Georgetown, Ky., November 9, 20 10

The Scott County Board of Education met at Elkhorn Crossing School at 5:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of November , 20 10, with the following members present:

(1) Rebecca W. Sams (2) Luther Mason (3) Phyllis Young

(4) Robert H.Conway (5) Dr. Roger Ward


(Meeting #23b)

1.  CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rebecca Sams.

2.  FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Randy Cutright gave a brief overview.

Schedule of Investments
Certificates of Deposits with WHITAKER BANK
Investment Date / Rate of Interest / Investment Period / Investment Amount
9/4/2010 / 1.00% / 1 Month / $1,000,000.00
9/9/2010 / 1.00% / 1 Month / $2,000,000.00
9/10/2010 / 1.00% / 1 Month / $1,500,000.00
9/10/2010 / 1.00% / 1 Month / $3,000,000.00
9/11/2010 / 1.00% / 1 Month / $1,000,000.00
Total Certificates of Deposits with Whitaker Bank / $8,500,000.00

3.  APPROVAL OF CURRENT BILLS: Upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Mr. Conway that the current bills be paid as listed below.

Motion carried unanimously.

Check #’s Amount

646435-646471 160,165.69

646473-646508 21,943.72

646511-646524 15,149.13

646525-646535 1,505.58

646537-646705 505,326.44

646727-646728 39.25

646730-646743 1,179.26

646744-646762 159,857.15

646763 14,279.62


Check #’s

646472 37,182.92

646509-646510 43,473.12

646536 44,476.43

646706-646726 128,787.86

646729 37,429.02


Check #’s

646228 25,072.75

646192 164.38

4.  PERSONNEL REPORT: (Certified) - Substitute Teachers – Meghan Bowling, Gerald Florence, Lesley Floccare, Everly Hounshell, Laura Kelly, Michael Lewis, Debra Myers, Reanna Read, Jessica Southworth, Kendall Lawson, Adella Mink, Matthew Stephens, Kristy Nail; Academic Team Coaches at Western - Margaret Cullen, Cathy Gaebler, Nicole Livingston; Brian Hombirg, 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach at SCMS; Donna Kerns, PT ESS Teacher at RSMS; Kelley Kreiger, Assistant Volleyball Coach at SCHS. (Classified) – Substitute Aides – Susan Hall, Carol Decker, Everly Hounshell, Linda Keeton, Laura Kelly, Michael Lewis, Shathan McCoy, Lisa Mullannix, Debra Myers, Shirley Oney, Reanna Read, Rhonda Varney, Priscilla Walls, Tonya Allen, Adella Mink, Kendall Lawson, Kristy Nail; Substitute Custodians – Susan Dunaway, Patricia Mefford; Kristy Nail, .5 Aide at Eastern; Randall Munson, Bus Monitor; Bus Drivers – Michael Covington, Gary Clemons, Sidney Edholm III; Substitute Food Service – Judy Criswell, Angela Mann, Carrie McKinney, Teresa Bolte; Shirl Marks, Substitute Aide for Extended Day Kindergarten at Stamping Ground; Wendy Baker, Instructor II at Adult Ed. TRANSFERS: (Certified) – Jayne Pitts-Hibbard, Teacher to Librarian at SCMS. (Classified) – Misty Black, from Substitute Aide to Secretary at RSMS; mary Duncan, from Special Ed Aide at 9th Grade to Garth; Rita Caudell, from Food Service Substitute to Monitor at Western; Sacha Bourne, from Food Service Substitute to fulltime School Nutrition Aide at RSMS. RESIGNATIONS: (Certified) – Thomas Reed, Teacher at 9th Grade School (10-21-10); Rebecca Bocan-Fister, Substitute Teacher (11-3-10). (Classified) – Herbert Stevens, Substitute Custodian (10-4-10); Art Maloney, Bus Driver (10-25-10); Susan Dunaway, Substitute Custodian (11-4-10); Joshua Roark, Maintenance Department (11-8-10); Alma Doan, Substitute Aide only (10-18-10). RETIREMENT: (Certified) – Cheryll Pearson, School Psychologist effective 11-1-10. SUSPENSION WITH PAY: Charlie Bruin, (10-20-10 to 10-22-10); Kathy Paige, (10-29-10 to 11-5-10); Ann Marie Stevens (11-2-10 to 11-4-10). SUSPENSION WITHOUT PAY – Ann Marie Stevens (11-5-10 to 11-18-10). MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Donna Delpont, Teacher at RSMS, October 14, 2010 to January 1, 2011; Melanie Patterson, from November 15, 2010 for the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE: Debralee Murray, 8-6-10 to 10-1-10; Melissa Glenn, 8-1-10 to 10-1-10; Kristy Johnson, 8-19-10 to 10-22-10; Jillian Donovan, 8-6-10 to 10-1-10; Everett Hall, 9-1-10 to 10-29-10; Lenora Jones, 9-20-10 to 10-29-10; Matthew Reed, 10-11-10 to 10-22-10; Brittany Thomas, 8-25-10 to 10-26-10; Michael Farr, 10-25-10 to 11-5-10; Melanie Patterson, 8-9-10 to 11-5-10; Cheryll Pearson, 9-7-10 to 10-31-10; Rhonda McFarland 8-19-10 to 8-24-10.

Mr. Randy Napier reported that we are in good shape for substitutes but we are in need of math and science teachers.

5.  SPOTLIGHT - Governor’s Scholar Program and Governor’s School of the Arts and Project Lead the Way (PLTW) students: Ms. Putty asked the students involved in the Governor’s School of the Arts to share their experiences. Rebecca Campbell, Emily Curtis, and Conner Hall shared their love for the arts and the experience they had at Transylvania University for three weeks last summer. These students were accepted as some of the most talented students from across the state. Ms. Putty asked the students involved in the Governor’s Scholar Program to share their experiences. Peyton Blanton, Chanteliese Griskell, Phillip Knight, Katharine Lotz, Mitch Lyon, Sarah McDowell, Andria McElroy, Dominique Norris, Georgia Turner, Bailey Ubellacker, Deanna Walker, Steven Walker, Kara Ward, Jessica Whelan shared their experience at the college they visited for five weeks last summer. Ms. Putty added that these have been life changing experiences for all of the students participating in the Governor’s School of the Arts and Governor’s Scholar Program. To parents I want to say you have done a wonderful job and you should be very proud. I am very proud of how the students represented Scott County and to have this many students accepted is exceptional.

Ms. Putty traveled with Project Lead the Way (PLTW) students to Washington DC for the Summit – it was wonderful. The fact that SCHS was named a top model school is phenomenal. Parents, you should be very proud. She thoroughly enjoyed her time with the students. Ms. Putty presented a PowerPoint of the trip to Washington DC. We are extremely proud of our students. They did an excellent job representing Scott County. Kareline Wood, Isaac Allen, Mitch Lyon and Campbell Revlett demonstrated the robot they made. They were named semifinalist in the competition and will go to Orlando in April on an all expensed paid trip for a national competition. We are very impressed with their accomplishments, especially since they did not have the preparation time many of the other teams experienced. The students presented trophies to Mr. Frank Howatt for the trophy case at SCHS. Kim Kyle, teacher at Elkhorn Crossing School added how proud they are of the students. The good sportsmanship was the best memory. Ms. Putty presented all students with a certificate of appreciation for their accomplishments. Ms. Putty also gave each PLTW student a DVD of pictures of the Washington DC trip.


Haley Conway questioned Consent Item K) Donations to SCHS Athletic Programs – is this for football? Mr. Covington said yes. Mr. Conway questioned if the donated computer had been ordered. Mr. Covington was uncertain. Mr. Conway asked do we allow people to do things and then ask for permission. Ms. Putty said we do not and shared the paperwork indicated the boosters are buying the computer and donating it to the Athletic Training Complex. Mr. Conway also questioned the internet service at the Athletic Training Complex. Sheila Setser said there is internet service and that it has the same filters as all of the school district. Are there any other offices in the Athletic Training Complex besides for Coach McKee asked Mr. Conway? Mr. Covington said there wasn’t any room for any more offices. Mr. Conway said he would question anything that had to do with football. Mr. Covington stated this was not the appropriate setting for this discussion and would be glad to address his feelings of football at another time.

Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Young that the Board approve Consent Items A) through O) as submitted.

Motion carried unanimously.





E)  APPROVE COMMON CARRIER TO TRANSPORT GARTH STUDENTS: Recommendation: Approve the use of common carrier services (Thoroughbred Limousine of Lexington) to provide transportation for Garth Elementary School students to and from Fazoli’s restaurant in late November/early December, due to the nature of the event.

F)  APPROVE DONATION TO SCOTT COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FFA CHAPTER: Recommendation: Board approve the donations from the Scott County FFA Alumni in the amount of $3,150 to SCHS to support the FFA Chapter.

G)  APPROVE DONATION TO NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation from Georgetown College of two (2) cabinets with a value that exceeds $100 to benefit Northern Elementary School.

H)  APPROVE COMMON CARRIER TO TRANSPORT RSMS STUDENTS: Recommendation: Ratify the use of common carrier services (Freedom Tours) to provide transportation for Royal Spring Middle School students to and from Chicago, IL, October 22 - 23, 2010, due to the distance of the trip.

I)  APPROVE DONATION TO SCOTT COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the donation from Toyota of 130 plastic recycle bins and 30 metal racks with a value of over $100 to support Scott County High School.

J)  APPROVE PRESCHOOL FUNDRAISERS: Recommendation: Board approve the fundraisers (Book Fair/Pictures) for Scott County Preschool, as presented, to be conducted during school year 2010-11.

K)  APPROVE DONATIONS TO SCOTT COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC PROGRAMS: Recommendation: Board approve the cash donations totaling $2,432.07 from athletic boosters to support the athletic programs of Scott County Schools.

L)  APPROVE COMMON CARRIER TO TRANSPORT SCHS STUDENTS: Recommendation: Board approve the use of common carrier services (Wombles Charter) to provide transportation for Scott County High School students to and from Charlotte, NC, November 18 - 21, 2010, due to the distance of the trip.

M)  APPROVE REQUEST FOR PROJECT LEAD THE WAY (PLTW) TO COMPLETE CERTIFICATION PROCESS AT ELKHORN CROSSING SCHOOL: RECOMMENDATION: The Board approve PLTWKY to visit and complete the certification process for Elkhorn Crossing Engineering and Biomedical programs.

N)  APPROVE KITCHEN AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT AS SURPLUS GOODS: Recommendation: Board declare kitchen and maintenance equipment to be surplus goods and approve the advertisement and sale of these items – Vulcan natural gas range, Hobart commercial mixer, milk cooler, 20 quart pot, two 40 quart pots, and 1992 Ford B10 Ranger.

O)  APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS FOR CAREER TECH CENTER – ELKHORN CROSSING SCHOOL: Recommendation: Board approve the following change order(s) and amount(s). Authorize the Board designee to execute the change order(s) less than $7,500 for submission to the Kentucky Department of Education which do not require prior approval, or submit the proposed change order(s) in excess of $7,500 to KDE for their review and approval and execute the change order(s) upon receipt of the KDE approval.

CO# Contractor Amount

80 MD Electric Co. $ 459.45

81 B L Radden & Son $ 180.00

7.  APPROVE THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND 9TH GRADE CAFETERIA EXPANSION: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Mr. Mason that the Board approve the RFP proposal submitted by Alliance Corporation, Glasgow, Kentucky, for construction management services on the New Elementary School and 9th Grade Cafeteria Expansion projects, while acknowledging receipt of RFP responses from Codell Construction and B. L. Elkins & Associates. Authorize the Board’s designee to submit all required documentation to gain KDE approval and execute the KDE CM contract, AIA Document B801/CMa, upon approval being received from the Kentucky Department of Education. This approval is contingent upon KDE’s approval of the BG#1 for the New Elementary School and 9th Grade Cafeteria Expansion projects.

Motion carried unanimously.

8.  Board Review District Procedures for KSBA Update: The board members have reviewed District procedures. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Dr. Ward and seconded by Ms. Young that conditional approval with legal guidance in wording as to form and legality and sign-off of legal counsel of the reviewed procedures.

Motion carried unanimously.

9.  SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: The Superintendent reported on the following:

a.  Ms. Putty will have breakfast with parents from the community in the morning. The purpose of these meetings are to hear parents appreciation and acknowledgement of the positive attributes of their student’s learning as well as voice concerns and problem-solve issues.

b.  The Color of Education will have Mr. Fitzgerald Walker speak at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday at Georgetown Middle School. Letters have gone home to minority students to invite them and their parents to this event. The program design is to assist students with career options and available scholarships.

c.  Ms. Putty and several administrators and board members will be in Lexington on Thursday to hear John Maxwell.

d.  Our attorney will review the construction management contract to make sure we are in compliance with the law and recommend the contracts be signed off by our attorney.

e.  There will be a Veteran’s Day program at SCHS on Thursday to recognize and remember our veterans.

10.  EXECUTIVE SESSION – PER KRS 61.810(1)(c): Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Sams and seconded by Dr. Ward that the Board recess and move into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.

Motion carried unanimously.

11.  RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION: It was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Dr. Ward that the Board reconvene into regular session.

Motion carried unanimously.

12.  TAKE ACTION WITH DISCUSSION IN CLOSED SESSION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Ms. Young and seconded by Mr. Conway that the Board approve action taken with discussion in closed session with legal counsel.

Motion carried unanimously.

13.  APPROVE District wide fundraiser: Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, it was moved by Mr. Conway and seconded by Ms. Young to table this item.

Motion carried unanimously.

14.  ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mr. Mason and seconded by Dr. Ward that the meeting be adjourned.

Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman, Board of Education

Secretary, Board of Education