
School of Information Studies

School Media Program

Competency Checklist

Name: Julie Matz Date:March 15, 2008 First Semester in Program:Spring, 2006

These competencies are designed to assist the student and his/her faculty advisor in documenting the student’s incoming knowledge at the beginning and assessing progress throughout his/her academic program. These competencies integrate ALA/AASL Competency Standards, as well as information from the New YorkState Preparation Guide to the Content Specialty Exam for Library Media Specialists, in order to adequately prepare the student for New YorkState Certification requirements.

Use the following steps to complete each competency:

1) Level: Indicate your own estimation of your ability to perform each competency. Your competency level is a personal assessment and

is not dependent on the number of courses you have completed. Use the following code:

4 = Proficiency levelI feel confident in my ability to perform this competency.

3 = Moderate levelI have had some practice in this area.

2 = Familiarity levelI have some elementary knowledge in this competency area and may have performed it once or twice.

1 = Entrance levelI need work in this area.

2) Acquisition Method: Indicate where the competency was acquired. Check the course(s) you have completed and circle the specific

demonstration(s) for each competency. Use the method key below:

T/E = Test/ExamSIM = SimulationP/A = Project/Activity

CP = Class Participation OR = Oral Report or Presentation OTH = Other (please specify)

O-J = On the Job ApplicationFW/P = Fieldwork/Practicum

3) Demonstration: Indicate how the competency was acquired. Briefly describe at least one experience selected in step 2 that

demonstrates the specific conditions under which that competency was acquired. For example, for competency 1.A.1, if you took IST

612, you would have had a class project or class discussion in which you demonstrated that competency. Briefly describe that project or

discussion. The Competency Checklist Appendix provides some examples of assignments or activities you may have completed to gain

the competency. However, this is not an exhaustive list, and you may have taken courses with a different professor than those who

provided assignment examples for the Appendix.

4) Total: Total your scores for each section in the box marked “Total.” You will use your total scores and your advisor’s comments to

identify gaps in your competencies and to select appropriate projects during your fieldwork and practica experiences.

This record should be updated five times according to the following timetable. Please indicate which version you are submitting by checking the appropriate box.

1. Baseline: You should complete the competencies at the very beginning of your program, before you take any courses. Make

a copy for yourself and submit the original to your advisor during your first semester in the program. The list should be used

as a basis for selection of fieldwork projects, class projects, and other course-related activities.

2. Fieldwork: The original checklist must be submitted before beginning the fieldwork experience. You, your advisor, the

fieldwork coordinator, and your site supervisor should use copies as a way to identify gaps that need filling or for project

selection during your fieldwork experience.

3. Practicum I: The original checklist must be submitted with your first practicum Learning Agreement. You and your

practicum site supervisors should use copies as a way to identify gaps that need filling or for project selection during your

practicum experience.

4. Practicum II: The original checklist must be submitted with your second practicum Learning Agreement. You and your

practicum site supervisors should use copies as a way to identify gaps that need filling or for project selection during your

practicum experience.

5. Final: A fifth and final checklist should be completed and copied after your final practicum and all coursework has been

completed. The final checklist should be submitted with your portfolio.

School Media Program Courses

Below is a list of course numbers and titles. Please refer to this list when determining which courses helped you gain a particular competency.

IST 504: Motivation and Information Literacy

IST 511: Introduction to the Library and Information Profession (gateway course)

IST 605: Information Resources: Users and Services

IST 611: Information Technologies in Educational Organizations

IST 612: Youth Services in Libraries and InformationCenters

IST 613: Library Systems and Processes

IST 616: Information Resources: Organization and Access

IST 618: Survey of Telecommunications and Information Policy

IST 661: Information Management in Schools

IST 668: Literacy Through School Libraries

IST 972: School Media Practicum

STANDARD 1: Use of Information & Ideas

School library media candidates encourage reading and lifelong learning by stimulating interests and fostering competencies in the effective use of ideas and information. They apply a variety of strategies to ensure access to resources and information in a variety of formats to all members of the learning community. Candidates promote efficient and ethical information-seeking-behavior as part of the school library media program and its services.

SECTION 1.A. Efficient and Ethical Information-Seeking Behavior

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
1.A.1. Recognizes the role of the library media program in providing equitable physical and intellectual access to information, ideas, and learning and teaching tools. / 4 / 511 – CP
605 – CP
611 – P/A
612 – CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 661
(P/A) 611 In 661 we investigated flexible staffing scenarios and designed a "plan for planning" for implementing a flexible staffing program in our schools. In addition, a Gantt chart was created to show who the actors are and their decision points over time.
(FW/P) 972
1.A.2. Identifies professional responsibilities of the library media specialist (e.g., ensuring equitable access to information, instructing and training other members of the learning community about the library media resources and their uses, serving as an advocate for students and the library media program, recognizing and addressing issues of bias and diversity). / 4 / 605 – CP
612 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 661 Collaborative Technology Project (611) produced a profesional development program to introduce smart boards in to the library and classroom.
(P/A) 668
1.A.3. Ascribes to a professional code of ethics by demonstrating a high level of professional conduct. / 4 / 511 – OR
605 – CP
612 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
Other / (FW/P) 972 Modeling the role of the adult learner in high school fieldwork setting.
1.A.4. Recognizes the laws and professional responsibilities regarding copyright, patent, and the duplication of protected materials. / 4 / 511 – CP
612 – CP
618 – P/A,CP,
Other / (CP) 511
(CP) 618
(P/A) 972
(O-J) Conducted a research seminar for fourth through sixth grades to introduce and reinforce ways for students to guard against plagarism, especially regarding "cut & paste" notetaking; high school fw.
20 / Advisor Comments:

SECTION 1.B. Literacy and Reading

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
1.B.5. Demonstrates an ability to guide students’ reading, listening, and viewing experiences. / 4 / 612 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972 Creation of graphic organizers for student use when navigating web sites and conducting research.
1.B.6. Applies strategies and activities that promote the appreciation and enjoyment of reading by students. / 4 / 612 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 612Lit review of 30 books from Nespeca course
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
1.B.7. Understands types and characteristics of literature for children and adolescents. / 4 / 612 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
1.B.8. Demonstrates knowledge of various forms and genres of literature (e.g., biography, poetry, drama, science fiction). / 4 / 612 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
1.B.9. Recognizes developmental factors that should be considered when selecting literature for individual students. / 4 / 612 – P/A,CP
661 – CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Instructs Collaborative Team Teaching Class and Self-contained Special Education Class. Consults with teachers regarding reluctant readers and makes suggestions for appropriate reading material.
1.B.10. Recognizes criteria for, and analyzes issues related to, the selection of literature for a school library media program (e.g., representation of diversity, avoidance of stereotypes, age-appropriateness). / 4 / 605 – P/A
612 – P/A
613 – P/A
661 – CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(P/A) 613
1.B.11. Knows how to use professional resources and tools for selecting books and other library materials. / 4 / 605 – P/A
612 – P/A,CP
613 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,O-J
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 613
(FW/P) 972
28 / Advisor Comments:

SECTION 1.C. Access to Information

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
1.C.12. Is familiar with policies for dealing with censorship challenges. / 4 / 611 – P/A
613 – CP
618 – CP,T/E
661 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 613
(CP) 612
1.C.13. Demonstrates a knowledge of how to build a collection of bibliographic aids and tools and other sources that provide current reviews and information about materials and equipment. / 4 / 605 – P/A
612 – P/A
613 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 613
(FW/P) 972
1.C.14. Develops and applies criteria for evaluating and selecting a variety of materials and equipment. / 4 / 605 – P/A
612 – P/A,CP
613 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 613
(CP) 668
(FW/P) 972
1.C.15. Provides guidance in the use of information resources. / 4 / 605 – OR
668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Conducts seminars on library information resources for parents, teachers and students.
Assists high school students in accessing appropriate websites for research. ( for ELL)
1.C.16. Demonstrates the ability to use a full range of electronic resources to provide bibliographic, interlibrary loan, and other information services. / 4 / 511 – P/A
Other / (P/A) 511
(P/A) 605
(FW/P) 972
1.C.17. Integrates electronic resources into library and information skills education. / 4 / FW/P
Other / (P/A) 504
(FW/P) 972
1.C.18. Provides access to materials beyond the library through networking and interlibrary loan. / 4 / 661 – CP
Other / (FW/P) 972
1.C.19. Demonstrates an understanding of the library media specialist’s role in promoting intellectual freedom. / 4 / 612 – P/A,CP
613 – CP
618 – P/A,CP
661 – CP
972 – CP
Other / (CP) 612
Analytic issue paper on Free Speech in a MySpace World.
1.C.20. Recognizes policies that promote equitable access to and use of library media facilities. / 4 / 605 – CP
618 – P/A,CP,
661 – P/A,CP
668 – CP
Other / (CP) 611
(CP) 618
36 / Advisor Comments:

SECTION 1.D. Stimulating Learning Environment

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
1.D.21. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of creating an environment that supports a range of uses for library media center resources and services and promotes lifelong learning. / 4 / 504 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
1.D.22. Demonstrates the ability to motivate student learning through the use of instructional design techniques and strategies. / 4 / 504 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Social Science Research Unit for fifth grade: geography, American Revolution, Civil War
1.D.23. Demonstrates the ability to stimulate students’ intellectual curiosity and information exploration behaviors. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP,
668 – CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
1.D.24. Offers programs that motivate students to read. / 4 / 504 – P/A
612 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) RIF promotion and distribution for 2 years, You Otter Be Reading Campaign
1.D.25. Demonstrates an understanding of how to assist teachers and students in using information in a variety of media formats and for a variety of learning objectives. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A
611 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
20 / Advisor Comments:

STANDARD 2: Teaching and Learning

School library media candidates model and promote collaborative planning with classroom teachers in order to teach concepts and skills of information processes integrated with classroom content. They partner with other education professionals to develop and deliver an integrated information skills curriculum. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages the student’s interests, passions, and needs which drive their learning.

SECTION 2.A. Knowledge of Learners and Learning

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
2.A.26. Understands the importance of gathering and analyzing learner needs information. / 4 / 504 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(FW/P) 972
2.A.27. Demonstrates an ability to analyze learner characteristics. / 4 / 504 – P/A
612 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.A.28. Knows how to gather and analyze information about the curriculum for rational instructional decision-making. / 4 / 504 – P/A
661 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.A.29. Elicits and clarifies instructional goals and learning objectives of teachers and/or students. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Participates in grade conferences at all levels, collaborates with Teacher's College consultants.
20 / Advisor Comments:

SECTION 2.B. Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
2.B.30. Assists teachers and learners in using information in a variety of media formats and learning environments. / 4 / 504 – CP
605 – P/A
611 – P/A
612 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(FW/P) 972
2.B.31. Demonstrates an ability to collaborate with classroom teachers to design/implement and evaluate teaching/learning designs. / 4 / 668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(FW/P) 972
2 years as a collaborative team teacher, participant in grade conferences
2.B.32. Understands and demonstrates knowledge of types and characteristics of print, non-print, and electronic resources. / 4 / 605 – P/A,CP,OR
611 – P/A
612 – P/A
616 – P/A,CP
661 – CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 616
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Wireless computer cluster experience
2.B.33. Demonstrates an ability to design and produce instructional media and support materials. / 4 / 504 – P/A
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.B.34. Recognizes when to use computer technology to support learning objectives. / 4 / 504 – P/A
511 – P/A
605 – P/A,OR
611 – P/A
972 – P/A,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(FW/P) 972
2.B.35. Demonstrates an ability to assist teachers in using computers for instructing and motivating student learning. / 4 / FW/P
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Push-in lessons in classrooms to assist teachers during technology based lessons.
2.B.36. Demonstrates an ability to assist and/or advise students, teachers, and staff in learning and using computer hardware/ software in context. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – CP
611 – P/A
Other / (FW/P) 972
2.B.37. Recognizes ways to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
661 – CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(FW/P) 972
2.B.38. Recognizes appropriate strategies and resources, including new and adaptive technologies, that can be used to assist students with diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs. / 4 / 611 – CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Collaborative team teacher for 2 y ears, library classes for CCT classes and Self- Contained Special Education class. Mother of a student with an IEP (classified as ED in 2nd grade, now a college freshman)
2.B.39. Demonstrates an ability to identify and compare advantages and limitations of various resources and formats for teaching and learning. / 4 / 605 – P/A,OR
611 – P/A
613 – CP
661 – P/A
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(FW/P) 972
2.B.40. Understands the importance of participating with teachers and administrators as a member of school building and district committees responsible for curriculum and instruction. / 4 / 661 – CP
Other / (P/A) 661
(P/A) 668
(O-J) Member of the School Leadership Team (3 years), UFT Executive Board Member, President of the Sunshine Committee (5 years), Coordinates and drafts P. S. 160's Comprehensive Education Plan.
2.B.41. Demonstrates an ability to develop and organize instructional programs and activities to achieve goals and objectives. / 3 / 504 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(P/A) 613
(FW/P) 972
2.B.42. Understands the links between library media program evaluation methods and student achievement. / 3 / 661 – CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
50 / Advisor Comments:

SECTION 2.C. Information Literacy Curriculum

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
2.C.43. Demonstrates an ability to establish goals and objectives for library media and information literacy skills instruction. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.C.44. Demonstrates an ability to plan, implement, and evaluate integrated teaching units and lessons to meet students’ library media and information needs. / 4 / 504 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
(O-J) Submits monthly outline of "library time" lessons.
2.C.45. Demonstrates an ability to teach and evaluate the information problem-solving process through units and lessons integrated with classroom curriculum and activities. / 3 / 504 – P/A
612 – P/A
661 – CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.C.46. Recognizes ways to assist students seeking information for personal interest and self-improvement while promoting independent learning and addressing various learning styles. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.C.47. Demonstrates knowledge of national information literacy standards and guidelines. / 4 / 504 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 612
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.C.48. Understands how to teach information literacy skills to students. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
Attended a Alan November seminar, focussed on information literacy as part of IST 612, Barbara Stripling's model discussed and practiced in 668.
2.C.49. Demonstrates an ability to apply procedures for formulating essential questions or information problems for designing information search plans. / 4 / 511 – P/A,CP
605 – P/A,CP
Other / (FW/P) 972
2.C.50. Demonstrates an ability to evaluate information sources with regard to specific criteria (e.g., currency, format, authority, accuracy, bias, coverage). / 4 / 605 – P/A,OR
611 – P/A
613 – P/A
661 – CP
972 – P/A,CP,O-J
Other / ((P/A) 504
(P/A) 611
(CP) 605
(FW/P) 972
2.C.51. Recognizes ways of structuring searches across a variety of sources and formats to locate the best information for a particular need. / 4 / 511 – P/A,CP
605 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 605
2.C.52. Demonstrates an ability to identify information needs of students (e.g., identifying the type of information needed, placing information needs in a frame of reference, relating information to prior knowledge). / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
Other / (CP) 605
(FW/P) 972
2.C.53. Understands how to locate and access resources and how to teach these skills to students. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
972 – P/A,CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 605
(FW/P) 972
2.C.54. Demonstrates an ability to identify keywords, subject headings, and cross-references for searches. / 4 / 511 – P/A
605 – P/A
668 – CP
Other / (P/A) 605
2.C.55. Demonstrates knowledge of strategies for conducting electronic searches (e.g., identifying electronic sources, restricting a search using Boolean operators). / 4 / 511 – P/A,CP
605 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / (P/A) 605

SECTION 2.C. Information Literacy Curriculum (cont’d.)

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
2.C.56. Demonstrates an ability to apply procedures for using information retrieval systems (e.g., catalogs, indices). / 4 / 511 – P/A
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 605
2.C.57. Recognizes ways of helping students develop skills and independence in locating and accessing resources and information. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A,CP
668 – CP
972 – CP, O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 605
2.C.58. Understands strategies for assessing progress during a search, analyzing and evaluating information, and teaching these skills to students. / 4 / 504 – P/A
605 – P/A
972 – O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 605
2.C.59. Demonstrates an ability to determine appropriate adjustments to search strategies and recognize whether expected outcomes of a search were achieved. / 4 / 511 – P/A
605 – P/A
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 605
2.C.60. Demonstrates an ability to apply criteria for evaluating information within sources (e.g., determining authority, distinguishing fact from opinion, comparing information from different sources). / 4 / 605 – P/A,OR
611 – P/A
613 – P/A
972 – P/A,CP,O-J
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 605
(FW/P) 972
2.C.61. Demonstrates an ability to apply skills for summarizing, organizing, and synthesizing information. / 4 / 605 – P/A,CP,OR
611 – P/A
613 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / The successful completion of each course included assignments that required utilizing these skills
2.C.62. Demonstrates an ability to apply methods for helping students evaluate and interpret information (e.g., determining whether information addresses the original problem, drawing conclusions from information obtained in search). / 4 / 661 – CP
Other / (P/A) 504
(P/A) 668
(FW/P) 972
2.C.63. Demonstrates an ability to prepare a bibliography or works-cited list. / 4 / 511 – P/A,T/E
605 – P/A
612 – P/A
661 – P/A
668 – P/A,CP
Other / Each course required a bibliography for various assignments
2.C.64. Demonstrates an ability to organize information into a form that clearly communicates what has been learned. / 4 / 511 – P/A
605 – P/A,OR
611 – P/A
661 – P/A,CP
668 – P/A,CP
Other / Each course requires the organization of written communication ranging from discussion board postings to formal research papers.
87 / Advisor Comments:

STANDARD 3: Collaboration and Leadership

School library media candidates provide leadership and establish connections with the greater library and education community to create school library media programs that focus on students learning and achievement; encourage the personal and professional growth of teachers and other educators, and model the efficient use of information and ideas.

SECTION 3.A. Connection with the Library Community

Competency / Level / Acquisition Method / Demonstration / Advisor Check
3.A.65. Understands the importance of participating in professional associations and gatherings (local, state, or national) through membership and attendance at meetings or conferences. / 4 / 612 – CP
661 – CP
Other / Have participated in AASL National Conferences, and am a member of NYCSLA and NYLA
3.A.66. Understands the importance of networking with other library and information professionals to meet user needs. / 4 / 504 – P/A
511 – P/A
611 – P/A
661 – CP
972 – O-J
Other / (CP) 661, 612, 668
3.A.67. Demonstrates an ability to participate in interlibrary loan and/or other resource sharing activities. / 4 / 661 – CP
Other / (CP) 661
3.A.68. Recognizes the importance of participating in liaisons between the school building and the district, regional agencies, and other related organizations. / 4 / 612 – CP
661 – CP
Other / (P/A) 661
16 / Advisor Comments:

SECTION 3.B. Instructional Partner