Contact: / Phone:
Email Address:
1. Basic Consumer Information:
Name: First: / M.I.: / Last:Date of Birth: / Race/Ethnicity: / SS#
Gender: / Marital Status:
Phone number where Consumer can be reached:
Best Time(s) To Reach?
Residential Address: / County:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Emergency Contact: / Relationship:
Phone (Day): / Evening
2. Psychiatric History:
Primary Disability: / MH / MR/DD IDD / SADiagnosis: / Primary
3. List of current medications, dosages and frequency
A. / D.B. / E.
C. / F.
If Consumer receives a IM injection give date of last injection:
Any PRN medications in the last 30 days (Describe)?
Date of last PPD: / Results: Positive Negative
4. Community Care Provider Involvement:
Active / Inactive / Local Provider E-Mail:Local Provider Name: / Phone Number:
Primary Contact: / Phone Number:
5. Psychosocial Stressors/Events(check all that apply)
Recent Death / Recent HospitalizationPhysical/Sexual/Emotional Abuse / Legal Issues
Relapse/De-compensation / Financial Difficulties
Describe Other:
Recent History of Danger to Self/Others: / Suicidal / Homicidal / Aggressiveness
Behavioral Evidence:
Date of most recent behavioral concern:
6. Admission Criteria(check all that apply):
A. Hospitalization/CSU/Jail/PrisonTransitioning from psychiatric inpatient setting or Crisis Stabilization UnitsChoose an item.
3 or more Hospitalizations within the past 12 months or extended hospital stay of 60 or more days within the past 12 months UnitsChoose an item.
Location of Hospitalization/CSU Date
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Recent released from Jail or Prison. Choose an item.
Name of the Jail or Prison.
B. CRA criteria:
- High use of acute psychiatric hospitals (e.g. three or more admissions per year) or extended hospital stay (45 days within the past year) or psychiatric emergency services.
- Intractable (i.e. persistent or very recurrent, severe major symptoms (e.g. affective, psychotic, suicidal).
- Coexisting substance use disorder of significant duration (e.g. greater than six months) or Co-diagnosis of substance abuse (ASAM Levels I, II.1, II.5, III.3, III.5).
- High risk or a recent history of criminal justice involvement (e.g. arrest and incarceration).
- Residing in an inpatient bed or in a supervised community residence, but clinically assessed to be able to live in a more independent living situation if intensive services are provided, or requiring a residential or institutional placement if more intensive services are not available.
- Chronic Homelessness- One continuous year of homelessness or 4 episodes within the past 3 years. Choose an item.
- Client is free from medical issues that require daily nursing or physician care.
8. Client can safely remain in an open, community-based placement
Choose an item.
9. Client demonstrates need for short-term crisis support to prevent recurrence of
hospitalization or to transition back to community from hospitalization
Choose an item.
In the space below provide complete behavioral evidence for primary symptoms/behaviors checked above:
7. Legal History:
A. Supervision Needs: / Yes No / Rational:Expiration Date:
Forensics conditional release / Yes / No
B. Current Charges (Explain circumstances below):
C. Hearings/trials pending: / Yes / No
Dates to be included:
D. Probation/Parole Officer name:
Phone Number: / Email:
E. Conditions of Probation/Parole:
F. Is there a required level of supervision? (Describe):
8. Financial History:
A. Amount(s) (check all that apply)SSI / VA / Medicare
SS / Medicaid / Health Insurance Subscriber
Funds in Hospital Account / If checked, amount$
B. Guardian: / Yes / No
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Phone Number:
C. Representative Payee: / Yes / No
D. Legal Guardian Payee: / Yes / No
E. Legal guardian documentation attached: / Yes / No
9. Employment History:
Employed: / Yes / NoName of Company:
Address of Company:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Length of employment:
Name of Insurance Company:
Group Number: / Policy Holder:
Upon completion, please fax this referral form along with supporting records such as; Psychiatric Evaluation, Psycho-social Assessment and History, Physical,and 30 days of progress noteswith this document to 678-784-1515
(For Office Use Only)
Date Referral Received:Received By:
Reviewed By: