- We leave for Camp Pinewood Wednesday, September 18 and will return on Friday, September 20 between 4:00-4:30 PM (This time bracket is an approximation based on traffic and departure).
- Camp Pinewood Address:
Ymca camp pinewood
4230 obenauf rd.
Twin lake, mi 49457
- Students and chaperones should arrive at Snow School at 7:50 AM.
- The bus will leave promptly at 8:15 AM.
- Chaperones can follow the bus. Camp Chaperones only, remember to bring an outdoor collapsible chair. MUST HAVE BACKGROUND CHECK ON FILE!
- Drop off your gear in the school lobby, in an orderly fashion. Students and chaperones then head to your child’s classroom to take attendance.
- Please limit your gear to two bags per person (bedding and clothing).
- Clearly, and securely, label your bags with first and last name.
- Check the weather forecast in order to pack appropriately. BRING RAIN GEAR! See packing checklist on reverse side.
- Remember, no electronics. Reading is highly encouraged.
- Be sure to bring a bag lunch (with a snack for the bus) and a disposable drink for Wednesday’s lunch at camp.
- Bag and label all student medication. (Bring to your child’s classroom, and be sure to give ALL medications to their teacher. PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE DETAILED WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF HOW AND WHEN TO ADMINISTER MEDICATIONS)
Let’s all work together to make this experience very meaningful for everyone!
With thanks,
The fifth grade teachers
Dearborn accepts a parent’s assertion that he or she needs language assistance without requiring additional corroboration.
مدينة ديربورن توفر عند الحاجة خدمات الترجمة للأهالي
If you have difficulty understanding this notification, please call the Bilingual and Compensatory Education office at 827-3007.
ALBANIAN: Ju lutemi telefononi zyrën e Programit Dygjuhësor në 827-3007 për colo vështirësi në kuptimin e këtij njoftimi.
ARABIC: إذا كان لديك أية استفسارات، الرجاء الاتصال بالمكتب ثنائي اللغة على رقم3007- 827.
ITALIAN: Chiamano l’ufficio Bilingual and Compensatory Education 827-3007 se incontrano difficoltà a capire questae nota.
ROMANIAN: Daca nu intelegeti acest mesaj va rugam sa sunati la biroul Bilingual cu numarul 827-3007.
SPANISH: Por favor, llamen la oficina de Bilingual and Compensatory Education 827-3007se no comprendon esta nota.