Canadian Regional, Urban and Public Policy Issues
February 2006

Dr. Richard Mueller

Reading List

I. An Introduction to Regional and Urban Economic Issues in Canada

McKenzie, Kenneth J. 2005. “Reflections on thePolitical Economy of Fiscal Federalism in Canada,” CD Howe Institute Working Paper (September).

Laurent, Stephen, and François Vaillancourt. 2004. “Federal-Provincial Transfers for Social Programs in Canada: Their Status in May 2004.” IRPP Working Paper Series No. 2004-07.

Kusher, Joseph, and David Siegel. 2003. “Citizens’ Attitudes Toward Municipal Amalgamation in Three Ontario Municipalities,“ Canadian Journal of Regional Science 26(1), 49-59.

Courchene, Thomas J. 2005. “Citistates and the State of Cities: Political Economy and Fiscal Federalism Dimensions,“ IRPP Working Paper Series No. 2005-03.

Slack, Enid. 2002. “Municipal Finance and the Pattern of Urban Growth,” CD Howe Institute Commentary No. 160 (February).

II. Topics in Labour Economics

A. Labour Market Discrimination

Drolet, Marie. 2002 “New Evidence on Gender Pay Differentials: Does Measurement Matter?” Canadian Public Policy 28(1), 1-16.

Hum, Derek, and Wayne Simpson. 1999. “Wage Opportunities for Visible Minorities in Canada,” Canadian Public Policy25(3), 379-94.

B. Income Distribution

Heisz, Andrew, et al. 2001. “Distributional Outcomes in Canada in the 1990s,” in The Review of Economic and Social Progress: The Longest Decade: Canada in the 1990s. Ed. Keith Banting, et al. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 247-72.

Finnie, Ross. 2001. “Unequal Inequality: The Distribution of Individuals’ Earnings by Province,” Canadian Journal of Regional Studies 26(2), 265-88.

C. Poverty

Sarlo, Chris. 2001. “Measuring Poverty in Canada,” Critical Issues Bulletin, Fraser Institute (July), Part 1,Part 2 and Part 3.

Corak, Miles. 2001. “Are the Kids All Right? Intergenerational Mobility and Child Well-Being in Canada,” in Banting, et al., 273-92.

Finnie, Ross, Roger Sceviour, and Ian Irvine. 2004. “Social Assistance Use in Canada: National and Provincial Trends in Incidence, Entry and Exit,” Canadian Journal of Regional Science 27(2), 179-208.

D. Canada-U.S. Migration

Finnie, Ross, et al. 2001. “The Brain Drain: Myth and Reality,” Choices 7(6), Institute for Research on Public Policy.

Mueller, Richard E. 2005. “What Happened to the Canada-US Brain Drain of the 1990s? New Evidence from the 2000 US Census,” University of Lethbridge (April).

  1. Migration and Immigration in the Economy

Cousineau, Jean-Michel, and François Vaillancourt. 2000. “Regional Disparities, Mobility, and Labour Marketa in Canada,” in Adapting Public Policy to a Labour Market in Transition. Ed. W. Craig Riddell and France St-Hilaire. Montreal: Institute for Research of Public Policy, 143-74.

Green, Alan G., and David A. Green. 1999. “The Economic Goals of Canada’s Immigration Policy, Past and Present,” Canadian Public Policy, 25(4), 425-51.

Li, Peter S. 2003. “Initial Earnings and Catch-Up Capacity of Immigrants,” Canadian Public Policy 29(3), 319-337.

Meyers, Deborah W., and Kevin O’Neil. 2004. “Immigration: Mapping the New North American Reality,” Policy Options(June-July), 45-49.

III. Selected Social Issues

  1. The Economics of Crime

Reid, Scott. 2001. “Should We End Prohibition,” Policy Options(October),7-12.

Erickson, Patricia G. 1998. “Addicted to Law: For a Health Directed Drug Policy,” Policy Options (October), 21-24.

Single, Eric. 1998. “The Economic Costs of Illicit Drugs and Drug Enforcement,” Policy Options (October), 3-7.

Hall, Wayne. 1998. “Creating Space for a More Reasoned Debate About Drug Policy,” Policy Options (October), 18-21.

Easton, Stephen T. 2004. “Marijuana Growth in British Columbia,” Public Policy Choices No. 74, Fraser Institute.

Clement, Douglas. 2002. “A Punishing Debate: Does the Death Penalty Deter Homicide?” The Region, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis(June).

  1. Health Care Economics

Donaldson, Cam, et al. 2002. “Managing Medicare” The Prerequisites to Spending or Reform,” CD Howe Institute Commentary No. 157 (January).

Reuber, Grant L., and Finn Poschmann. 2002.“For the Good of Patients: Financial Incentives to Improve Stability in the Canadian Health Care System,” CD Howe Institute Commentary No. 173 (November).

  1. The Economics of Education

Burbridge, John B., et al. 2002. The Education Premium in Canada and the United States,” Canadian Public Policy 28(2), 203-17.

Finnie, Ross, Christine Laporte, and Eric Lascelles. 2004. “Family Background and Access to Post-Secondary Education: What Happened Over the 1990s? Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper No. 226, Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 11F0019MIE.

  1. Issues for Canadian Aboriginal Peoples

Flanagan, Tom, and Christopher Alcantara. 2002. Individual Property Rights on Canadian Indian Reserves, Public Policy Sources No. 60, Fraser Institute Occasional Paper.

Kuhn, Peter, and Arthur Sweetman. 2002. “Aboriginals as Unwilling Immigrants: Contact, Assimilation and Labour Market Outcomes,” Journal of Population Economics 15(2), 331-55.

  1. Issues in International Economics

A. Globalization

Helliwell, John. 2000. “Globalization: Myths, Facts, and Consequences,” CD Howe Institute, Benefactors Lecture (October).

Huberman, Michael. 2005. “Are Canada’s Labour Standards Set in the Third World? Historical Trends and Future Prospects,” CD Howe Institute Commentary No. 209 (February).

  1. International Trade

Courchene, Thomas J. 2003. “FTA at 15, NAFTA at 10: A Canadian Perspective on North American Integration,” North American Journal of Economics and Finance 14(2), 263-85.

  1. Canada and México

Goldfarb, Danielle. 2005. “The Canada-Mexico Conundrum: Finding Common Ground,” CD Howe Institute Backgrounder No. 91 (July).

Mueller, Richard E. 2005. “Mexican Immigrants and Temporary Residents in Canada: Current Knowledge and Future Research,” Migraciones Internacionales 3(1), 32-56.