October 2013 CIO Leadership Agenda
David’s anonymous speech – let’s discuss
Office 365 "Wave 15" Readiness Guide
· Office 365 Wave 15 readiness guide was sent via email on October 14th
· Items of note
o Still scheduled to start on October 25th
o If new user is created during migration period, they will get Wave 15.
o Expect three emails during the project
§ When the upgrade begins (likely October 25th)
§ When the upgrade completes (approximately two weeks later)
§ When SkyDrive Pro has been enabled for all users (sometime after message #2)
o Note that the SkyDrive Pro will NOT be available until after the tenant upgrade completes
o Note the positive features
§ Schedule Lync meetings within OWA
§ 50Gb mailbox
§ 25Gb SkyDrive Pro
§ 2Gb file size maximum in SkyDrive Pro
§ Better Lync Web Access client
§ Improved OWA interface
o Some users may have to re-add their picture in OWA
o Some users may have an issue with repeated pop-ups. This has happened on a few of our accounts and seems to be related to getting 'all pieces' migrated to Wave 15. If this occurs, best advice may be to try various client options (mobile, web-based, etc) and work around it until those messages stop
o For the Windows XP OS devices, a root certificate update will be required. See this article for details.. UPDATE******** Read below
It appears that the wording in the Microsoft communications is very misleading as it states that the cert update is an optional patch, but Kenny stated that it was approved in WSUS on August 14th, 2013. So, The wording in the Readiness guide is not correct and I apologize for the confusion. The communications should be that the patch for XP was approved from the Office of KIDS through WSUS and districts should validate that it was applied. If it wasn’t applied (they don’t participate in WSUS, etc) then you need to apply it manually.
If you do in fact have issues with access after the 25th you should try other clients (OWA, Outlook, mobile) as you may have issues with Outlook (possibly your default client) but OWA may work fine which can get you along until the issue is resolved.
With the diversity of devices, patience will be needed. Moving over 700,000 uses to multiple devices, different browsers, different OSs, client levels, etc., it is 100% that something somewhere will not work
the first time.
As accounts 'randomly' get upgraded, some items like delegation or shared account access might not work as expected while affected accounts are in different 'waves. Explain random and waves.
Once Sharepoint and Skydrive Pro is licensed, folks will start getting those programs. It may say it is building these services. If it does, just go about business and let it do its thing. It could take a couple of hours to complete. Must set up Skydrive Pro via OWA before using the Skydrive apps on devices.
Your preparedness is my job. I need to hear from each of you on readiness guide in both reading and
completing the tasks. Once you have some folks receiving Wave 15 account upgrades, I would like to ‘ hear.
One gotcha – password changes doe not sync across all devices. Must update the iPhone, iPad….
Syncing in Office 2010 with Skydrive Pro may have issues. Sync in Office 2013 is automatic.
KIH3 circuit upgrades
· If you're an AT&T district, the process for a circuit upgrade will involve the installation of a second router in parallel to the existing one. They'll test it, etc. without plugging it up 'live' to the district network. If all goes well - and that can be a big IF at times - this should reduce steps required on the day of circuit cutover.
· If you're a Windstream district, the circuit upgrade will involve a second router and a reconfiguration of the existing Windstream and new AT&T routers on the day of cutover. This may lead to a longer outage on the day of cutover, depending on how involved those configurations are.
· There is a "site survey" and an "MRS site survey" (for the Managed Router Service)
o A "site visit", where a technician looks over the KEN cabinet area and the 'path' that the circuit will take from the building entry point to this cabinet. Little should come of this in most districts, since a 'path' is already established with the existing circuits
o There may also be a "MRS site survey." MRS stands for Managed Router Service. They may look at the KEN cabinet specifically related to mounting the router and any other equipment. Note that the top 6U of the KEN cabinet is available to the telco provider for this purpose. Nothing below the 6U should be installed by AT&T.
· The telco providers will have access to the KEN One-Call contact list, so please have this up to date to help everyone establish proper contact with the right people
· As these installations progress, hopefully the process will get more streamlined. Early installations have created some questions about rack space, power locations, cables, etc.
· As the process moves along, the KE team will be reaching out to districts to schedule dates for their circuit upgrade
· FY2012 BEAR forms - From E-Rate Central - Technically, the invoicing deadline for recurring FY 2012 services is Monday, October 28, 2013. Associated SPIN changes, if required, should also be made by this date. This year, for the first time, the FCC has instructed USAC to issue automatic one-year invoice deadline extensions to any applicant or service provider missing this deadline. Practically, therefore, the deadline will be one year hence
· FY2013 Form 486 - If you were funded in Waves 1-6, the deadline is October 29. Subsequent waves have a different deadline, 120 days after your FCDL. If you haven't been funded, you can't file this form as of yet
· Jeff may need your help! Get registered for the regional STLP showcase if you haven't done so already. http://stlp.education.ky.gov/ for all info!
· New STLP coordinators? Let Jeff Sebulsky know! There is a web form to list your STLP coaches for 2013-14.
· Has Elaine always contacted you in the past but you haven't heard from Jeff? Please reach out to him!
· Have you or your staff helped in the past at regional showcases? Jeff may not know that...
October 30 / Deadline to register online to attend a Fall Showcase*Fall Showcase Dates
November 07 / Murray State University Showcase, Curris Center
November 14 / University of Kentucky Showcase, Student Center Ballroom
November 19 / University of Louisville Showcase, Student Activities Center
November 21 / Northern Kentucky University Showcase, Student Activities Center
November 26 / Morehead State University Showcase, Adron Doran University Center
December 04 / Eastern Kentucky Exposition Center Showcase, Pikeville
December 10 / Western Kentucky University Showcase, Diddle Arena
December 12 / The Center for Rural Development, Somerset
ASSIST & tech plans
· Some districts will be piloting this process and names will be sent in to get training process underway.
· Boone and Fort Thomas are our pilot districts in this program. They will keep us informed of the progress and the bumps in the road.
· Pilot districts will get an opportunity to provide feedback before this tool is used by all districts beginning next year (according to current plans)
KETS offers
· First offer of $10/ADA should be available as districts complete their Technology Activity Reports and get signature pages processed.
· About 57 districts have had their offer requests submitted to the School Facilities Construction Commission. Have districts actually received those funds yet?
· Second offer is projected at $6/ADA, depending heavily on when E-Rate $$ comes in.
· Based on last month’s discussion on status of offers, Scott will be processing on each Friday any signature letters received back.
Student Voice Survey
· Grades 2-12 will participate through Infinite Campus Student Portal in the February/March 2014 timeframe.
· Student Portal must be open for Elementary through High School students for this to work.
· Encourage you to open student portal ahead of due dates so folks can practice a little with students getting into portal.
TMG & end-of-life
· End-of-life on TMG is April 2015 per Phil on webcast. It's actually December 2015
· At this point, we're looking at solutions. We have about 18 months to get something worked out
· We're looking at solutions but there is no solution identified. We're nowhere near close to a decision, per David
· 99.9%, per David, that anyone with a waiver will continue to have that flexibility
Technology Readiness Survey
· Minimal changes occurring
· We're a bit delayed getting that out, in part due to determining how we need to handle workstation counts. For this year, we'll handle this as we have in the past
· The eventual plan is to merge the School Report Card tech collections and the TRS collections
· We have a specification we need to update, but the goal all along has been to identify machines less than five years old
· Report should be released soon and data collected by December 1. This allows your KE time to look over all of the reports so that they can sign off and get to KDE by their due date of 12/15.
KE discussion on 'client pace' as it related to 'cloud'
Major leads in region and state competitions
· Did you provide that lead?
· Are you willing to do again?
· If yes, please email Jeff so he knows
· Is there someone you can recruit as backup to learn and perform your task should something prevent you from attending event?
Glass Half Full
· What do you have going on that is good?
· What is happening in our region that is good?
· What is happening in our state that is good?
4 Forces chaning IT as we know it
· Mobile technologies
· Social Media
· Information (data) systems
· Cloud services
Rethink technology business and remain relevant and successful with what you do