SESHA Hill Country Chapter / 02-Jun-05
10:00AM – 1:00 PM
International SEMATECH
Minutes taken by: / Sally Pawsat
Attendees / President: Renee Bade Activities: Steve Trammell Communications: Renee Bade
Vice President: David Sexton Membership: Diane Leith Secretary/Treasurer: Sally Pawsat
Full Name Company Name
Kuntz, Matt ISMI
Beu, Laurie Laurie S. Beu Consulting
Davis, Brett Shaw Environmental
Gartman, Richard Texas State University
Gonzalez, Amanda Advanced Micro Devices
Lattanzio, Rick Advanced Micro Devices
Leith, Diane Viderman Tokyo Electron
Pawsat, Sally Avery Environmental
Sexton, David International Sematech
Sviglin, Vesna Tokyo Electron
Trammell, Steve Freescale Semiconductor
McCarthy, Ed Freescale Semiconductor
Vaughn, Miriam Advanced Micro Devices
Burnett, Steve SEMATECH
Worth, Walter SEMATECH
Speranza, Dawn Intel/SEMATECH
Yturri, Jeanne Zephyr Environmental
Hendricksen, Kathy Texas State University
Moody, John Shaw Environmental
Baskin, Don ATDF
Clark, Russell Texas State University
Weigand, Rich Spansion
Monroe, Gary Tokyo Electron
Knowles, Ken ATDF
Chen, Jessica SEMATECH
Harder, Curtis Zephyr Environmental
Naughton, Phil Freescale
General Meeting
Chapter Business
o  Officer Elections
o  Membership
o  Texas Hill Country Mini-conference Summary
o  SESHA 2005 Annual Symposium Summary / David Sexton
Diane Leith
Steve Trammell
Laurie Beu
•  Performance-Based Auditing: A Different Approach to Enhancing Your EMS—Jeanne Yturri
•  Considerations for Managing Contractor Safety—Ken Knowles / Jeanne Yturri/Zephyr
Ken Knowles/International Sematech
Lunch & Networking / All
Chapter Business
David Sexton presented chapter business with assistance from other officers.

Officer Elections

The slate of officers were presented as follows:
President: David Sexton
Vice President: Steve Trammell
Activities Chairperson: Vesna Sviglin
Membership/Communications Chairperson: Ed McCarthy
Webmaster: David Sexton
Secretary/Treasurer: Kathy Hendricksen
Ballots were distributed which included the above names and an option to write in a candidate. All attendees were allowed to vote. Sally Pawsat, Secretary/Treasurer, tallied the votes and David Sexton announced that all above candidates were elected.
Special thanks to Julie Spencer for getting the speaker gifts!
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on September 8th at TEL USA.