Change Management – Work stream 7 Report
Training issues related to the current phase of College formation and training needs after the transition.
Stephen Cooper (Chair)
Tash Khan-Davis
Ariel Edge
Linda Peka
Helen Ratcliffe
Elizabeth Wood
Elaine Dunne
Matthew Davey
Anna Verhamme
Kathryn Coombes
Generic training provision
1. An on-line web resource has been created to help individuals:
- Understand the psychological effects of change and asks them to assess there current attitude to what they are experiencing;
- To identify their personal strengths and the potential opportunities at change can offer.
The material has been sourced from our existing on-line PDP support centre and has been organised into a structured sequence to facilitate the learning.
2. A bite sized (3.5 hours) workshop for managers and supervisors.
- A systems view of change
- Dealing with change as a middle manager; impact of change on oneself and how to support others.
Two courses have been delivered to date and further sessions are planned commencing September 2010
3. Individual coaching – a small number of senior staff have made use of an inter-company arrangement (MET Office, Devon County Council and Reuters) and external coaches.
4. Following a successful pilot with the new Admissions team, SLD are offering a team based change management intervention to help team leaders and whole groups prepare change or to make adjustments after the formation of new groups. Aims:
- help staff to actively engage with changes
- help the teams to “gel” and strengthen in preparation for change
- support the Team Leaders to take charge of their teams within the change process
- encourage a culture of team-working and support, within the teams and across the group
The workshop would be tailored to suit specific circumstances and will be made available in July 2010
New PDR system for Academic staff
As a result of discussionsin the work stream, a Task and Finish group chaired by the Nick Talbot was convened to design a new PDR system for academic staff. The group completed the design on 22nd June; further consultation and roll out of the new system is being led by the Personnel and Staff Development.
So far:
TKD has presented the work of the TFG to the following College Executive teams in EMPS, LES, SISS and Humanities. The presentation to the BusinessSchool will take place on the 21st July. Reaction to the new system has been positive – we are trying to combine a number of performance management systems (RoM feedback, teaching evaluation, goal setting, PDP…) into one new PDR. Reactions to the idea of a portfolio have been mixed – further discussion is required to finally agree the format.
The next phase is to train Academic Leads and the following is planned:
•Phase 1 – College Governance and role of Academic Lead (College based; half day; September)
•Phase 2 – Coaching Skills (Open programmes October/ November)
•Phase 3 – Evaluation (February, following initial meetings between Academic Lead and academic)
First Formal PDRs in March/April
A major issue related to the new PDR system that requires urgent attention is how individual academics will be able to access data related to RoM and MACE. There needs to be a common database which is shared by the Colleges, RKT and Academic Policy.
New PDP targets still need to be confirmed by Nick Talbot
Key issues:
- Confusion over how RoM 10 feedback is going to be given to individuals – are we going to use the new ALs or not?
- RoM data and MACE scores – these should be accessible through one data base; I don’t understand the current systems well enough to have a view on how this could be achieved so I would like to get Sean, David Gibson and may be Patrick round a table to discuss.
- We need to get the new RoM time table agreed and in place ASAP
Tash Khan-Davis
14th July 2010