DIFFERENTIATION (I-3)There are several ways to individualize instruction for your students
How will I scaffold and/or accelerate learning? For whom? How will I group my students?
GROUP: (pre-teaching or re-teaching)
Learning Activities:(These can be attached 1 week at a time.)
Learning Activities:
Day 1:10/20/14 / Intro: In Physical Education, students acquire movement knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for enjoyment, continued social development through physical activity, and access to a physically-active lifestyle. The students exhibits a physically-active lifestyle and understands the relationship between physical activity and health throughout the lifespan. (TEKS 116.55)
- I will be able to exhibit a level of competency in two or more individual sports that include aquatics, archery, badminton, bicycling, bowling, gymnastics, golf, handball, racquetball, self-defense, table tennis, track and field, weight training, or wrestling.
- I will be able to continue to develop sport specific skills in order to enhance skill development and improve individual and team play.
- I will be able to participate regular in physical activities.
Intro: I this lesson students learn the rules and play the game of mat ball.
Warm-Up: (6-8 Minutes)
- Jog around the perimeter of the gym for 2 minutes.
- Hamstring stretch
- Arm stretch
- Shoulder stretch
- Quad stretch
- Butterfly stretch
- Review kicking, throwing, catching, and base running skills.
- Emphasize to students that they should not strike runners above the waist with the ball to get them out.
- The base serves as the home plate: the gymnastics mats serve as first, second, and third bases.
Day 2:
1021/14 / Objective: I will be able to select and participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge.
Warm-Up: (6-8minutes)
- Jog around the perimeter of the gym for 2 minutes
- Step touches
- Arm circle
- Side stretch
- Roll the ball to the batter: do not bounce it.
- Hit runners below the waist with the ball to get them out.
- Review kicking, throwing, catching, and base-running skills.
- Emphasize to students that they should not strike runners above the waist with the ball to get them out.
- The base serves as the home plate: the gymnastics serve as first, second, and third bases.
- Divide the class into two teams and explain the rules of mat ball. The game is an advanced version of kickball.
- Play the game of mat ball .(25-34- minutes)
Review the lesson with students. Reinforce learning, check understanding, and provide feedback.
- Discuss with the students the best possible offensive strategy when playing mat ball.
- Have students identify how teamwork can significantly improve chances of success at this game.
Day 3:
10/22/14 / Objective:
- I will select and participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge.
- I will analyze and evaluate personal fitness status in terms of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
- Hamstring stretch
- Arm stretch
- Shoulder stretch
- Quad stretch
- Butterfly stretch
- Station 1-push up
- Jump-rope
- Timed squats
- Walking lunges
- .5 mile run/walk (timed)
- Students will select an activity to participate in.
- Work on sportfolio
Day 4:
10/23/14 / Objective: Same as Wednesday
Day 5:
10/24/14 / Objective: I will be able to participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge.
- Leg stretch
- Lateral hops
- Arm rotators
- Hip lifts
- Arm circles
- The skills used in this game are running, passing catching, and guarding.
- Use either a forward overhand lateral pass to pass the ball.
- Review running, passing, catching, and guarding skills.
- Divide the class into team of five players. Present and review the skills and teaching cues for the game of brisket ball(4-6 minutes)
- Explain the rules and then play brisket ball (26-34 minutes)
- Closure(3-5 minutes)
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12: / Summative Assessment