Permit Intervention Options

The conditions for maintaining an inter/intra-district permit include the following:


Maintain a minimum attendance rate of ninety-five percent (95%) each grading period.

Attend school on time and have no truancies or unexcused absences during the school year.

Academic Performance:

Secondary: Maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average (GPA) each grading period.

If the student’s GPA falls below the 2.0 GPA requirements during the first grading period, the student will be placed on probation until the completion of the next grading period. Failure to bring the GPA up to 2.0 during the period of probation will result in the termination of the Inter/Intra-District Permit.

Elementary: students are expected to put forth their best effort in all of their classes and homework on a consistent basis. Demonstrate progress towards grade level standards.


Maintain appropriate school behavior as outlined in the District Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

Refrain from any violations of the California Education code and abide by all school and classroom rules and regulations.

At least 3 interventions should be checked and verified with ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION – Please indicate date

Behavior Review/ District Behavior Contract / Parent attend portion of school day
Character Education / SARB (School Attendance Review Board)
Conference: / Date of SARB:
Parent / SART (Student Attendance Review Team)
Student / Date of SART:
Student Study Team / Referral to Community Resources
Conflict Resolution / Saturday School
Counseling / Shortened Day
Extended Day / Site Level Behavior contract
Detention: / Suspension:
Morning / In-House
Lunch / Principal
After School / Teacher
Healthy Start: / Loss of Recess (elementary)
Date referred / Transfer Classes
Home Visit(s) / Voluntary Short Term Independent Study
Alternative Placement / Other:

Parent Contact:

Date: ______Contacted By: ______Time: ______

Date: ______Contacted By: ______Time: ______

Date: ______Contacted By: ______Time: ______