May 12TH 2014
HPAC/HSSAS Executive: Katy MacLellan, Caroline Ramsay, Kathy McGrenera, Sandy Hancock, Trish Brady, Holly Robertson, Elly Safari, Alison Sawers, Kathi Hagan and
Sylvia Sanchez
Administration/Staff: Mark James - Principal
HPAC/HSSA members in attendance:Carolyn Warner, Elena Fleming, Robin Woodbridge, Gita Oldendorff, Lily Quan and Kim Moen
1.- Welcome, Introductions and call to order:
@7:08 PM from Katy MacLellan – HPAC Co-chair
2.- Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda was made by Elly Safari and seconded by Holly Robertson
All in favour.
3.- Approval of Minutesfrom May 13TH, 2013AGM meeting:
Motion was made to approve the minutesof the May 30TH 2013 HPAC/HSSA AGM was moved by Caroline Ramsay and seconded by Sandy Hancock
The motion was passed unanimously
4.- Reports:
a) ChairReport by Katy MacLellan
HPAC Year in Review
Throughout the year we received informative reports at our PAC meetings from the DPAC, HMPA & SPC. The Principal and vice-principal’s reportat each meeting was a great way to find out what’s happening in the class and behind the scenes.
September 2013
Cindy Gerlach - School Board Trustee and Stacey Schwegler - Grade 8 Counselor, Student Services Department – at HPAC
HPAC co-hosted the Grade 8/9 Parent Night
October 2013
The Truth About All Things Teenage: Top 10 Things Parents Need to Know About Teens (and Sex) – By Saleema Noon. Huge success
Brittney Palmer another overwhelming night for Gr 12TH students
November 2013
2013/2014 Budget approved.
Teaches wish list presented
‘Ambassadors for Change’ presentation by students and Mme Rioux
January 2014
Guest Speakers: Annie Mauboules – NV District Social Planner and Suhk Kandola – Capilano Community Services Society Youth Worker – guest speakers, presented the resources available in the community. Focus in youth. Empower students
February 2014
Meh Nekhjak from the North Vancouver Recreation Commission spoke at PAC meeting regarding volunteer opportunities for students at NV Rec
The Handswoth initiative was presented by David Beird
April 2014
Meh Nekhjak from the North Vancouver Recreation Commission spoke at PAC meeting regarding volunteer opportunities for students at NV Rec
May 2014
HPAC held their Annual Plant Sale
b) Treasurer Report by Kathy McGrenara
Treasurer presented financial statement as of today.
(Seeattached statement).
c) DPAC Report by Elly Safari
Jane Thornawaite, North Vancouver MLA presented her anti- bullying program and website.
The program has a 5 year plan: 2012 to 2017
The websites are: erasebullying.comand reportbulling.com;which is an anonymous website for reporting purposes.
Each school district has been assigned a Safe School Coordinator to address bullying issues. In North Vancouver, Brad Baker is the coordinator.
They are also making a series of videos addressing kids in various age groups and parents with Jesse Miller. The videos will be available on the school board website for parents in the near future
d) School Planning Report by Holly Robertson
During the 2012–2013 school year the following Initiative Statement was developed and continues to guide the work done at Handsworth.
The Handsworth community develops empowered, innovative, and compassionate learners who serve and lead with curiosity and integrity.
Over 2013-2014, three targeted goals of the School Plan continued to focus on:
1) Grade 10 reading and writing
2) Grade 10 Math success, and the newer goal of
3) Student contribution to the school
With regard to Goal #1, over the course of the last number of years, the outcomes have varied significantly, with a pattern of growth beginning to show. As a result, it is considered worthwhile to remain with the same goal and work toward continued achievement while adding some new elements of intervention.
For Goal #2, this is the third consecutive year in which the target outcome has been reached. It is the feeling of the School Planning Council that mathematics should remain a goal area. The change is that the target will be raised.
With Goal #3, while much has been directed toward this newer goal, there remains great deal of room for growth.
A new measure will be added this year that looks at student achievement awards received.
Details can be found in the copy of the School Plan, located on the Handsworth website:
e) Music Report by Katy MacLellan for Sherry Grant
BOTTLE DRIVE - Thanks once again to the Handsworth community for their support. Again, the bottle drive surpassed previous records and raised several thousand dollars to help support the music program; with a huge turn-out of both students and parents.
The HMPA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wed.June 11, 2014 @7:00 pm in the music room.
The Handsworth band and strings programs had another busy year of performances, festivals, and tours, and the HMPA had another busy year of fundraising and other activities to support the music program. Some energetic new parents came aboard this year but we will be looking to fill some key roles as past volunteers leave the school at the end of this year. Our Chairperson, Deb Burian, will be leaving after many tireless years and many volunteer positions within the HMPA and the previous MPAC.
The end of this year will also mark another significant departure, as Keith Woodward, Handsworth Director of Music, retires after 25 years of teaching in. In addition to the four concert bands, four jazz bands, and one jazz combo that he currently teaches, he has put in so many extra hours in leading student tours, conducting honour bands, founding music associations, organizing and playing in community concerts, giving workshops, adjudicating festivals, and working with parent groups to fundraise. The large number of gold medals and first place honours that have been awarded to his students are testament to his hard work and inspiration. He will be dearly missed.
Finance Update. - This school year, revenues continued to exceed the budgeted expenses. Concert donations have steadily risen as students in the program have increased. The bottle drive revenue has risen too, totalling about $6,300. In addition the music program had two very generous donations from parents of $4,000 each. These funds, as well as a donation from HPAC from the gaming grant, allowed buying more new uniforms for all band and strings students. In addition the purchase of a used practice piano, some German bows and to support many sectional workshops for the music students.
The program enjoyed performances throughout the year, both at Handsworth and local venues. In addition, students were able to participate in many outside festivals and tours in BC and Alberta. The Handsworth Zone continues to have a strong connection to the elementary school band and strings programs through combined concerts, shared teaching roles, and honour programs.
Finale Concerts & Music Awards
Mon. May 26 – Intermediate Evening
Tues. May 27 – Jr. Evening
Wed. May 28– Sr. Evening
All at Highlands United Church in EdgemontVillage @7:30pm. Entry by donation
Handsworth Zone Strings Ice Cream Concert
Family of Elementary School Strings
Thurs. June 5 @ 7:00 pm
ClevelandRiverRegionalPark. Free Concert.
Handsworth GraduationCeremony
Grade 8-11 Strings
Thurs. June 19 @ the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver.
The Sr. Jazz Band will also be playing in the TDInternational Jazz Festival – June dates and time still to be confirmed.
5.- Election of Directors.-
Co-chairs - Katy McLellan and Caroline Ramsay
Secretary -Sylvia Sanchez
Treasurer -Kathy McGrenera
Members at Large - Nominations:Holly Robertson, Carolyn Warner, Gitta Oldendoff
Nominated by Sandra Hancock, seconded by KatyMacLellan. Motion carried unanimously
6.- Plant Sale Report by Trish Brady
The Plant Sale was held onSaturday, May 10TH, 2014.
Plants were delivered and ready on the Friday afternoon, for the following day deliver.
At the Auto Shop, plants were hanging and on the tables.Items sold included: mixed floral planters, mixed floral hanging pots andnew this year, flats ofmixed herbsor tomato plants.
Total of$1174.20 was raised, $613.28 more than last year.
Many thanks tothe school custodian, Mr. Cabana, Paula, Trish, Holly and Shanaz.
7.- Administration Report by Mark James
Showed ‘a printing model’ from the new 3D printer –used by the tech shop and drafting
Job Action:
- Not very different situation from last time and not sure where it is going. At time being, lots of negotiations going on, in a healthier environment, but with very different interpretations
- The actual impact will be in the Awards Ceremony and Celebration of Learning. As both events will not happen this year; as the events cannot be run only by the admin staff. The grad will carry forward.
- Professional D Day – are under the teacher’s guidelines, days and activities are run by them.
- More challenging is the collaboration day (late start day); as teachers did met, but admin staff did not attend. The head department teaches were on top of things.
Regular classes will run until June 20THstudents are to be present and engaged in classrooms. June 23RD – June 25TH teachers will be running sessions for those students who need additional help.
Soon to be published the provincial exams schedule: Grade 10 students to present 3 exams (English, science and math), Grade 11 – 1 exam, Grade 12 – 1 exam.
No further business.
8. -Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Reception,celebrating Handsworth student’s slide show and music by a Sax Quartet:
Lucas Dubovik, Chris Martineau, Brian Ogilvie and Lisa Kirby