Department of Residence Life

Freshman interest survey information request Form

Purpose: The Freshman Interest Survey (FIS) asks students to identify areas of new interest or prior involvement. It is introduced during summer Odyssey and optional for students to complete. The information can be used to engage students in campus life, promote specific activities, or to recruit membership based on an expressed student interest.

Guidelines: Upon receiving information from the FIS, users must adhere to the following:

·  Information may be used only to promote involvement in the stated organization or department specifically listed below.

·  If a student indicates s/he wishes to no longer be contacted, remove him/her from the list immediately. In addition, please inform Lori Develice Collins of the request for removal.

·  This information may not be distributed to all student organization members or department employees, but only to those listed below. It is the responsibility of the individual completing this form to educate these individuals of our expectations.

Procedure: Submit your request to Lori Develice Collins at or Department of Residence Life, 263 S. Gruenhagen Hall. Once approved, the main contact will receive an excel document to the email account listed below, containing student names and local addresses for each individual interest request. The Department of Residence Life reserves the right to deny requests for information. Please allow 10-14 days.

Please PRINT legibly.


Student Organization/Department:

Contact Name:

Position/ Title:

Preferred Email: Preferred Phone #: ( )

Individuals within your organization/department that have been granted access to this information:

Name, position Email

Name, position Email

Name, position Email

Student Organizations ONLY

Advisor Name:

Position/ Title:

Preferred Email: Preferred Phone #: ( )


What will this information be used for? Example: Recruiting for a Diversity Committee.

Who is your target audience?

 Residence Hall Students Only  Commuter Students Only  All

Identify below the lists you are requesting:

Community Involvement

 Badger Boys/Girls  Work with Children  Environmental Issues  Habitat for Humanity

 Blood Drives  Campaign/Elections  Work with Animals  Philanthropy/Community Service

Multicultural Clubs/Involvement

 American Indian  African American  Hispanic  Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Ally

 Asian  Hmong  Religious Affiliation  International Student Association

Journalism/Media Involvement

 Student TV Station  Student Radio Station  Student Newspaper Staff  Media/AV Club


 Gaming  Photography  Computer/Video Games  Website Development

Student Government

 Class Officer  Fundraising  Leadership  Activities/Event Planning

 Leadership Seminar/Conference Planning

Recreational Activities

 Rock Climbing  Rollerblading  Water Skiing  Weight Lifting

 Hiking  Aerobics  Camping  Rugby

 Snow Boarding  Volleyball  Softball  Bowling

Academic Clubs

 Math Club  Computer Club  Debate Club  Science Club


I understand that failure to adhere to the above stated guidelines may result in disciplinary action, and agree to respect the rights of our students while working to get them involved on campus. After use, I will shred or delete the document(s) received by all individuals designated above.

Signature Date

Please return this form to Lori Develice Collins, Assistant Director of Residence Life, at or Department of Residence Life, 263 S. Gruenhagen Hall. Call (920) 424-3212 with any questions.