Belmont Heights Community Association

Belmont Heights United Methodist Church

General Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2013

Dianne Sundstrom called the meeting to order at approximately 7:05PM.


Dianne Sundstrom introduced the BHCA board members present: Maureen Neeley, Cindi Rogan, John Fries, Gordana Kajer, Craig Starnes, and John Shisko,

Dianne asked each person in the audience to introduce themselves and to state where they live in Belmont Heights.

Three members of CSULB’s “Phi Kappa Phi” Fraternity introduced themselves. Their fraternity house is at 2nd Street and Mira Mar. The fraternity is working to develop stronger relationships with the community this year and wants to volunteer with the BHCA on neighborhood projects. They will send their contact information to Dianne so that the BHCA can get them involved in tree plantings, Broadway median plantings, etc.



The next item of business was to approve minutes from the November 14, 2012 BHCA meeting. The motion was seconded and the minutes were unanimously approved. A copy can be found on the BHCA website.


John Fries, Treasurer, gave a financial update. The BHCA currently holds $14,981.00 in the checking account with the majority of the funds ‘encumbered’ for various projects. John explained that $9,750 reflects contributions for the Broadway Median project, $360 is held for the Belmont Heights Artists Association (BHAA) and the balance is approx. $4,871. A portion of that amount is prepaid advertising for the quarterly newsletter and is protected for future editions.

Pacific Electric Right-of-Way

Maureen Neeley gave a progress report on the Pacific Electric Right-of-Way project (PEROW). An on-line survey tool was sent out via email from the 3rd District council office and from the BHCA. There were 138 completed responses. Maureen stated that the majority so far favor a ‘passive’ use with native, low-water landscaping, with a path for pedestrians and dogs. Many respondents asked to be kept informed as the PEROW plan moves along. There is no current budget for the PEROW but it is likely the project will be ‘phased in’ and funded in stages. This is a community-driven, bottom up project and all input is being solicited to help define what the neighborhood wants for the area. Contact Maureen if you did not receive the email survey.

Broadway Median Landscaping

Dianne Sundstrom gave an update on the Nieto and Park “triangle” across from Lowell. Water and electricity must be installed and although that was not part of the original budget, Councilman DeLong found monies for that part of the project. Planting can now be completed for both the triangle and the median and it is expected to be completed by the end of February 2013. In order to stretch the budget, smaller plants will be used. Landscaping boulders are available from the city’s Public Works Department. Maintenance of the area will be folded into the city’s general landscaping contract.

Broadway/Redondo Improvements

Dianne Sundstrom gave an update on the Broadway/Redondo business corridor, an ongoing effort by the BHCA to help calm traffic in the neighborhood and courage pedestrians. Redondo is being repaved soon between Anaheim and Broadway which will allow for the intersection at Broadway and Redondo to be upgraded with a decorative patterned design and crosswalk. It’s also hoped that more parking spaces can be identified and more pedestrian crosswalks can be installed. Anyone interested in attending meetings should contact Dianne (email via the BHCA website or by phone @ 562-221-5518).

Vista Bike Blvd

Dianne Sundstrom announced that the section of the Vista Bike Boulevard in BH is still being updated. New signs have been installed and the right turn from Vista to Redondo will soon be changed according to plans approved during a meeting with Dave Roseman and BHCA members a few months ago.

Signal Box Project

Maureen and Dianne gave an update on the BHCA signal box repainting project. An application has been submitted to the City and we are awaiting approval. The first prototype painted boxes will be in front of Scratch Baked (4th and Termino) and at 4th and Park. There is no unified theme other than to incorporate the signature type font and words “Belmont Heights’ into the design. Parrots and a palm tree design will be on the first boxes. The city has to sign off on the designs; the artist is donating his time and has received a donation for the paint needed to complete the project. A graffiti-proof finish will be applied to prevent folks from marring the design. The final designs will be available for review on the BHCA website.

Funeral Home and Potential Crematorium on 7th Street

Dianne Sundstrom noted that the Funeral Home on 7th Street is operating with a 180 day conditional permit and the owners are in compliance with that permit. The owners have expressed interest in installing a crematorium. Dianne spoke with Erik Sund in the City’s business licensing division and although a crematorium is costly and the permitting complex, the owners may move forward with such a request. Current zoning permits both a funeral home and crematorium in that location. Residents in Belmont Heights and Rose Park have raised concerns about parking and other aspects of such a business. Dianne asked those in attendance if they supported the operation of a funeral home and/or crematorium. The majority does not have a problem with a funeral home but do not support the installation of a crematorium. Dianne will follow-up with both the other neighborhood groups and our Council office.

New Business

Neighborhood USA Award

Maureen Neeley updated the group about the opportunity for the BHCA to apply for a “Neighborhood USA” nation-wide awards program in one or two categories. There are various community groups in Long Beach that have applied for, and won, national recognition in the past for different endeavors to improve their neighborhood. There is a small fee to apply. The application is still in early stages but there are BHCA members who have experience with the process and who are willing to help. Maureen will work with those parties and report back.

Belmont Street Antique Light Posts

Maureen Neeley and Julie Maleki, Councilman DeLong’s field office administrator, updated the group on the possibility of restoring the antique light posts found on Belmont between 3rd Street and Livingston Street. Most are in disrepair with one recently restored. Issues about energy efficiency and light pollution were mentioned; however newer globes with reflectors can be installed that resolve those issues. The city’s contractor, City Light and Power, will be doing the work and is currently submitting a quotation for restoration.

Adaptive Reuse of Emmanuel Church

Maureen Neeley announced that Emmanuel Church (3rd and Obispo) has been without a congregation for some time and the property is now being considered for adaptive reuse as a senior citizen housing project. It is outside BHCA, but still close to our border, and although not enough is known about the project for the BHCA to take an official position, the project will likely be of interest to BHCA residents. Many residents in Bluff Heights have indicated concerns about parking and the fact that a house next to the church will be demolished in order to create more parking. Folks who are interested should attend the public meeting on Saturday, January 12th at 10AM.

420 Grand Avenue

Dianne Sundstrom announced that the owner of Glorious Manor (420 Grand) has requested a permit from the city to use that address as an administrative office for youth counseling services. This property has been an issue with BHCA residents for many years since the owner has been unwilling to respond to complaints in the past about activities in that building. The proposed

new use at the address will include a private exercise facility for use by individuals enrolled in the program. The permit request is a non-conforming use and will be reviewed at a city Zone Administrator meeting on 2/11/2013. Dianne will organize a meeting with concerned residents and send a representative to the hearing.

Status of Goals for 2012

Dianne Sundstrom reviewed Belmont Heights Community Association goals for 2012 and noted certain accomplishments: increased association membership to over 100 paying members, financial support for Colorado Lagoon Christmas trees, the Broadway median project and landscaping, involvement and coordination for the PEROW and increased interest in the two Historic Districts within Belmont Heights.

Board Nominations for 2013

Dianne Sundstrom announced that he BHCA is now seeking volunteers for positions on the board of directors. Anyone interested is encouraged to contact Dianne.

BHCA Goals for 2013

Dianne Sundstrom asked the group for ideas to consider as goals in 2013. Suggestions included; rolling over the motorcycle/leaf blower noise abatement project from 2012, increasing paying membership to 150 (with envelope inserts in the newsletter to help get more results, using PayPal on the website to encourage payment over the internet, ‘bring a friend’ to a monthly meeting), hosting a party/parade for the completion of the Broadway median project, and a summer block party. Also mentioned was a comprehensive survey of sidewalk repair needs and potential tree planting opportunities. CJ Crockett offered to survey and document the neighborhood’s trees.

Updates From the 3rd District Council Office

Julie Maleki from the 3rd District office announced Fiscal Year 2013 street repairs soon to start in BHCA (Mira Mar, Euclid, Loma) along with other curb/sidewalk repairs. The BHCA may consider conducting a survey to identify all curb and sidewalk issues to help the councilman’s office prioritize projects. Homeowners are reminded that they are eligible for up to a $500 reimbursement if they opt to repair their sidewalk using the service of a licensed contractor. Contact the Councilman’s office for more information.

Long Beach Reads One Book

Mary Barton is the Vice Chair of “Long Beach Reads One Book” and announced that this year the book will be “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein. Folks are encouraged to participate.

The next BHCA meeting is February 13, 2013. Eric Lopez will update the BHCA on the Belmont Plaza pool design and rebuild plans. Councilman DeLong will join us at the March 13, 2013 meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Gordana Kajer
