Green Island Historical Files

1.  American Legion – Legnard Curtain Post 927

A. American Legion Scrap Book

1. Sept. 15, 1942 – Sept. 15, 1943

2. Photo

2.  Assessment Board – Empty

3.  Artist – Empty (see David Lithgow and Greg Messier)

4.  Bakery – Empty (see Prediger’s Bakery)

5.  Banks (savings) – Empty (see Marine Midland, The Manufacturer’s National, and The Green Island Bank)

6.  Barber Shops – see Ingrato, Samuel

A.  Article – “Pic Closing Up Shop”

7.  Baseball Teams

A. Photos (2)

B. Program for Green Island Booster Day May 31, 1920

8.  Bell (Meneely) on top of Corporation Hall

A.  Photo

9.  Belden, Arthur L., Insurance Broker – 49 Hudson Avenue

A. Fire Insurance for 52 James Street (3 of them)

10.  Bendix Friction Materials Division

A.  Photos (4)

B.  Bendix Bulletin 1977

C.  History of Friction Materials Division

D.  Slade Sales Bulletin

E.  Newspaper Article 8-18-79

F.  Newspaper Article “Health Department Seeks Test of Bendix Asbestos Emissions” Times Union February 16, 1989

G.  Newspaper Article 2-1980

H.  Newspaper Article The Record 10-31-91

I.  Newspaper Article 2-2-80

J.  Newspaper Article “Health Department Seeks Test of Bendix Asbestos Emissions” Times Union February 16, 1989.

11.  Bennett, J.H. – George Street

A. Photo

12.  Best, John T. – Bleeker Street

A.  Photos (3)

13.  Board of Education

A.  Newspaper Article 6-21-79

B.  Newspaper Article 7-13-79

C.  Newspaper Article 12-18-86

D.  “Dear Voter” letter 6-8-78

E.  Advertisement to vote for school board 1978.

F.  Newspaper Article 6-16-77

G.  Newspaper Article 5-18-77

H.  “Dear Voter” Vote Hart

I.  Newspaper Article “School Board Approves Budget” The Record Pg.8 5-26-88.

14.  Body Shops

A. Newspaper Article 6-22-79

15.  Bower, W. Association

A.  Photo from Sept. 10, 1911

16.  Bowling Alley

A. 3 Photos

17.  BP Gas and Oil Company

A.  Historian document stating BP opened December 14, 1976

18.  Bridge, G.I. Background info

A.  Newspaper Article

B.  Historian Document – Flooding Spring of 1977

C.  Letter from D.E. Hoadley of Delaware & Hudson Railway Co. to Mr. Ryan regarding record cards for G.I. Bridge.

D.  Historian Document – Blue prints & Pictures of G.I. Bridge are in the safe.

E.  Rensselaer Engineer Vol. 29, Number 2.

F.  History of Delaware & Hudson Co.

G.  From history by R.D. Cunningham.

H.  Picture.

I.  Chapters 3&4 from?

J.  Historian Document – Blue prints from 1984 bridge in safe.

K.  Origin of Troy’s most destructive fire.

L.  From a Century of Progress History of the D&H Co.

M.  Newspaper picture of Bridge.

N.  Newspaper Article 5-12-77.

O.  Picture of 2 portrait “Lithgow”

P.  History of D&H Co.

Q.  Landmarks of Rensselaer County N.Y. by George Baker Anderson 1897.

R.  Historian Document – History of G.I. Bridge.

S.  The Yorker – December 1978.

T.  Historian Document – Draft of History of G.I. Bridge.

19.  Bridges (see Hoosick Bridge, Green Island Bridge, Collar City Bridge)

A.  From “Landmarks of Rensselaer County” by George Baker Anderson.

20.  Bridge, Green Island Demolition

A.  Newspaper Ad. “Your Own Personal Memento of G.I. Bridge.”

B.  Newspaper Article “DOT Conceeds Bonus for Bridge Demolition.” 5-5-1977.

C.  Newspaper Article “How to Tear Down a Bridge.”

D.  Newspaper Picture.

E.  Newspaper Picture.

F.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Wreckage to be Cleared.”

G.  Newspaper Article “Wreckage of Span to be Cleared.”

H.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Projects Move Quickly.”

I.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Demolition Under Way.” 4-21-1977.

J.  Newspaper Article “River Closes Stalls 7 Barges.”

K.  Newspaper Picture

L.  Newspaper Article “Collision Damages Bridge Beam.” 4-25-1977.

M.  Newspaper Picture

N.  Newspaper Picture

O.  Newspaper Picture

P.  Newspaper Picture

Q.  Newspaper Picture

R.  Newspaper Picture

S.  Newspaper Picture dated 9-26-1978.

21.  Bridges, G.I. Reconstruction.

A.  Newspaper Article. Wednesday evening, 3-16-77

B.  Postcard from Joe Connors to Mark Ryan.

C.  Two photos.

D.  Newspaper Article 3-15-77 (Times Record)

E.  Newspaper Picture 3-15-77

F.  Photo of R.R. Tracks.

G.  Newspaper Article 3-17-77

H.  Newspaper Article 3-24-77

I.  Newspaper Article “5 Honored for Bridge Heroism”

J.  Newspaper Article 3-29-77

K.  Newspaper Article and picture 3-26-77

L.  Newspaper Article continued from pg. 1 “Bridge Action Starts.”

M.  Newspaper Article 3-17-77

N.  Newspaper Article Editorial 4-7-77

O.  Newspaper Article “Federal Money Requested.”

P.  Newspaper Article “Carey Hopes for Fast Bridge Action.”

Q.  Newspaper Article 5-15-77

R.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Contract Award.”

S.  Newspaper Ad: Now Showing in Troy “The Bridge That Was.”

T.  Historian Document.

U.  Newspaper Picture. Telephone line repair.

V.  Rensselaerville Press. Fall 1994.

W.  Troy-G.I. Bridge Plan & Profile spans 4, 5, 6, &7.

X.  Capital District Transportation Committee letter of requested minutes for meeting discussing G.I. Bridge.

Y.  Newspaper Article 3-16-77

Z.  Newspaper Article and picture 3-17-77

AA.  Newspaper Article “Battered Span Falls Into River.”

BB.  Newspaper Picture 3-14-74

CC.  Newspaper Article 3-29-77

DD.  Newspaper Article 4-18-77

EE. Newspaper Article “First International Fallen Bridge Bash.”


FF. Newspaper Article “Bridge Bash Draws Crowd of Thousands.”

GG.  Newspaper Article “The Bash is over.”

HH.  Newspaper Article “Beauty’s No Factor in This Contest.”

II.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Fund Okayed.”

JJ.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Bridge Bash Lures Throngs to Troy.”


KK.  Newspaper Article. Picture Page. “The Bridge Bash Was a Blast.” 5-1-77.

LL. Newspaper Article “Bridge T-Shirts are Popular.”

MM.  Newspaper Article “Fallen Bridge Bash is Today.”

NN.  Newspaper Article “International Fallen Bridge Bash be Falling Troy Saturday.” 4-29-77

OO.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Takeover Near.” 3-22-77

PP. Newspaper Article “Carey Signs Bridge Bill.” 4-14-77

QQ.  Newspaper Article “State Takes Over Remains of Bridge.”


RR.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Bill Making Progress in Albany.”


SS. Senate-Assembly. 2-23-77

TT. Newspaper Picture January 1980.

UU.  Newspaper Article “The Bridge That Was in the River and Through the Year.” 3-15-78.

VV.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Links Seen and Fall.”

WW.  Newspaper Picture 8-30-79.

XX.  Newspaper Picture 7-6-80.

YY.  Newspaper Picture of bridge beam.

ZZ. Newspaper Picture 3-22-80.

AAA.  Newspaper Picture January 1980.

BBB.  Newspaper Picture 12-8-79.

CCC.  Newspaper Picture 1-8-80.

DDD.  Newspaper Article and Picture 9-26-79.

EEE.  Newspaper Article “Troy Bridge Delays Could Last for Months.”

FFF.  Newspaper Article “Engineers Work to Solve G.I. Bridge Snag.” 10-11-79.

GGG.  Newspaper Article “Construction Booming in G.I.” 8-18-79.

HHH.  Newspaper Picture October 1979.

III.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Bridge Will Cost 18.8 Million.” 6-2-79.

JJJ. Newspaper Picture 8-28-79.

KKK.  Newspaper Picture 6-12-79.

LLL.  Newspaper Article “Buffalo Firm Low Bidder for G.I. Bridge Contract.” 6-1-79.

MMM.  Newspaper Picture 8-25-79.

NNN.  Newspaper Picture 8-16-79.

OOO.  Newspaper Article and Picture 9-14-79.

PPP.  Newspaper Article and Picture “Coast Guard Patrols a New Beat at New Bridge.” 9-16-79.

QQQ.  Newspaper Article “Barge Sinks.” 6-11-79.

RRR.  Historian Document from Mark Ryan.

SSS.  Newspaper Article and Picture “Green Island Span Date Now Thanksgiving ’80.” 1-18-78.

TTT.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Bridge Project: A Status Report.” January 1978.

UUU.  Newspaper Article “New G.I. Bridge Seen by 1980.” 1-18-78.

VVV.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Bridge 4 ½ Years Away.” 11-22-77.

WWW.  Newspaper Article “Plans for G.I. Bridge Moving Faster Than Expected.” June 1977.

XXX.  Newspaper Article “No Temporary Bridge at G.I. DOT.” 5-10-77.

YYY.  Newspaper Article “Bridge Design Proposed.” 7-12-77.

ZZZ.  Newspaper Article “Village Approves Lift Bridge Design.”


AAAA.  Newspaper Cartoon.

BBBB.  Newspaper Picture: Proposed design for bridge.

CCCC.  Newspaper Article “Fall Start Seen on G.I. Bridge.” 1-17-78.

DDDD.  Newspaper Article “Green Island Bridge Pier Bids to be Opened Next Thursday.”

22.  Businesses (see Michael’s Restaurant & Catering Service. Miss Mary’s Restaurant.)

A.  Newspaper Article “Builder Promotes 2 New Developments” Times Union February 18, 1994

B.  Newspaper Article “Green Island Building Roof Collapses” The Record 2-2-94.

C.  Newspaper Article “Pizza Place Proposal Tossed Around and Panned By Green Island Planning Board” The Record Pg.A7 12-21-93.

23.  Cable Television (Capital Cablevision)

A.  Newspaper Article “Cable Television in Sight for G.I. Residents.” 1977.

24.  Capital District Tool and Die Co. Inc. Paine Street.

A.  Picture.

25.  CARE, Project

A.  Village Newsletter October 1979

B.  Newspaper Article “Drug Committee Formed.” 1979.

C.  Newspaper Article “Drug Education for Youngsters.” 8-11-79.

D.  Newspaper Article “Narcotics Counselors Now Project Care.” August 1979.

E.  Newspaper Article “Parents Learn G.I. is no Sanctuary From Drugs.” January 1980.

F.  Newspaper Article “Pupils Learn About Alcoholism.” 4-1-80.

26.  Carlow’s Garage, Arch St.

A.  Picture

27.  Census

A.  Letter

28.  Census

A.  Quantitative History and the Classroom: Hudson as a Test Case.

29.  Centennial Park

A.  Original Manuscript of inauguration speech for Centennial Park.

B.  Index card dated June 28, 1976.

C.  Historical Document from Mark Ryan.

D.  Program. G.I. Bicentennial Community Designation Day.

E.  Letter Dated July 5, 1845.

30.  Church of the Good Shepard

A.  Newspaper Picture 10-24-86.

B.  Newspaper Article “Race Against Hunger Nets $2,850 for Area’s Impoverished.” 11-5-86.

C.  Newspaper Article “Rescheduled to Help Raise Funds to Feed the Hungry.” 10-14-86.

D.  Newspaper Article “Pastor’s Project Brightens G.I. Church.” 11-14-76.

E.  Pictures of G.I. Churches & 6 photos.

F.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Church Celebrates 125th Anniversary.” 4-11-78.

G.  Newspaper Pictures. 125th anniversary parade for Church. 6-6-78.

H.  Newspaper Article “Church is Proud of Past.” 3-28-78.

I.  Historian Loan.

J.  Program. 125th anniversary 1853-1978 Church of the Good Shepard.

K.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Church Renovates to Help Build Faith in the Future.” 3-22-80.

L.  Newspaper Article “Race Set”

M.  Newspaper Article “Green Island’s Race for Hunger is Saturday” 11-4-93.

31.  Civil War

A.  Map of the battlefields of the civil war.

B.  Newspaper Article “Civil War Monument to be Restored.” Pg. 32.


C.  Booklet. Antietam National Cemetery.

D.  READ Magazine. Civil War Centennial. A Special Issue. Vol. x-No. 11. 2-1-61.

E.  Newspaper. Historic front pages of NY Times. The Civil War and Reconstruction Periods. 10-18-1859.

F.  Summary of the Civil War. 9-10-1983.

G.  Our Nation’s Heritage the Struggle for Survival. A Collier’s Encyclopedia Social Studies Teaching Aid.

H.  The Symbol and the Sword. Washington D.C. 1860 to 1865.

I.  Soldier’s Expressions. Quotations in Museum. Antietam National Battlefield. Prepared by Pat Lammers & Betty Otto. February 1983.

J.  The Dunker Church. Antietam National Battlefield.

K.  Artillery at Antietam. Prepared by Pat Lammers and Dave Smith. May 1981.

L.  The New York Times. 3-3-1867.

M.  New York State and the Civil War. December 1962.

N.  New York State and the Civil War. May 1962.

O.  New York State and the Civil War. June 1962.

P.  New York State and the Civil War. November 1962.

Q.  New York State and the Civil War. September-October 1962.

R.  New York State and the Civil War. April 1962.

S.  New York State and the Civil War. March 1962.

T.  Brochure. Antietam National Battlefield. Maryland National Park Service. U.S. Department of the Interior.

32.  Clancy Fire Equipment. George Street.

A.  2 Pictures

33.  Clark, John T. & Sons Grocery. 41 George Street.

A.  Picture

34.  Cap. Dist. Coastal Zone Management Program.

A.  Newspaper Article “Green Island to Host Coastal Zone Meeting.” 3-21-1977.

35.  Codes, Building & Fire

A.  Newspaper Article “Building Code Adopted.” 8-23-1977.

36.  Codes, Fire


37.  Codes, Village


38.  Cohoes in 1976. Bicentennial Publication.

A.  Cohoes in 1976. Bicentennial Publication Book.

B.  Newspaper Article “Bell May Toll for the Bicentennial.” 1976.

39.  Collar City Bridge


40.  Colonie Fibre Co. Inc. Arch Street.

A.  Picture

41.  Community Development Act of 1974.

A.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Seeks Grant Approval.” 4-16-1977.

B.  Newspaper Article “Housing, Water, Sewage needs Cited.” 1-11-1977.

C.  Newspaper Article “G.I. Development Funds Approved.” 12-15-1976.

D.  Newspaper Article “Water Facilities Site Chosen.” July 1977.

E.  Newspaper Article “Good News and Bad News for G.I.” 6-3-1977.

F.  Newspaper Article “Final Report Due on Water Plant.” June 1977.

G.  Newspaper Article “Water Plant Plan Shown.” 10-25-1977.

H.  Newspaper Article “Water Plant Design on Agenda.” December 1977.

I.  Town and Village of G.I. Citizens Community Development. Advisory Board Community Development Plan Proposal. 2-4-1977.

J.  Citizens Community Development Advisory Board Proposal. 1-20-1976.

K.  Newspaper Article “Bids Sought for Water Plant.” 7-28-1978.

L.  Newspaper Article “Construction Booming in G.I.” 8-18-1979.

M.  Newspaper Article “Development Area Map Shown.” 9-25-1979.

N.  Newspaper Article “Rehabilitation to be Funded.” 2-26-1980.

O.  Newspaper Picture 1-4-1980.

42.  G.I. Cooperative Nursery School.

A.  Picture

B.  Newspaper Picture 9-13-1977.

C.  Newspaper Picture 9-13-1977.

43.  Copyright


44.  Corporation Hall

A.  5 Pictures

B.  2 Fire Insurance Policies

-June 1, 1937

-June 14, 1937

45.  Dam, Site

A.  4 Pictures

B.  Landmarks of Rensselaer County Pg. 272 Copied.

46.  Davenport, Bernard – Executive Assistant

A.  1 Picture

B.  Newspaper Article “Bernard W. Davenport; Served as Village Clerk – Treasurer.”

C.  Newspaper Article “Davenport Fills Treasurer’s Post.” 4-21-1977.

47.  Democrats G.I.

A.  Newspaper Article “John McNulty to Resume Party Post in Green Island” Times Union Pg. B1 3-2-89

B.  Mass for those who serve public office and Oath of Office ceremony Program December 29, 1988

C.  Newspaper Article “Green Island, Vliet Dems Carry Night” The Record 11-3-93

D.  Photo of Sean Ward as Town Supervisor

48.  Doctors


49.  Drug Abuse


50.  Eaton & Gilbert Car Works (see Gilbert Car Works)


51.  Education, Board of


52.  Elections – 1977 Town

A.  Newspaper Article “Green Island Elects Demarest Supervisor.” November 1977.

B.  Newspaper Article “Aside From the Bridge, Mayor Levins Made News.” 3-16-1977

C.  Newspaper Article “Democrats Pick Three Incumbents on Slate.”