Dear Parent(s),
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System was established on January 1, 2014 replacing the STAR System. The CAASPP System encompasses the online Smarter Balanced Assessment in English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics in grades 3-11.
The Smarter Balanced Assessment System has three major components: end-of-year summative assessments designed for accountability purposes; a suite of tools and resources in the Digital Library of teachers; and interim assessments designed to support teaching and learning throughout the year.
Students in grades 3-8 will be participate in both Smarter Balanced interim assessment and the summative assessment this year.
- Smarter Balanced is making the interim assessment available on January 28 through to when the students are completed with the assessments. The goal is by March conferences.
The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments allow teachers to check student progress throughout the year, giving them information to inform instruction and help students meet the challenge of college- and career-ready standards. The items on the interim assessments are developed under the same conditions, protocols, and review procedures as those used in the summative assessments. Teachers will be able to share an individual student report with parents.
- The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment window is from March 16 – May 29.
The 2015 Smarter Balanced results will set a new baseline of student performance. It is not intended to be compared to the past California Standards Test (CST). The name ‘Balanced’ is intentional – ongoing classroom based assessment as part of instruction that will improve learning for all students. The assessments are completed online, and are not timed to ensure students have the time they need to complete each section. There are online tools built into Smarter Balanced, such as a highlighter, calculator on certain math problems, digital notepad, English dictionary and glossary. Students with individual educational plans (IEPs) may also be assigned additional designated supports.
Some people are predicting that the spring 2015 test results will see California students falling off a “performance cliff,” with scores dropping. But the new tests are NOT comparable so we should not compare scores from the past CST to these Smarter Balanced results. We will have a new baseline. Think of the standards and assessments as a new target with new results …. Envision two mountains. People who successfully climb Mt. Rainer at 14,000 feet will find Mt. McKinley at 20,000 feet more challenging. Some will be able to meet the new challenge, some will be close, and some who previously were able to reach the summit will not be able to at first. With additional practice and instruction, progress will be made.
For further information about CAASPP, , or Smarter Balanced