJ, Friedman S: The dying child. Pediatrics in Review 1981; 3 (5): 159-65.
Schonfeld D: Almost one year later: looking back and looking ahead. JDBP 2002;23(4):1-3.
Schonfeld D: Crisis intervention for bereavement support: A model of intervention in the children's school. Clin Pediatr 1989; 28 (1): 27-33.
Schonfeld D: Death during childhood. In Augustyn M, Zuckerman B, Caronna E: The Zuckerman Parker Handbook of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics for Primary Care. (3rd ed.) Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp. 441-445.
Schonfeld D. Providing support for families experiencing the death of a child. In Kreitler S, Ben-Arush MW, Martin A (eds.): Pediatric Psycho-oncology: Psychosocial Aspects and Clinical Interventions, 2nd edn. West Sussex, UK, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2012, 223-230.
Schonfeld D: Supporting the grieving child and family. In Rudolph C, Lister G, Gershon A, First L, Rudolph A (eds.): Rudolph’s Pediatrics, 22nd edition. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2011, pp. 86-88.
Schonfeld D: Talking with children about death. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 1993; 7: 269-274.
Schonfeld D: Talking with elementary school-age children about AIDS and death: principles and guidelines for school nurses. Journal of School Nursing 1996; 12(1): 26-32.
Schonfeld D: Ten years after 9-11: What have we (not yet) learned? Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2011, 32(7):542-545.
Schonfeld D, Gurwitch R: Addressing disaster mental health needs of children: Practical guidance for pediatric emergency healthcare providers. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2009; 10(3): 208-15.
Schonfeld D, Gurwitch R. Children in disasters. In Elzouki AY, Stapleton FB, Whitley RJ, Oh W, Harfi HA, Nazer H (eds.): Textbook of Clinical Pediatrics, 2nd edn. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2011, 687-698.
Schonfeld D, Kappelman M: The impact of school-based education on the young child's understanding of death. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1990; 11 (5): 247-252.
Schonfeld D, Kline M, and Members of the Crisis Intervention Committee: School-based crisis intervention: an organizational model. Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Treatment 1994; 1(2): 155-166.
Schonfeld D, Lichtenstein R, Kline M, Speese-Linehan D: How to Respond to and Prepare for a Crisis. (2nd edition) Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2002.
Schonfeld D, Quackenbush M: After a Loved One Dies—How Children Grieve and how parents and other adults can support them. New York, NY: New York Life Foundation, 2009.
--can be freely downloaded in English or Spanish for parents at
Schonfeld D, Quackenbush M: The Grieving Student: ATeacher's Guide. Baltimore, MD, Brookes Publishing, 2010.
Schonfeld D, Smilansky S: A cross-cultural comparison of Israeli and American children's death concepts. Death Studies 1989; 13: 593-604.
Wass H, Corr C (eds): Childhood and Death. Washington, D.C, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1984.
(American Academy of Pediatrics)
(National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement)