Champlin Park/Coon Rapids Girls Hockey Booster Meeting
Monday, June 19, 2017
7:30 PM
Kim Sinjem, President Michele Knowlton, Member-at-large
Heidi Keller, CR Booster Laurie Peterson, Member-at-large
Mike Hannula, CR Booster Colleen Snell, Secretary
Tracy Johnson, Vice President Rick Theisen
Approval of Minutes:
- Minutes of May meeting were approved.
- Jenny Lynse was absent, Kim Sinjem reviewed the budget report.
- Board approved proposed 2017-2018 budget and fundraisers.
- Tracy Johnson reviewed organization of team event and booster board responsibilities:
- Tracy Johnson: Fundraising
- Sheila Gjervold: Marketing/Communications
- Michele Knowlton: Team Experience/Enhancement
- Laurie Peterson: Community Outreach
- Tracy presented forecasted revenue from fundraising; leading to proposed booster club fee.
- Kim Sinjem presented form letter that could be adapted for girls to send out asking for donations. Any money raised would be put “into the CP/CR booster for total fundraising. Tracy will revise letter and coordinate with girls.
- Heidi Keller identified letter was sent out to businesses for financial support to advertise in program for CR.
- Discussed salt fundraiser and golf tournament fundraisers; money raised from both of these will be applied to total CP/CR booster club budget.
- The CP/CR Booster budget will start with $0. CP Booster and CR Boosters will set aside their respective reserves from the prior season. If there is a deficit prior to the end of the season; additional fundraisers may be implemented and/or funds may be pulled from respective booster club reserves based on applicable team percentages. If there is a surplus of funds; the amount will be applied to offset additional fees (i.e. banquet attendance) and/or kept in the CP/CR Booster joint reserve for next season.
Event Update:
- Cardinal Classic:
- December 27-29 at CRIC
- Signed contracts received from other 3 teams participating
- Golf Event:
- Flyer sent to all prospective parents via email on Sunday.
- Matt Colford will be sending following up email with details.
- Coach Koltes not present; Kim identified ADs are going to cover socks and breezer covers for this year.
- Based on ice availability times, all captain’s practice will now be held at Champlin Ice Forum.
Communication/Parent Meeting:
- Discussed moving parent informational meeting to July to inform parents about budget, events, and fundraisers.
- Meeting date is Monday, July 17 at 7 PM at Champlin Ice Forum.
- Kim will send email informing families of meeting.
- Tracy will put PowerPoint together/highlight fundraising, events and volunteer opportunities.
Adjourned: 8:45 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Snell