Bugalugs Bum Thief by Tim Winton

Word / Logic and Maths / Space and Vision / Body / Music / People / Self / Nature
Remembering / * Write an Acrostic poem using the name of your thief
Write an information report about your thief. / * Construct a timeline illustrating the activities of your thief. / Create a storyboard illustrating the life of your thief / *Look for song about your thief. / *Relate 10 things you know about your thief to the class your / * Draw and write about your favourite facts relating to your thief.
Understanding / *Make a wordsearch from the information you have gathered about your thief.
* Write a set of true or false questions about the thief. / *To show what you know about the thief make a picture book/ mural/ poster/ collage. / * Do some mimes relating to your thief. / * Record sound effects for your thief. / * Role play an important part from the life of your thief.
* In a group, design 5 questions that could be put on a test about your thief. / -Draw a picture about how your thief makes you feel.
*Explain in a diary entry how your thief makes you feel.
Word / Logic and Maths / Space and Vision / Body / Music / People / Self / Nature
Applying / Write a letter from your thief to his mother explaining what he has done. / * Make up a number problem relating to your thief.
*Draw a plan/map to scale relating to the deeds of your thief / * Make the following relating to your thief so students could learn what his life was like while they are using them;
- a cartoon
- pop-up book
- mural
- jigsaw
- poster
- collage
- puppets
- maps
- diorama
- wanted poster
- mobile / * Use sign language to teach information about your thief to others. / *Write words for a song about your thief to tell people about his life / * Work with 4 other people to Play celebrity heads relating to your thieves
*Share some of your work with the class.
* Sharing circle – share your thoughts/beliefs and opinions about your thieves with others. / *What was good, not so good and interesting - complete a PMI relating to your thief
* Write a diary entry from the thief’s point of view about the most interesting thing that happened to him
* Are there any problems in your book? If so list the problems and write how you would solve them.
Analysing / *Compare and contrast -thieves using a Venn Diagram. / * Play 20 questions relating to your thief
* Do a PMI ( Plus Minus Interesting) relating to your thief.
* Design a survey and graph the results relating to your thief. / Use a mind map to display the main events of your thiefs life. / * Write and present a play or a skit about your thief / * Debate with a friend– Whose thief was worse and why.
* Conduct an interview with another person who has also read about your thief. Take notes and present it to the class. / * If you met the thief what 5 questions would you most like to ask them? List them. / *
Word / Logic and Maths / Space and Vision / Body / Music / People / Self / Nature
Evaluating / Retell the thief’s deeds from else’s perspective.
eg his mother, the police, the victims / * Give your thief a rank or rating. Write why you gave him/her this rating, compared to other thieves. / * Evaluate your own performance, write criteria and give yourself an overall comment with recommendations for improvement.
*Evaluate someone else’s performance using the criteria above. / * develop a theme for your thief on “incredibox” expressing his/her nature. / * Write a letter to someone recommending they read about your thief– give
reasons why. / * Explain your feelings about your thief– why do you think you feel this way?
Creating / *Use the information you have gained about the thief to create a debate. Write pro’s and con’s.
*Write a new ending for the thief.
* Design a set of test questions that the teacher might give to someone who has read about this thief Include an answer sheet. / *Create a board game about the thief. Give it a name. Make the board, rules etc. Teach and play it with a friend.
* Create a code relating to your thief.
* If the answer is….. Write 5 questions for each answer.
*Create a crossword puzzle about your thief. / .
*Design an all new board game relating to your thief. / * Devise an entertaining puppet play relating to your thief
*Design a rap, dance or mime which displays your understanding of the thief. / *Write a song or nursery rhyme about your thief / * With a partner or in a group conduct a debate relating to the thief. / *Explain what you are still confused about/ don’t understand about your thief. Create a list of things that could help you to better understand. / * Collect material from nature to create a picture/ scene from your thief’s life. Write about the process you undertook and why you chose the picture.

Based on Bloom Taxonomy, Gardners Multiple Intelligences and De Bono’s Six hats