Stage 3 – Learning Plan
DIFFERENTIATION (I-3)There are several ways to individualize instruction for your students
How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For whom? How will I group my students?
GROUP: (pre-teaching or re-teaching)
Learning Activities:(These can be attached 1 week at a time.)

Learning Activities:

Day 1:
10/20/14 / Intro: In Physical Education, students acquire movement knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for enjoyment, continued social development through physical activity, and access to a physically-active lifestyle. The students exhibits a physically-active lifestyle and understands the relationship between physical activity and health throughout the lifespan. (TEKS 116.55)
  1. I will be able to exhibit a level of competency in two or more individual sports that include aquatics, archery, badminton, bicycling, bowling, gymnastics, golf, handball, racquetball, self-defense, table tennis, track and field, weight training, or wrestling.
  2. I will be able to continue to develop sport specific skills in order to enhance skill development and improve individual and team play.
  3. I will be able to participate regular in physical activities.
Intro: I this lesson students learn the rules and play the game of mat ball.
Warm-Up: (6-8 Minutes)
  1. Jog around the perimeter of the gym for 2 minutes.
  2. Hamstring stretch
  3. Arm stretch
  4. Shoulder stretch
  5. Quad stretch
  6. Butterfly stretch
Skill Cues/Activities
  1. Review kicking, throwing, catching, and base running skills.
  2. Emphasize to students that they should not strike runners above the waist with the ball to get them out.
  3. The base serves as the home plate: the gymnastics mats serve as first, second, and third bases.
Closure: Review lesson with students/check for understanding/provide feedback
Day 2:
1021/14 / Objective: I will be able to select and participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge.
Warm-Up: (6-8minutes)
  1. Jog around the perimeter of the gym for 2 minutes
  2. Step touches
  3. Arm circle
  4. Side stretch
Skill cues
  1. Roll the ball to the batter: do not bounce it.
  2. Hit runners below the waist with the ball to get them out.
Teaching Cues
  1. Review kicking, throwing, catching, and base-running skills.
  2. Emphasize to students that they should not strike runners above the waist with the ball to get them out.
  3. The base serves as the home plate: the gymnastics serve as first, second, and third bases.
Activities (30-35 Minutes)
  1. Divide the class into two teams and explain the rules of mat ball. The game is an advanced version of kickball.
  2. Play the game of mat ball .(25-34- minutes)
Closure (3-5 Minutes)
Review the lesson with students. Reinforce learning, check understanding, and provide feedback.
  1. Discuss with the students the best possible offensive strategy when playing mat ball.
  2. Have students identify how teamwork can significantly improve chances of success at this game.

Day 3:
10/22/14 / Objective:
  1. I will select and participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge.
  2. I will analyze and evaluate personal fitness status in terms of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
  1. Hamstring stretch
  2. Arm stretch
  3. Shoulder stretch
  4. Quad stretch
  5. Butterfly stretch
Overview: Students will participate in a variety of stations designed to develop cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
  1. Station 1-push up
  2. Jump-rope
  3. Timed squats
  4. Walking lunges
  5. .5 mile run/walk (timed)
  1. Students will select an activity to participate in.
  2. Work on sportfolio

Day 4:
10/23/14 / Objective: Same as Wednesday
Day 5:
10/24/14 / Objective: I will be able to participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge.
  1. Leg stretch
  2. Lateral hops
  3. Arm rotators
  4. Hip lifts
  5. Arm circles
Skills cues
  1. The skills used in this game are running, passing catching, and guarding.
  2. Use either a forward overhand lateral pass to pass the ball.
Teaching cues
  1. Review running, passing, catching, and guarding skills.
Activities: (30-35 Minutes)
  1. Divide the class into team of five players. Present and review the skills and teaching cues for the game of brisket ball(4-6 minutes)
  2. Explain the rules and then play brisket ball (26-34 minutes)
  3. Closure(3-5 minutes)
Review the lesson with students, reinforce learning, check understanding, provide feedback.
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12: / Summative Assessment