This is a guide only- it is your kit, and your expedition.

Kit tobe stored in a 60 LITRE RUCKSACK, ideally a dry bag. You will need to think carefully about how you will waterproof this.

Personal kit:

To wear on the expedition

Synthetic fibres are ideal as they are quick drying and lightweight when wet. You can buy these form most outdoor shops- e.g. walking trousers etc. No jeans or woollen jumpers as they are heavy when wet and take ages to dry.

Quick drying trousers or shorts, T shirt, sun hat/ glasses or warm hat (weather dependant), socks. You MUST wear a pair of shoes- wetsuit boots are fine but you need to carry the boat short sections around locks. Trainers you don’t mind getting wet are ideal. No sandals or jeans. All expedition members will wear a buoyancy aid (we will provide this).

To take in a small dry bag or to sit at the top of your main dry bag

Anything you need during the day- spare jumper/ fleece layer (if cold), suncream, full waterproofs

lunch/ snacks, water bottle.

Insect repellent- inland water ways can be full of insects.

Hand gel- important to use before eating any food.

Personal First Aid kit- plasters, cleansing wipes and any personal items you need. Any regular medication or emergency medication needs to be easily accessible and the whole team knows where to find it and how to administer it e.g. epipens.

Anything you need for your project- waterproof camera, notebook, pens etc.This should be kept to a minimum.

You also need maps, a compass and completed route cards for your journey- ideally cut into laminated A4 sections.

Money- you are in charge of paying for your campsites and any paddling fees. You must not buy anything en route as you need to be self sufficient.

To pack into the main dry bag

Rubble sack (or plastic liner) to line dry bag

2 complete changes of clothes, including underwear and a second pair of shoes to wear around the campsite. No sandals in case of long grass/ nettles at campsite. Another pair of trainers is ideal.

Warm clothing for evening at campsite (fleece jacket, jumpers, warm hat), it gets cold in the evenings even in summer.

Towel- the lightweight ones are best as they are quick drying and pack down small.

Food for the two days- assuming you eat a good breakfast before you set off and have a big meal when you get home you need two lunches, a main dinner, and a main breakfast. These can be boil in the bag, or simple to cook foods with a high carbohydrate content (we will plan menus together- no pot noodles).

You will also need to have another small (ziplock) bag with a few chocolate bars in labelled ‘emergency rations’ which are only to be consumed in an emergency. They will be checked at the end by the assessor.

Spare plastic bags/ sacks for wet clothing and to act as rubbish bins.

Wash kit- small and lightweight. Personal hygieneis very important on expedition. Kit must include toothbrush, toothpaste- you may take more but remember not to overload your bags!

Torch and spare batteries.Head torches are best.

Sleeping bag.Double wrap in plastic to protect from water

Sleeping mat for insulation.If this does not fit in the dry bag then you could use it as a mat at the bottom of your boat to rest your knees on.


Whistle in case of emergency (and you have no mobile contact).

Plate, bowl, mug, KFS.The smaller the better. Mess tins can be good for this, ‘Sporks’ work well too.

Group kit- to be shared amongst team members:

Trangia/ cooker (s) (we will supply this)

Pots/ pans (may be part of Trangia set)

Gas bottle (s) (we will supply)

Waterproof matches or lighter.

Tent (s). Boys and girls need separate tents. Ones with a porch are ideal as kit bags can be stored outside of the sleeping area. (We will supply)

Trowel and toilet roll in case of emergencies! You need to be at least 25m away from the river, and dig a deep hole. All human waste must be buried. Ideally, you wait until you get to the campsite!

Group first aid kit- Larger version of your personal kit.

Pot scourers, small washing up liquid bottle and tea towel.

Spare full OS Map.

Each boat will also need a set of spare paddles strapped to the sides of the boat, and rope (painter).(We will supply this)

Gaffa tape- great for a multitude of uses.

If you need to buy any camping equipment remember Explorer Scouts get a discount from Cotswold camping shop.