African Unit Test Study Guide

Below is a list of questions you will need to answer for your next test!

  1. Know the definitions of:

Imperialism-The practice of one country controlling the government and economy of another country or territory

Colonization-The domination of one country over another in order to control the area‘s economic and political systems.

Nationalism-A strong pride in one’s nation or ethnic group

Independence- Freedom of control or influence from another or others

  1. Which ethnic group believes in animism, that trees, plants and animals have souls? The Ashanti of Northern Africa believe trees, plants, and animals have souls.
  1. What was of the largest migrations in the history of man? The Bantu migration was one of the largest migrations in the history of man. The Bantu people allshare a related language and culture.
  1. Why did Europeans colonize Africa? To get the natural resources/raw goods available not available in Europe.
  1. How did Europeans view Africans?As inferior to them
  1. When did most African countries gain independence from Europe? (GA pg 333)1951-1980
  1. What led and influenced independence movements in Africa?Nationalist Movements; Africans who went to universities in Europe and U.S. felt Africa should gain its independence
  1. How did the Industrial Revolution affect Africa?It depleted the natural resources found there.
  1. What were some of the problems newly independent African nations faced after gaining independence? ( T pg 515) There were many riots and wars between ethnic groups
  1. What was apartheid?The act of separating people according to race
  1. What was the African National Congress and who became the leader of the ANC? Why was the ANC needed?The African National Congress was a political group that worked to end apartheid. Nelson Mandela was the leader of the ANC.
  1. Who was F.W. DeKlerk and what role did he play in ending apartheid?DeKlerk was the president of SouthAfrica. He freed Nelson Mandela and worked to stop apartheid
  1. What was the Pan-African movement? (T pg 514)Educated Africans who had gone to the universities in Europe and the US believed that countries in Africashould govern themselves.Africans began to think of themselves as one and work together to free them from European rule.
  1. What factors play a role in the spread of HIV in Africa?Poverty, lack of health care, and the lack of government organization (intervention)


  1. What is a federal system?A system of government where power is shared among different levels
  1. What are the two main types of democratic governments? Parliamentary and Presidential
  1. In a unitary system, who hold most of the power?The central government
  1. In a dictatorship, who decides who will be the leader?The people do not have a say on who should be their president; that is decided for them!


  1. What is a tariff?A tax placed on goods coming into one country from another
  1. What is a quota?The limit of foreign goods allowed into a country
  1. What is an embargo?A halt to trade with a particular country for economic or political purposes
  1. What are capital goods?Factories and machines used to make goods
  1. What is an entrepreneur?Someone who is will to take a risk and begin a new business
  1. What is a sanction?A penalty imposed on a country for violating international law
  1. What is voluntary trade?Countries are able to freely trade with each other. This encourages specialization and usually means more profit.