/ Quality Handbook

AQH-I3-A3 Operations Manual Guidelines for the Validation Model of Collaboration

Version 6.0 June 2015

Operations Manualfor programmes approved
to be offered by [PARTNER NAME] and validated by the University of Sunderland in accordance with the University’s Validation Collaborative Model

Implementation and Modification History (for Faculty use only):

Version / Occasion of Change / Change author / Date of modifi-cation / Modifications made / Version signed off by Faculty (date & details) / Date issued to Partner for implement-ation

Your support and co-operation will be very much appreciated, and any feedback you can provide on the effectiveness of the Operations Manual template and/or notification of any broken links/other inaccuracies would be gratefully received. Please contact Quality Assurance and Enhancement at the University of Sunderland via

This document should be issued to the following people:

At the University:

  • Centre Leader/Faculty Partnership Leader
  • Programme Leader(s) as appropriate
  • Faculty Quality Officer
  • Faculty Administration Support

At the Partner:

  • Programme Leader(s) as appropriate
  • Administration Support
























Appendix One (to be added by Faculty): Quality Annex to the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA)


1.1This operations manual has been designed to promote common understandings about the respective roles and responsibilities of the Partner and University staff involved in the delivery, management, quality assurance, and co-ordination of the University’s awards offered through collaborative arrangements. It is specifically tailored to accommodate University requirements relating to its Validation Model of Collaboration. Mutual understandings are essential to assure parity of the student experience, regardless of the site of delivery.The University recognises it is important to avoid jargon and a glossary of terms is included in this manual. A set of useful links to other information sources is also provided.

1.2This manual is designed by the University but may be contextualised by the Partner with University agreement. The core sections included in the manual may not be altered. The Partner is responsible for ensuring that this is issued to all staff who contribute towards programme delivery.It amplifies the roles that staff in each organisation are expected to fulfil as laid down in the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA) that governs this collaboration (cf 1.4).

1.3Sections from the Quality Annex to the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA) between the University and the Partner are included as core italicised and emboldened sectionspresented in gridsthroughout the Manual, beneath which the specific requirements are explained in more detail. Please refer to the Quality Annex to this Agreement – see Appendix One. These Agreements are normally reviewed every six years. Agreements with partners are drawn up to reflect the University of Sunderland’s Collaborative Processes - see:

together with the University’s’ Collaborative Models of Provision paper

( and relevant sections from the Quality Assurance Agency’s (QAA) UK Quality Code for Higher Education (e.g. Chapter B10 Managing higher education provision with others ).

Please refer to the University’s Academic Quality Handbook for all guidelines referred to in this manual, see:

1.4To optimise effective communications it is important that appropriate mechanisms and communication channels are in place for contacting relevant staff and to resolve issues in a timely manner. The University will produce a clear schedule of activities each year including the date and time of various activities including relevant Board/meeting dates. The University will appoint a Faculty Partnership Leader as the member of staff who takes responsibility for management of the relationship with a given collaborative partner for an agreed subject area and the relevant programmes. For University guidance on the role of Faculty Partnership Leader please refer to:


2.1The University values and promotes equality and diversity forits staff and students. In line with its strategic aims, it works to ensure that all members of the community treat one another with respect and dignity.
This University’s Equality and Diversity website:

aims to provide details on developments related to equality and diversity within the University, guidance for both staff and students, and resource information on good practice. The University of Sunderland operates a strict equality and diversity policy. It will therefore not tolerate discriminatory practices. Copies of the University’s position policies on this are available on the website via the above link.


3.1From the outset, it is important to establish and maintain effective communication channels to assure the successful operation, quality assurance and management of the provision. At the practitioner level, communications between Programme Leader at the partner and the Centre Leader at the University in particular should be established from the outset.

3.2The current University Management Structure is accessible.

3.3Faculty Structure: University of Sunderland

3.3.1Please refer to to access up-to-date details relating to specific individuals/Departments.

Each University Faculty includes:

  • a Dean
  • Associate Dean – Student Experience,
  • Associate Dean – Resources, Research and External Engagement,
  • Associate Dean – Recruitment and Development, and
  • Heads of Department.

The current Faculty structure is as follows:

Faculty / Departments
Applied Sciences / Department of Computing, Engineering & Technology
Department of Psychology
Department of Pharmacy, Health & Well-being
Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences
Education and Society / Department of Education
Department of Social Sciences
Department of Culture
Business and Law / Sunderland Business School
Department of Law
Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Arts, Design and Media / Department of Arts & Design
Department of Media

Figure 1: University Faculties and Departments

3.4A selection of current University contacts according to role:

Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive / tel: 0191 515 2036
Deputy Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive (Academic) / tel: 0191 515 2039
Deputy Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive (Resources) / tel: 0191 515 2460
Director of Academic Services / tel: 0191 515 2060
Assistant Director of Academic Services / tel: 0191 515 2433
Assistant Director (Marketing and Recruitment - TNE) / tel: 0191 515 2283
Assistant Director (Marketing and Recruitment - UK) / tel: 0191 515 2667
Assistant Director (Student & Learning Support) / tel: 0191 515 2903
Head of Quality / tel: 0191 515 2063
Senior Quality Assurance & Enhancement Officer / tel: 0191 515 2065/
0191 515 2069
Educational Partnerships Office,
Marketing and Recruitment / tel: 0191 515 2806

Faculty, Department, and programme University of Sunderland contacts:

[to be annotated as appropriate]

Role / Telephone/email
Dean of Faculty / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Associate Dean (Recruitment & Development) / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Associate Dean (Student Experience) / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Quality Management Sub-Committee Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Partnership Leader / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Programme Assessment Board Chair / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Programme Studies Board representative / xxxxxxxxxxxx
Faculty Programme Leader / xxxxxxxxxxxx

3.5The current Management Structure of the Partner organisation is [To Be Inserted

3.6Partner Contacts (to be completed by Partner)

Role / Telephone/email


4.1The Quality Annex to the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA) (see Appendix One), signed between the University and the Partner at Chief Executive level,clearly describes the aspects of quality, assurance and management that the Partner and/or the University is responsible for fulfilling.


Core Activity/ responsibility / core requirement: Validation Model
Consider Partner staff CVs taking into account the expertise of individuals and the balance of expertise across the staff team / University

5.1The Partner will put forward the CVs of staff whom it is proposed will teach on the agreed University programmes and modules in accordance with the curriculum vitae guidance below. Tutors recruited to teach on the approved programmes and modules are expected to have at least one year’s experience of Higher Education (HE) teaching at a level above that for which it is proposed they will be responsible for delivering. The Partner will also submit to the University for approval, via the Faculty Partnership Leader, a Matrix for each programme to be delivered at that Partner site, detailing the names of tutors whom it proposes will lead each programme and teach each of the programme modules. The Partner will ensure that an appropriate number and range of academic staff is attributed to the delivery of each programme covered by the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA). A maximum number of modules that an individual member of Partner academic staff may lead will normally be agreed by the appropriate University Faculty.

5.2To ensure appropriate liaison and management of the University programmes, the Partner will provideappropriate administrative support.

5.3Where staff are appointed subsequent to the initial validation, the above procedure should be followed. Approved staff changes should be reflected upon in the annual monitoring report produced by the Partner.

5.4Curriculum Vitae Guidance

5.4.1The University’s guidelines on Partner Organisation Staff CVs are accessible via the following link.

CVs of staff proposed to teach on University modules/programmes should be submitted to the University in accordance with the arrangements specified in the Quality Annex to the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA).


Core Activity/ responsibility / core requirement: Validation Model
Provide staff development including pedagogical development, subject-specific development and awareness of UK and University quality and standards requirements. / The Partner.

6.1Teaching Staff Induction

6.1.1All teaching staff appointed shouldnormally undergo a process of staff induction/development. The exact issues to cover in teaching staff induction will vary but will typically include:

  • Learning and teaching issues; learning outcomes etc
  • Academic regulations
  • Academic support for students
  • Assessment/feedback on assessment
  • Quality Assurance issues/annual monitoring requirements etc
  • Collection of student feedback
  • Plagiarism and cheating
  • Complaints procedure
  • Access to library facilities

6.2Teaching Staff Ongoing Development

6.2.1The University will normally be responsible for inviting Partner staff to attend certain staff development activities organised by the University, e.g. collaborative conferences.Academic Development, accessible via:

organises a range of continuing professional development activities throughout the year which are available to off and on-campus staff.

6.2.2The Partner will normally be responsible forensuring that its staff assigned to teaching on the programmeengage in continuous professional development or scholarly activity/research to maintain the currency of their knowledge at an academic level above that which they are responsible for delivering to students. This could include in-house, external or University led activities.

6.2.3It is extremely useful if dates of specific staff development sessions are included in an annual plan/calendar of operations (see below).Each party should advise the other as early as possible of the proposed dates of Programme and Module Boards in Assessment/Studies Modes. The dates of such Boards should be incorporated within the annual plan of operations so that all staff are aware of these at the start of each year. The current University academic calendar is accessible via:

A sample calendar is included below but this should be replaced by the specificannual plan/calendar of operations for this programme – ideally, a web-based link to the Faculty Calendar should be included instead of an actual grid.

Date/time / University Meeting/Activity / Partner meeting/activity / Location
30thApril / Collaborative annual monitoring report guidelines issued to partners by University Faculties
31st July / Partner Annual Monitoring Reports to be completed and returned to the University via the host University Faculty for previous academic year
1st August / Student Handbooks for the coming academic year to be finalised and approved as necessary
1st August / Operations Manual updated as necessary, in consultation with University, for the coming academic year to be issued to all staff who contribute to the co-ordination, teaching and administration of the provision
1st September / Student Induction Sessions
Early September / Development Day for teaching staff
Early September / Programme Refer/Defer Board
Mid September / Autumn Term begins (new students) – see University website for Dates
Late September / Autumn Term begins (returning students)
Mid October / Development Day
Mid November / Development Day
Including Programme Studies Board
Early December / University Graduation Ceremonies / See:

Late December / Development Day for teaching staff
Late December / Autumn Term Ends
Early January / Spring Term Begins
Early February / Programme Assessment Board
February/March / University Open Days / See:
March / Partner Cluster Feedback day, Sharing Good Practice
Late March/early April / Spring Term Ends
April / Summer Term Begins
Late April / Moderation of Assessment
May / Development Day
and Programme Studies Board
June / Moderation of Assessment
June / University Open Day
Summer / University of Sunderland Collaborative Conference
July / Summer Term Ends
July / Partner Annual Monitoring report completed and returned to the University for the recently completed academic year
July / University Graduation Ceremonies
August / University Open Days

6.2.4 The Partner should inform University staff in advance of ‘in-house’ meetings taking place that require input from the University. TO BE ANNOTATED AS APPROPRIATE, E.G. WOULD NOT APPLY TO INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS: Partners are invited to attend University boards in studies and assessment modes but it is particularly important that they attend Assessment Boards given this is where student grades are agreed. The constitution of University boards is laid out in University guidelines in its Academic Quality Handbook available on the University’s website. Partner and University staff, particularly the Programme Leader and theFaculty Partnership Leader should ensure they understand the implications of the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA) for the operation of the provision.



7.1.1The AGREED University programmes (as defined by the relevant programme specifications approved by the University) will be offered at approved Partner sites by the Validation Model of Collaboration. For a full list of programmes/sites covered by this manual please refer to the Schedule of Programmes Annex to the Collaborative Provision Agreement (CPA) which has been agreedand signed between the University and the Partner.

7.1.2Programme Design and Approval

Core Activity/ responsibility / core requirement: Validation Model
Design of the programme, ensuring the currency of the curriculum (i.e. informed by research and/or scholarship and/or contact with commerce/industry and/or practice-led as applicable) / Partner
Determine whether an external programme adviser would be of use, and if so, make a suitable appointment and ensure his/her involvement as appropriate / University
Prepare programme approval and periodic review paperwork / Partner design of programmes and modules will follow the University’s programme development and approval processes as specified in its Academic Quality Handbook accessible via This section of the handbook incorporates all templates and forms together with a full description of the University’s taught programme approval processes. A guideline on termination of programmes themselves is also incorporated in this section. The Partner will be responsible for preparing the programme approval documentation and for ensuring that initial proposal documentation is received by the relevant University groups, panels or committees. The structure of the programme is included in the programme specification approved by the University.

7.1.3Ongoing programme development

Core Activity/ responsibility / core requirement: Validation Model
On-going development of the programme, ensuring the currency of the curriculum (i.e. informed by research and/or scholarship and/or contact with commerce/industry and/or practice-led as applicable) / The Partner
Approve minor modifications to programmes and modules / Partner complies with University rules for on-campus provision

7.1.4Ongoing curriculum developments such as those arising out of response to staff or student feedback, external drivers or research, will be approved by, or, in the case of minor modifications, communicated to the University. All curriculum developments should follow the University’s Minor Modification guidelines included in its Academic Quality Handbook, accessible via The Partner should provide the University at least annually with an updated programme specification to ensure its continued approval.


Core Activity/ responsibility / core requirement: Validation Model
Responsible for in-country accreditation / Partner with University involvement in line with agreed processes

8.1Where appropriate, local in-country approval to operate programmes associated with the collaboration must be secured by the Partner prior to commencement of delivery. The University will co-operate to a level that shall be specified in the Agreement. The Partner must inform the University in advance of any in-country re-accreditation so that it can provide any necessary information or agreed support in a timely manner. The Partner should provide the University with evidence of the outcome of in-country approval or accreditationincluding copies of relevant documentation. The University’s guidance on in-country accreditation are accessible via


Core Activity/ responsibility / core requirement: Joint Franchise Model
Design a marketing plan and prepare publicity materials
Materials to be approved by the University before publication/ distribution / Partner, although in some circumstances joint development with the University and/or between Partners will be appropriate

9.1The University is responsible for the accuracy of all public information published in relation to the awards for which it is responsible. It reserves the right to publicise its collaborative programmes in its own publicity materials and in other publicity materials agreed with its partners. The partner should also design a clear marketing plan for the provision from the outset. Please see further details of the Collaborative Marketing Approval Process which must be adhered to in respect of all publically available materials referring to the awards of the University of Sunderland.