Your Task:

The Franklin Health Museum has selected our students to create an exhibit of the diseases that affect the respiratory system for their museum. Your task is to inform the public of the role of the organs within the respiratory system and how your assigned disease affects the organ (s) and or system from doing its normal function to keep the body healthy.

Respiratory System Project

My topic is: ______Date Due: December ______2014

I am aware that it is my responsibility to complete this assignment on time, using my own work, and not plagiarizing from any reference or the Internet.

All factual information must have Works Cited

(Refer to or the FMS Student Planner)

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature______Date______

Students will complete a research report on a Disease or Disorder of the respiratory System.

  1. Topics will be assigned in class from the American LungAssociation listing of diseases included in this packet.
  2. Each pair will design a Power Point for their Presentation. The Power Point must include a minimum of 15 slides and a “works cited” slide at the end.
  3. Work time will be given in class to facilitate pairs.


Slides must include:

  • Introduction: Name of Disease or Disorder
  • Description of disease
  • Main organ(s) of the respiratory system affected by the disease or disorder
  • Cause of disease
  • What are the Symptoms of the disease? (include short and long term effects of the disease)
  • Photographs or Drawing inserted on slides (related graphics)
  • Treatment of disease-such as medications prescribed
  • How have Advances in Technology changed the way the disease is treated?
  • Prognosis or Outcome. (cure, treatment or fatal)

Can a person with the disease help control it with life style changes.

changes (for example altering exposures to environment, exercising, not

smoking, etc..)?

  • Statistics and other Interesting facts
  • Resources and References (minimum 3, \include books, articles, websites)

On Power Point:

Neatness, Organization of Facts, and Creativity are important. Spelling counts!Students will email presentation or use a USB device.

In Class:

Each pair will complete a 3-5-minute Presentation of their Power Point. Students must inform the Class about the Disease or Disorder and EXPLAIN their findings. They may make notes in addition to slides.They should include an assessment for the class, either on the slides or make a copy for the teacher.

A grading rubric will be provided to help you assess your work.

Lung Disease Alphabetical Listing

  • Acute Bronchitis
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • Common cold
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Emphysema
  • Influenza
  • Lung Cancer
  • Mesothelioma
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Pneumonia
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Tuberculosis


Internet References that may be useful:

Canadian Lung Association - Especially for Children

This website contains a section called Inside the Human Body for grades 1-3, 4-6, and 9-12 with information about air pollution, lung health, the respiratory system, and tobacco. The site also contains activities, mazes, and online games. The section for teachers contains lessons. You can also learn about Canadian Christmas seals and read their online play script. In addition to the children's section, the adult materials contain valuable information and resources on topics such as asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Within this Website:

2) Asthma

3) Information About Lung Diseases

4) Inside the Human Body - The Respiratory System

5) Inside the Human Body - Teachers

6) Sleep Apnea

How the Body Works - The Respiratory System

This animation requires Shockwave plugin, but it provides a great introduction to the respiratory system. It also discusses coughing, sneezing, and the hiccups.

Other Great Movies on the Respiratory System:


Go to biology Link then Respiratory system diseases

American Lung Association

This website is sponsored by the American Lung Association and contains good information for students and teachers. The Human Respiratory section defines terms and provides a nice diagram. The Learn about your Lungs page discusses the mechanics of the lungs and links to images. You can also learn about asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Within this Website:

2) Asthma

3) Human Respiratory System

4) Learn about your Lungs

5) Diseases A to Z