Haiku Directions

- The haiku must be handwritten on the

handout provided by Mr. Wood. If it can

not be read, a word processed version will

have to be stapled to your handwritten version.

-A haiku is a minimalist, contemplative piece

of poetry from Japan that emphasizes nature, color, season, contrasts, and surprises.

-Haikus are constructed of 3 lines of verse

that total 17 syllables distributed in

a 5, 7, and 5 syllable pattern.

Haiku Pattern
Line 1 = 5 syllables
Line 2 = 7 syllables
Line 3 = 5 syllables
Total = 17 syllables

-Each sentence must be able to stand on its own. Thus a sentence can not end with “has” or “is” because then the sentences are dependant.

Bad Haiku:
Cartman is a big
fat tub of lard that hates small
people who talk loud

-The haiku MUST be about the

particular unit you are studying

at the time the haiku is assigned.


Line 1: A / T / P / to / heat (5 syllables)
*The slash marks (/) separate the syllables

Line 2: In / the / Mi / to / chon / dri / on

(7 syllables)

Line 3: Through / the / Krebs / Cy / cle

(5 syllables)

- Your haiku must have at least

three (3) highlighted vocab terms.

ATP Haiku
ATP to heat
In the mitochondrion
Through the Krebs Cycle
3 Vocab Terms

- Each vocab term must to be

defined under the haiku.

- The terms in the vocab section

must be highlighted.

1. ATP: Adenosine triphosphate. A principle compound that living things use to store energy.

2. Mitochondrion:

-A 3-5 sentence explanation follows the definitions demonstrating how the haiku shows an understanding of the topic.

Explanation: ATP is produced in cell

organelles called mitochondrion. In side

of the mitochondrion a chemical reaction is occurring called the Krebs Cycle that uses glucose to make ATP. The ATP is used by

cells to do work that in turn produces

heat which is measured as calories.

Steps for writing
a haiku:
1. Pick a topic = Line 1
2. Find two facts
about the topic.
3. Those two facts become lines 2 and 3

- To get the handout to write the

Haiku on you must present a rough

draft to Mr. Wood during office hours.

- If it is an extra credit Haiku, obtain book pages/section from Mr. Wood to write the poem about before you produce the rough draft.