Foreign students (Erasmus+)

Department of Physical Education
Department coordinator: PaedDr. Marie Hronzová

The courses take place in the faculty facilities in Brandys nad Labem
Královická 915
Brandýs nad Labem
250 01
OEB2320001 Skating and ice hockey course, 5 ECTC, 5 days in September (The course is not taught in the academic year 2016/17)
For elementary education or PE students. 5-day residential course. Theory and practice – skating skills, sports and game rules, metodology and didactics of speed skating, figure skating and ice hockey.
OEB2320002 Gymnastics course, 5 ECTC, 5 days in September or February (The course is not taught in the academic year 2016/17)
For students of Physical Education. 5-day school course. Theory and practice of gymnastics – history, classification, techniques, movement analysis, motor learning. Gymnastic sports, rhytmic gymnastics, folk dance, ballroom dancing, country dances, martial arts.
OEB2320003 Athletics I, 3 ECTC, 0/1
Basic athletics skills. Techniques and methodology of basic athletic disciplines for children in elementary schools – running ( short and long distance),long jump, ball throw. Basic rules of the disciplines. Introduction into athletic disciplines and improvement of athletic skills, athletic warming up, running and starting technique, jumps and throws.
OEB2320004 Gymnastics I, 3 ECTC, 0/1
General gymnastics in syllabus of primary and secondary schools – sport gymnastic, rhytmic gymnastic and dancing. Junior aerobic. Developing abilities by gymnastic games. Didactical and methodical process. Safe exercising. Correct technique of excercises with and without apparatus, theory and practice. Development of motor abilities, terminology.
OEB2320005 Swimming I, 5 ECTC, 0/1
Basics of swimming skills. Individual training of swimming strokes- breststroke, backstroke and crawl. Training of basic turns and starts, games. .Improving swimming capabilities and skills of crawl, breaststroke and backstroke. Training of basic turns and starts. Safety in swimming pool and lifeguarding. Theory and didactics of swimming.
OEB2320006 Basketball, 3 ECTC, 0/1
Practice, theory and methodology of the game. Basic skills and knowledge about the game, offensive and defensive activities, games combinations and game systems, rules. Modifications for different types of schools and age groups.
OEB2320007 Football, handball, 3 ECTC, 0/1
Practice, theory and methodology of the game. Basic skills and knowledge about the game, offensive and defensive activities, games combinations and game systems, rules. Modifications for different types of schools and age groups.
OEB2320008 Indoor rock climbing, 2 ECTC, 0/1
Climbing on an artificial wall. Methodology of climbing training. Preparation for climbing on the rock. Safety Rules. Climbing nodes, devices, team climbing, bouldening, rules, sport climbing, preparation of ways and tracks on the climbing wall, activities in the case of the fall.
OEM20001 Physical Education and Health, 5 ECTC, 0/1
Adjusted to all types of study. The basic knowledge of pathophysiology and kinesiolgy. The features of the functional forms of the kinesiologic system. The most frequent problems and its compensation. Teaching principes, sequenses, methods. Assessment of posture, range of motion and physical condition (efficiency). Methods and principles of stretching, strengthening, relaxation and breathing exercises, balance and motor control exercises. Common mistakes, prevention, diagnosis, analysis and correcting mistakes. Suitable exercises for particular types of impairment: locomotor apparatus, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous system, sensory deprivation, mental retardation, psychical impairment. Suitable and unsuitable exercises and activities. Application of gymnastic tools, requisites and apparatus. Independent leading a part of an exercise lesson.
OEB2320009 Sports massage and regeneration, 3 ECTC, 0/1
Theory and practice of sports massage. The mechanisms of regeneration and methods of avoiding fatigue. Mastering the theory and practice of full body massage. Orientation in the use of auxiliary means or tools. Introduction to curb massage and massage during breaks between performances. Theoretical foundations and rules for sauna and basic physical therapy.
OEB2320010 Athletic – game course, 5 ECTC, 0/1, 5 days in September (The course is not taught in the academic year 2016/17)
An intensive exercising and training of special motor skills for particular disciplines. Using of means, methods, equipment and devices for relaxation and regeneration. Athletics: Personal improvement in particular disciplines – pentathlon, decathlon. General information and basic technique of other disciplines. Games: Goal sport games, net and batting games, nontraditional games. Competitions, rules, organization, referees.
OEB2320011 Canoeing and white water course, 5 ECTC, 0/1, 5 days in summer (The course is not taught in the academic year 2016/17)
For students of Physical Education. 5 days on river Vltava. Safety rules when going down the river. Organization and providing of Paddling-hiking events. Basic canoeing and kayaking skills. Camping in nature.
OEB2320012 Outdoor summer course, 5 ECTC, 0/1, 7 days in June
The course for pre-school education students. 7 days in Southern Bohemia (!). Outdoor physical activities related to pre-school age.Ttraditional and nontraditional ball games, rules, competition, judging. Canoeing and water sports, safety rules, white water skills and games. Cycling – rules, safety, traffic, off road skills, technology and service. Hiking, trip planning, preparation, organization. Orientation in nature, principles of staying in nature. Orientation games, natural barriers.
The course for primary-school education students. 7 days in Southern Bohemia. Didactics and organization of outdoor activities. Staying in nature – camping skills, work with natural materials, basic knowledge of nature, ecology, orientation. Exercise in nature and outdoor games. Outdoor sports games – softball, frisbee, ringo etc. Basics orienteering. Fundamentals of walking, cycling and white water, climbing. Methods and procedures of application in primary schools. Principles of safety, preparation and organization of school trips.
The course for students of Physical Education. 7 days in Southern Bohemia. Outdoor activities and sports in summer countryside. Mountain biking, orienteering, MB orienteering, climbing, outdoor games and exercises in nature, ecological environment, safety rules, technology, equipment. 2-days cycling trip with sleeping overnight. Survival race. The course is intent on didactics and metodology of the activities for secondary and tertiary education and for sports instrucrors.
OEB2320013 Athletics II, 5 ECTC, 0/1
Improvement of athletic skills. Applications of methods and athletic tools in practice. Emphasis on proper technique and appropriate teaching practices, theoretical foundation of athletic disciplines (biomechanics, technique, basic training), rules and decision-making competitions, non-traditional athletic discipline, the possibility of their use in leisure activities, athletics combined events. Decathlon, pentathlon.
OEB2320014 Gymnastics II, 5 ECTC, 0/1
Theory of warm up in gymnastic lessons, student´s practice. Specifics of strenght training of school children. Rhytmic and acrobatic gymnastics. Exercise with tools and on apparatus. Aerobic for school children. Children games for developing specific gymnastic skills. Use and choise of music. Elementary level of group performance. Individual performance in particular disciplines.
OEB2320015 Swimming II, 3 ECTC, 0/1
Improvement of techniques already mastered swimming strokes – breaststroke, crawl, backstroke, didactics. The development of special abilities – swimming speed, endurance, strength and flexibility with additional swimming tools. Practicing and mastering swimming dolphin manner according to rules of swimming. Application in an teaching process.
OEB2320016 Voleyball, 3 ECTC, 0/1
Practice, theory and methodology of the game. Basic skills and knowledge about the game, offensive and defensive activities, games combinations and game systems, rules. Modifications for different types of schools and age groups.
OEB2320017 Outdoor activities (orientation, climbing), 3 ECTC, 0/1 (The course is not taught in the academic year 2016/17)
Outdoor activities and sports in summer environment. Orienteering, (MB orienteering), climbing, outdoor games and exercises in nature, ecological environment, safety rules, technology, equipment. Night orienteering, races.
OEB2320018 Outdoor motor games and exercises, 3 ECTC, 0/1 (The course is not taught in the academic year 2016/17)
Adjusted to all types of study. Principals of the stay and movement outdoors. The importance of exercises and games outdoors. Using of terain and natural bariers. Safety rules and prevention of injuries. Requisites for games and exercises outdoors. „Gym in the countryside“. Classifications of games and exercises outdoors. Content and forms of exercise units. Supply of exercises and games. Methodics of teaching, work with individuals. Exercises in various environment. Motor games, skills. Exercises with tools and apparatus. Natural exercises and healt oriented exercises. Remedial methods and exercises and alternative forms of therapeutic exercises.
OEM20001 Physical Education and Health, 5 ECTC, 0/1
Adjusted to all types of study. The basic knowledge of pathophysiology and kinesiolgy. The features of the functional forms of the kinesiologic system. The most frequent problems and its compensation. Teaching principes, sequenses, methods. Assessment of posture, range of motion and physical condition (efficiency). Methods and principles of stretching, strengthening, relaxation and breathing exercises, balance and motor control exercises. Common mistakes, prevention, diagnosis, analysis and correcting mistakes. Suitable exercises for particular types of impairment: locomotor apparatus, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous system, sensory deprivation, mental retardation, psychical impairment. Suitable and unsuitable exercises and activities. Application of gymnastic tools, requisites and apparatus. Independent leading a part of an exercise lesson.