This program provides support to the Sections for activities that bring value to the members. In general Section Partnership projects should be “technical” or “operational” rather than “professional”, which would fit under the PACE projects. Some examples of Section Partnership projects include developing a newsletter, a web site, officer training, joint Section/student branch programs, distinguished lecturer presentations, etc.

There will be up to three periods for project submittals, pending how long the funds hold out.

·  10/1/2009 – 3/8/2010 with the decisions announced at the Region 1 Winter Meeting

·  3/9/2010 – 5/9/2010 with decisions announced at the Spring Region1 ExCom meeting

·  5/10/2010 – 8/1/2010 with the decisions announced at the Region 1 Summer Meeting

The maximum amount that any one Section can get in the first round is $1000. This maximum will be adjusted for the other rounds, pending what is left. Projects not selected in the first round will be considered in the second round in addition to any new project submittals. The third round will include projects not selected in the first two rounds and any new projects, submitted during the third round. Initially the total amount of Section Partnership money that a Section can getwithin the year is $1000 for all projects under this program. Pending how this works out during 2010, this may be revised.

The Section would have to contribute at least 50% of the cost of the project, although this could be reduced under special circumstances that are approved by the Region 1 Director. The amount of Section reserves would be used as a tie breaker, if there are more projects than money.

To simplify the process and avoid sending paper forms, submittals should be done electronically. To apply for Section Partnership funding:

1.  The Section Project Chair completes and dates the SECTION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT PLAN AND FINANCING REQUEST form and sends it to the Section Chair for approval.

2.  The Section Chair approves and dates the form and sends it to the Region 1 Section Partnership Program Coordinator ().

3.  The Region 1 Section Partnership Program Coordinator collects, reviews, and prioritizes the requests received for each of the above submittal rounds and sends this to the Region 1 Director for approval.

4.  The successful project forms are then sent to the Region 1 Treasurer for disbursements of funds to the appropriate Sections

5.  The results are announced as indicated above.