Form of Declaration that a person is not
disqualified from being a PCC Member
Section 1 – PCC Members
Members of all PCCs – whether the PCC is registered with the Charity Commission or not – are classed as charity trustees; and in order to be a member of the PCC, a person must not be disqualified from being a charity trustee.
It should be noted that membership of the PCC, as well as including those elected, also includes amongst others, members of the deanery synod, churchwardens, and co-options.
Section 2 – Disqualifications
What disqualifies a person from being a charity trustee
and therefore a PCC member?
A person is disqualified from being a charity trustee for the reasons stated in section 178 of theCharities Act 2011 (visit the mainaspects of which appear in the declaration in section 4 below.
Section 3 – Who should sign the Declaration in Section 4 below
Candidates standing for election to the PCC, deanery synod, or as churchwardensshould read the declaration, but need not sign it if they will be signing (or have signed)nomination forms which already contain the declaration (i.e. which include a referenceto section 178 of the Charities Act 2011.)
The following declaration should be signed by:
a)Those elected verbally at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to the PCC ordeanery synod; and
b) Others appointed to serve as members of the PCC (e.g. co-options), who have notsigned a declaration confirming that they are not disqualified from being membersof the PCC.
Section 4 - The Declaration (based on Section 178 of Charities Act 2011)
I hereby declare that I am not disqualified from acting as a charity trustee, and therefore asa member of the PCC and that:
I do not have an unspent conviction relating to any offence involving deception ordishonesty;
I am not an undischarged bankrupt nor have I made a composition or arrangementwith, or granted a trust deed for, my creditors (ignore if discharged from such anarrangement);
I am not subject to a disqualification order under the Company DirectorsDisqualification Act 1986 or to an Order made under section 429(b) of the InsolvencyAct 1986;
I have not been removed from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by anOrder made by the Charity Commissioners or the High Court on the grounds of anymisconduct or mismanagement nor am I subject to an Order under section 7 of the LawReform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990, preventing me from beingconcerned in the management or control of any relevant organisation or body.
Please print clearly
March 2012
Synodical Department