Project Team

System Functionality Letter

Component: Data Management Reports

Distribution Date: September 27, 2011

The Reemployment & Employer Engagement Measures (REEM) reports in have historically provided a way for staff to track their Board’s performance for the Job Openings Filled measure and the Market Share measure. The Sustainability report is also available in this section, although it has not been included in performance measures the last couple years.

Beginning with the new Board Contract Year, REEM reports in are being renamed Data Management Reports. Two of the three reports were renamed as follows:

The “Job Openings Filled” report will be known as the “Job Postings and Openings” report.

The “Market Share” report will be known as the “Employer Workforce Assistance” report.

In the Tips section of the Report Criteria page for both the Job Postings and Openings report and the Employer Workforce Assistance report, a linkwas added to connect staffwith TWC’s Performance, Analysis & Reporting pages where specific details related to performance measures can be found.

The information contained in the Job Postings and Openings report hasn’t changed. Some minor changes were made to the Employer Workforce Assistance report, but the overall functionality remains the same. The only change made to this report was the removal of Labor Market Information as a qualifying service.

All performance reporting is managed in TWIST, which givesus a unique opportunity to shiftthe focus and expand the use of Data Management Reports in To do this, we encourage staff to take advantage of various Excel data management tools (e.g. sorting and filtering) to extract desired information from your Data Management Reports, and to use this information to identify and understand your employer customer-base,or to manage, understand, and monitor your performance based on your understandingof the new performance measures.

Provided below are suggestions and examples of steps that might be taken to refine Data Management Reports for your own use. This is information is not definitive or finite, but simply suggestions to get you started.

Job Postings and Openings report - setting your report criteria:

Summary Type: Board Contract Year (BCY)

Openings Through Date: default date

Report Data: All Openings

Reporting Level: Your WDA

  • Use the “Download Details” link to get to the Board-level extract.
  • Apply filters to all columns. (Click the Data tab, selectRow 1, and click the Filter button to enable filtering.)
  • Save your downloaded details (as an excel file, not a CSV file) to your computer or to a local folder.

For the number of Job Postings Filled:

  • Sort the Numerator (column N). Select “largest to smallest” sort order.
  • Unduplicate by JPID (column A). Select Column A, click “Remove Duplicates” (Data tab), UnselectAll column headingsand select Job Posting ID, then click OK.
  • Filter the Employer Type (column H). Uncheck State Agencies and State Universities.
  • This will give you the data for the Job Postings Filled measure. Your denominator is the number of rows left, and the numerator is the number of rows where the Numerator = 1.

For the Employer Success Rate:

  • Sort the Numerator (column N). Select “largest to smallest” sort order.
  • Unduplicate by Employer ID (column F). Select Column F, click “Remove Duplicates,” uncheck all column headings except Employer ID, and click OK.
  • Filter the Employer Type (column H). Uncheck State Agencies and State Universities.
  • This will give you the data for the new measure. Your denominator is the number of rows left, and the numerator is the number of rows where the Numerator = 1.
  • To save these results, click SAVE AS, and save under a new file name.

The REEM reports are being renamed, but the functionality of the reports will not change. If you want to use Data Management Reports to manage and monitor your Board’s progress on performance measures, sorting and filtering the report data should help you attain your goals.

Effective Date: September 27, 2011