Names______& ______

Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment Foldable

Take a piece of computer paper. Turn it long-ways (landscape). Fold it into thirds (like a brochure)

Complete the following 6 steps:

Front cover (page 1):At the top of the front cover, title your foldableScientific Revolution and The Enlightenment. Under the title, write your name(s). On the cover, draw or print two pictures that relate to the scientific revolution and Enlightenment (1 picture for each)

Inside front cover (page 2):Title the top: Scientist Spotlight. Choose one of the following contributors to the Scientific Revolution (listed below) and write a brief biography of that person. (What did they contribute to the scientific revolution? How did they come across their discoveries/inventions?) Draw/print a picture that relates to their contribution.

Choices:Nicolas Copernicus, Johann Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon

Inside middle(page 3):Create an advertisement for an invention, discovery, book, or lecture related to the Scientific Revolution or Enlightenment. It may NOT be in anyway tied to the “Scientist Spotlight” you chose for page 2. (Example: You CANNOT do an advertisement for the book,The Origins of Species, if your “Person of Interest” is Charles Darwin.)

Inside far right (page 4): Title the top: Scientist (or Political Scientist) Social Media. Use this flap to create a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter profile for a person of choice from the compiled list below (again, can’t use a person twice). The profile must have a picture of the person, a brief bio explaining who they are/what they have accomplished, and 5 posts (either posted by them, or posted by a “friend.” Have fun with hashtags and @handles, but all posts must be relevant to the person and time period.Points will be deducted if it includes something considered inappropriate.

Choices: Nicolas Copernicus, Johann Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Mary Wollstonecraft

Back of far right (page 5):Title the top: Debates on Politics. Choose 3 of the following Enlightenment philosophers and write a brief paragraph about what they believe the best type of government should look like. You must write this report in first person point of view (example: I, Barak Obama, believe the best type of government is one that…)

Choices: John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, Voltaire, Thomas Hobbes, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Mary Wollstonecraft

Back cover (page 6): Title the top: Enlightened Monarch: Choose one of the following Enlightened Monarchs and write a report onwhat they changed about their country because of the Enlightenment ideas spreading throughout Europe. Draw/print a picture of this monarch.

Choices: Catherine the Great, Fredrick the Great, Joseph II

Below is the rubric for how your foldable will be graded:

Possible points / Total points earned
Page 1– Front cover has title and names, neat and legible, 2 pictures, colored / 10
Page 2 – Person of Interest includes brief biography, mentions contributions, neat, picture included and colored / 20
Page 3 – advertisement is creative, on topic, contains picture, colored / 20
Page 4 – Social Media has profile picture, brief bio, 5 posts, relevant and appropriate, neat and colored / 20
Page 5 – Contains 3 enlightenment philosophers and stays true to their beliefs, neat, legible / 15
Page 6 – Contains enlightened Monarch’s country and changes made, picture, neat, legible, colored. / 15

Total score :______