Meeting held following inaugural Annual General Meeting at Tomken Reporting Station

Minutes prepared by Brandon Wiedemann

March 14 2014 at 1500

Quorum with 6/9 board members present

Present: Scott C., Phil B., Jeremy A., Paul M., Brandon W., Brian J.

Absent: Tim S., Jeff W., Glen W.

1500 Board unanimously recognizes Scott as Chair

1501Caldwell: Treasurer duties currently remain with Brent. There is a minor amount of funds outgoing to cover bills and expenses. Current signing officers are Brent and Scot

1502 Scot: Establishes a current board of director contact list.

1504 Group discussion about need to elect a treasurer immediately per bylaws, as current treasurer doesn't sit on board.

1506 Group discussion to elect roles of president, treasurer and secretary per bylaws.

1511 Motion tabled by Brian Johnson toelect Scott Caldwell as president, seconded by Paul Morris. 6 Yea, 3 absent, motion carries.

1514 Motion tabled by Jeremy Asselbergs to remove bylaw 6.7.1(line of duty deaths/honour guard) per vote at AGM and online (23 Yea,13 Nea, 1 spoiled), seconded by Brian Johnson. 6 Yea, 3 absent, motion carries.

1516 Motion tabled by Brian Johnson to adopt bylaws as amended, seconded by Phil Burfoot. 6 Yea, 3 absent, motion carries.

1516 Motion by Phil Burfoot to elect Brian Johnson as Treasurer, seconded by Paul Morris. 5 Yea, 1 abstention, 3 absent, motion carries.

1518 Motion tabled by Brian Johnson to elect Brandon Wiedemann as Secretary, seconded by Jeremy Asselbergs. 6 Yea, 3 absent, motion carries.

1520 New business tabled by Brandon Wiedemann. Website design and purpose discussed amongst board. Need to gather accurate information about events province/nation wide quickly so that the site can be used as a reference for all members and media.Discuss the appropriateness of logins for twitter and website accounts for all board members. Discussion about Brad Bowie's role as Regional PR representative and his involvement and use as a resourse. Request that all information obtained by board members about injured medics and other events be forwarded to Scott Caldwell and Brandon Wiedemann A.S.A.P.

1530 New business. Discussion about importance of Officer and Director Liability Insurance. Scott Caldwell states that 2 quotes have been provided via Brent Gorzynski. Jeremy Asselbergs reaffirms immediate need for insurance as the fund is already live, despite the fact that no payouts have yet been made.

1536 Motion tabled by Brandon Wiedemann to have Brent Gorzynski, Scott Caldwell and Brian Johnson source quotes for Board and Director Liability Insurance and distribute the quotes for board review. 6 Yea, 3 absent, motion carries.

1540 Further description of how twitter would interact with website for updates. Handle to remain @peelemsfund

1544 Brandon Wiedemann brings to attention the need for a protocol for an event or occurance. Board agrees that media interaction will remain duty of Regional leadership (chief/deputy/PR rep).

1550 Discussion about timing of payouts. Accounts will grow until $50 000 reserve, and then decisions about disbursements will be made by board. Discussion about scholarships funds, and monies moving forward. Discussions will be more substantial as the accounts reach predetermined thresholds.

1555 Discussion about the value of having business cards for the fund. Phil Burfoot will inquire about Region's printing services.

1557 Jeremy Asselbergs and Scott Caldwell presented a draft version of protocol outlining mechanisms to respond to a LODD or other event. Board recognizes that there are many stakeholders and parties interested in being involved, and that a cooperative effort would be best. Jeremy and Brian reflected on recent experiences in helping organize a LODD, conveyed some of the lessons learned. Jeremy to forward revised draft of protocol to Brandon for distribution to Board for review. Protocol may be presented to local stakeholders including OPSEU local 277, Peel Paramedic Association, service management following Board review.

1613 Discussion about low logistics/VEPA membership levels in fund. Email distribution list to be updated to include support staff (zzg-logistics; vepa's). Conversation to be relayed to Tony and Paul in logistics.

1616 Discussion about a new membership campaign, and characteristics of campaigns. Focus on engaging young employees without recent experiences of service funerals. Presentation at new hire orientation. Maintaining a unified message, dispelling myths.

1624 Motion tabled by Brandon Wiedemann to close meeting, seconded by Scott Caldwell. 6 Yea, 3 absent. motion carries,

meeting adjourned at 1625.