“Tiger’s Secret to Golfing Success Revealed?

How to Lower Your Golf Handicap By Up
To 9 Strokes…In Just Two Weeks.”

If you would like to lower your golf handicap, (and even if you’re not a golfer…but do want to know some awesome secrets that apply to you too) this will be the most important message you’ll ever read

First of all, as you can see, the photo in this ad is NOT of the world’s best golfer with the first name of Tiger. The fact that the guy in the photo is not young and handsome is your first clue, right? Anyway, I’m excited to tell you something that is incredible, but true!

In a research study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, it was determined that chiropractic care might improve athletic performance by as much as 16.7% over a two week period.*

Now, do some quick figuring here with me, would you? What would be your handicap if your golf game improved by 16.7%? (Wouldn’t that be cool?)

Of course, I can’t guarantee that you’ll lower your golf score by having me treat you chiropractically. However, I want you to know that the report also concluded that “subluxation free” athletes (including those who have sought chiropractic care) react quicker, coordinate better, execute fine movements with improved accuracy and precision, amounting to an overall better athlete. And just think how important all of that is in swinging a golf club!

Tiger is not the only top professional athlete to be a chiropractic patient. In fact, there are athletes in every sport who are under chiropractic care to increase health and performance.* Of course, nobody knows how your golf game would improve by visiting a Chiropractor. I could never guarantee to take strokes off your golf game. However…

…my question is this: if it’s good enough for Tiger, isn’t it good enough for you?

You know, there are over 25,000,000 (that’s twenty-five MILLION) people have experienced the remarkable results of chiropractic care (that includes a lot of NON golfers too). This number continues to grow as more and more people take responsibility for their health care and choose noninvasive, drug-free healthcare (by the way, the list includes people like the world’s greatest hockey players of all time, a great famous champion boxer…and thousands of other top athletes, Hollywood celebrities, musicians, etc.!*

Though she’s not a “celebrity” in Hollywood, there is a woman living in Redwood City who is a celebrity in my mind. This is what she recently wrote about how her life has improved as result of chiropractic:

“After months of being told I had to live with the pain and that I would never work again, I found Dr. Piccione. I was back to work in less than a month! Thank you

Dr. Paul!…” B. Allen, RN

Okay, back to the guy in the photo. It’s a picture of me, Dr. Piccione. I’ve had the privilege of being specially trained to help world-class athletes, as well as everyday folks like you and me here in Redwood City. Isn’t it time you took control of your health… eliminate the symptoms of stress…improve athletic performance…increase energy…and improve the quality of your life?

I invite you to call my office to ask for our free report entitled “Secrets of the World’s Greatest Athletes, Celebrities and Everyday Folks Living in Redwood City.

Or call for a FREE “Health Care Audit” with me. Call (650) 367-1948 to schedule your appointment today.

Dr. Paul R. Piccione

950 Woodside Road, Suite One

Redwood City, CA 94061

(650) 367-1948


*As is reported in the book, Chiropractic Works! By Timothy J. Feuling

Tiger Woods on Chiropractic: “I’ve been going to Chiropractors for as long as I remember. It’s as important to my training as practicing my swing…. I would recommend Chiropractic!