Geography 22F I.B. Course Outline

Geographic Issues of the 21stCentury

Teacher: Ms. K. Street

The Manitoba Geography curriculum consists of 5 main “Clusters” or units, with each cluster covering a variety of learning experiences. The 5 Clusters that we will be studying in this course, along with the sub-topics or learning experiences for each are as follows:

Cluster I- Geographic Literacy

  • What is Geography?
  • Physical and Human Geography
  • Place and Identity
  • Global Environment Types
  • Why Care?

Cluster II- Natural Resources

  • Location
  • Diverse Perspectives
  • Sustainable Development

Cluster III- Food from the Land

  • Areas and Conditions
  • Food Production
  • Safeguarding our Food Supply
  • Contemporary Issues Related to Food

Cluster VI- Industry and Trade

  • Definition and Location of Industry
  • Topics in Industry
  • Globalization

Cluster V- Urban Places

  • Rural, Urban and Remote Places
  • Location and Function of Urban Places
  • Environmental and Economic Issues
  • The Impact of Urbanization

Mark Breakdown

Tests and Quizzes (There will be a Unit Test for each of the Clusters mentioned above)- 25%

Projects- 15%

Research Paper- 10%

Unit Work/Assignments- 25%

Final Exam- 25%

Additional Notes

  • It is necessary that you have a three-ring binder for this class. It is very important that you keep your binder neat and organized by keeping your notes and handouts in order and writing the date on everything you receive. It is a good idea to have dividers in order to separate each of the Clusters in this course.
  • Since map work is a large component of this course, students MUST purchase a set of PENCIL CRAYONS that they bring to each class.
  • Each student will receive a copy of the required textbook for this course Geographic Issues of the Twenty-first Century. Students are responsible for maintaining their texts and returning them prior to the final exam, failure to do so will result in them paying for the text.
  • Extra help is available from the teacher at lunch, after-school and often during Slot 1 (First Semester) and Slot 4 (Day 1) and Slot 3 (Day 2) (Second Semester). You can usually find me in the Social Studies office, Rm. 37 or you can have the office page me. Peer tutors are also available for extra help- sign up at Student Services.
  • Various methods such as co-operative projects, research projects, notes, videos, the Internet, Field Trips, Simulation Games, Journals, multi-media etc. It is essential that students ATTEND REGULARLY if they hope to attain success in this course. Excessive absences will result in withdrawal from the course in accordance with the school absence policy.
  • Students should select somebody in this class who will collect assignments/notes for them if they miss class. All handouts that the class receives will be placed in a folder in the cabinet at the front of the room- it is the responsibility of the STUDENTS to obtain the handouts that they missed and get caught up on any missed work.

End of the Class- At times we may finish what we are doing a couple of minutes early, if this occurs please stay in your seats until the bell goes- NOT STANDING AT THE DOOR OR LEAVING EARLY!

Lates- If you are late please enter the room quietly and get seated immediately. Excessive lates will result in disciplinary measures from administration in accordance with the school late policy.

Food and Drink- Since this is a computer lab, food and drink will NOT be permitted by the computers. You will however be able to have food and drink at the tables as long as you clean up after yourself. If students begin to leave garbage in the classroom then food and drink privileges will be revoked.

Electronic Devices- As per school policy, cellular phones are not permitted in class at any time unless they are being used for curricular purposes. If your cellular phone is visible in class it will be taken away and given to an administrator. When working on projects or assignments, but not during tests or exams, I-Pods, MP3 players, music on the computers etc. will be permitted at the teachers discretion.

Welcome to Geography 22F I.B. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you throughout the year!