Cataloging Policy and Documentation

Committee Minutes

March 18, 2004

Present: Steven Arakawa, Erik Friede, Larry Heiman, MariaHunenko, Lenore Rouse, Martha Rudyk (recording), Richard Sarcia, Eileen Smith, Christina Tabereaux, Penny Welbourne.

Absent: Matthew Beacom, Robert Killheffer, Joan Swanekamp, Keiko Suzuki.

1.Steven reported that there have been no further responses on the proposed “P” class procedures either from LMC (Library Management Committee) or from TSMG (Technical Services Management Group).

2.Final comments on the document “Library of Congress classification call numbers (Overview)” followed:

a)Some MFHD call numbers, especially those from the original load, lack a “.” (period) in the second line. The question was raised as to whether the period separating the class number from the cutter should be required in 852, to be consistent with the requirement for the 050. Discussion indicated that there are a number of situations where a requirement might be onerous, e.g. Divinity does not add a period when copying call numbers, since the lack of a period in the call number structure does not create a problem. Recommendation: period not required in 852.

b)Penny noted that the term “subclass” is used but not defined anywhere – she thinks this term should be defined. <Comparison of class/subclass numbers added to the General section>

c)In Example 1: Z688 R365 2000 – it was suggested that for clarity, the subdivision 688 be on a separate line, i.e. Z (main class) second line 688 (subdivision). <Z688 kept on the same line in this example, since at this point the object is to identify the class number, not to analyze it, as is done in the later examples>

After a few typographical errors were noted for correction, the “Draft” document was accepted.

  1. Review of the “Shelflisting Introduction (draft)” document :

Only those parts of the document about which members had questions or were not clear were discussed.

a)Steven explained what YUL (Yale Union Shelflist) file incorporated. The file consists of LC call numbers assigned by SML, Beinecke, British Art and Social Sciences libraries as well as SML assigned call numbers for school and departmental libraries (Arts, Classics, Cross Campus and Kline Science). However LC Classification files of Divinity Library, Law Library, Medical Library and Music Library are not part of the YUL file. Since locations not included in YUL file do their own cuttering, notation and shelflisting their call numbers can’t always be used by SML. Eric stated that Divinity does its own shelflisting and does not follow other libraries. How catalogers can best deal with the Voyager superimposition of non-YUL on the YUL file needs to be addressed somewhere in this document.

b)Dates in call numbers are taken from the imprint. However, Steve underscored that when cataloging a conference the date of the conference is to be used (if the conference is the main entry). Question was raised as to the example where imprint date reads “1977 (cover 1978)” and call number would use 1978. Is this still in use? Should it be included in the examples? Decision was made to leave this example as is for the time being.

c)Work letters: SML uses capital letters in MFHD, but not in 050. Only work letters B-Y are to be used after the date; “A” is reserved for photocopy call numbers and “Z” for incomplete dates. Question was raised whether to keep the working letters in copy cataloging. Steven will check with CCC about this.

d)LC cutter table: Discussion ensued about the integrity of the shelflist. If we are to assign or adjust cutters according to LC cutter table the integrity of the shelflist will be affected at times and also bring about split files. Committee agreed there is nothing we can do about this. Committee agreed with the recommendations for providing wiggle room when assigning digits. Should single digits be accepted from member libraries (at times also LC)? Steven will check with CCC on this.

e) Translations: Current instructions in the LC Shelflisting Manual : if 130/240 is present, use translation table, if not, do not use table. Steve pointed out the change in usage of new table. DO NOT USE .x19 for languages not provided in table as done previously. Larry pointed out that use of .x19 has not been used for quite some time. Cutter alphabetically for unlisted language. <The document needed to be revised to clarify that the Shelflisting Manual applies to both 130 and 240, and to provide a “best practice” for copy cataloging.>

f) Same author, different work: Committee members asked Steven to give examples for clarity.

g)Geographic cutters: Steven will check with CCC about geographic cutters. Committee felt that we should follow Yale if established and follow table if new.

Meeting ended at 4:10 with the discussion of geographic cutters.

Next meeting on April 1, 2004, will continue reviewing this document.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Rudyk