Module: / PRO-TECH
Message Branding Questionnaire

Message Branding

Fields documented in the following format: <Field Name> are populated in the messages based on the setup.

Fields documented in the following format: <Field Name> are system generated.


This footer will be placed in every email sent. The default footer verbiage is shown below.

☒ Option 1: Default Footer / ☐ Option 2: Custom Footer
(Changes to this verbiage may incur additional charges. ACH Alert will scope the effort required to complete the request and provide a quote back to the FI. Once the quote is approved, a Change Request will be drafted.)
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/Financial Institution Name>
Contact Us
Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions about your account, please call Customer Service atPRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/FI Support Phoneor email us at PRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/Email Addresses/Reply To.
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/Basics/Financial Institution Name>
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/Basics/Address >
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/ Basics/ City, State, Zip
/ Sincerely,
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/Financial Institution Name>
Contact Us
Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions about your account, please call Customer Service atPRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/FI Support Phoneor email us at PRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/Email Addresses/Reply To.
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/Basics/Financial Institution Name>
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/Basics/Address >
<Fraud Prevention HQ Implementation Questionnaire/ Basics/ City, State, Zip
/ Version 1.0 / Page 1 of 6
☐ Option 1: Standard Message Branding / ☐ Option 2: Premium Message Branding
(ACH Alert will scope the effort required to complete the request and provide a quote back to the FI. Once the quote is approved, a Change Request will be drafted.)

ALERT Messages

/ Sent via Email and SMS (if opted in) / Sent via Email and SMS (if opted in)
Account Level
/ Email / Subject / ALERT / Email / Subject
Content / We have received one or more debit transactions to<Account Name ending in <Masked Account Number>.
Login to PRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/Product Name>. to review. / Content
SMS / Content / Debit transactions received for Masked Account Number.
Login to PRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/Product Name>. to review. / SMS / Content
Transaction Level
/ Email / Subject / ALERT / Email / Subject
Content / We have received a debit transaction to<Account Name ending in <Masked Account Number>for$Amountfrom Originator Name.
Login to PRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/Product Name>. to review. / Content
SMS / Content / Debit transactionreceived for <Masked Account Number>for$Amountfrom Originator Name.
Login to PRO-TECH Implementation Questionnaire/Notification Settings/Product Name>. to review. / SMS / Content

Final Sign Off

I have completed this document for PRO-TECH Message Branding Questionnaire. I understand that any changes after submitting this document to ACH Alert will require a change request and charges may be incurred.

Electronic Signature
/ Version 1.0 / Page 1 of 6