Minutes of the CS Lewis Charter School Board of Directors
Dated July 21, 2016
- The meeting was called to order at 1942(time) by Chairperson Nathan Butterfield
- The Chairperson conducted the roll call.
Members Present: Nathan Butterfield, Meagan Warren, Melinda Turner, Mike Cataldo, Megan Clayson, Heather Allinson and Emily Wright
Members Absent: none
Others in Attendance: (Staff, vendors, authorizer) Diane Nelson, Cody Laird, Thayne Smith, Jane Webster
- Minutes for May 19, 2016 and June 22,2016
Heather Allinson moved,Melinda Turner seconded to approve the Minutes of June 22, 2016. Motion carries
Megan Clayson moved, Melinda Turner seconded to approve the Minutes of May 19, 2016. Motion carries
- Director Report: Diane Nelson
She reviewed the National Charter School Conference. She has been asked to be a presenter at the next conference in Washington DC. The turnaround team has been in helping with training the teachers for next year. They are ready to go for next year. Our summer school program has done great. The school lunch program ran great and we got lots of praise and people from the community. There are 140 – 150 students in second block with about 40 students that are not currently enrolled. The first block we had 127 students and 27 students that are not enrolled. Diane Nelson has presented at the state and has been asked to be on a committee to help improve the education on the state level. She did two town hall meetings in Goshen and Elberta. The carnival went good but not want we wanted. But next year it will run better. Current enrollment 304. We will have two classes for each grade and three in kindergarten. We have a cap of 350 students. That is 82 students in less than 60 days. We are hoping to be at 285 for school to start. Our liberty wall is up and ready. PTO is fundraising for technology. We need a PTO president. Back to school night is August 11th from 6-8. We have a parent that is a pharmacist that will be here to give flu shots. Orchard Days is August 6th. We worked out the details. Charter school conference (the other conference) is having a training on August 2 in Lindon. The conference runs about 8 -4 and dinner for administration and board from 7-9.
- Fiscal Review: 2015- 2016: Thayne Smith (Red Apple)
This is the last one for 2015-2016 SY. We reviewed and discussed. We started at 221 and ended at 225. Available upon request.
- Teachers incentives: Diane Nelson
Teacher shortage across the state. The state has put into place a new way to license teachers to get more teachers. Diane Nelson wants to do signing bonuses of $250 - $500. We could potentially give a referral bonus to our current staff. We just redid the retirement and the teachers are excited and glad that they are being heard.
Heather Allinson motioned that we approve the referral ($250) and sign-on ($500) bonus with the incentive to work until Christmas they would pay it back and after Christmas it would not have to be paid back for the 2016- 2017 school year. Meagan warren seconded. Voting; Motioned carries.
- Policy Review:
Transportation review for the bus drivers. Melinda Turner read this new paragraph from the current policy. Policy is available. We are putting in the policy that we want to have drug tests and driver’s records upon request. We will have our lawyer, Erin Preston, review this to make sure we are in compliance with the law and in the school charter by- laws.
- Dress Code: Diane Nelson
Diane Nelson wants to add black to the dress code. Nathan Butterfield wants to have Diane Nelson (Director) to run the dress code so we don’t have the board in the day to day operations. Diane Nelson and Melinda Turner are going to work on cleaning up the dress code policy and bring it back to the board as a review.
- Committees: Nathan Butterfield and Diane Nelson
These will have teachers run the committees and have a board member sit on each committee. The finance committee is already established. The committees are Activities, Literacy/ Library Activity, Curriculum/Assessment, Policies/ Procedures, Communications/PR/ Marketing and Grant development committee.
Took a short recess
2054 back in session
Heather Allinson motioned to establish the Activities Committee, Literacy/Library Activity Committee, Policies/ Procedures Committee, Curriculum Committee/Assessment Committee, Communications Committee and Grant Development Committee; Megan Clayson seconded, Voting; Motion Carries
The board needs to communicate their desire to be on which committee to Diane Nelson and Nathan Butterfield.
- SWOT Analysis:
We discussed the strengths, weaknesses and threats for the board. Strength: all committed, strong but not complainant, a lot of opportunities, Weakness: need more help in advance and not last minutes, complacent, coming off of the end of the reputation of before,
Where do we want to be: more community involvement with parents in the school; with committees and PTO, working on sustainability, set a culture and a norm in each grade and throughout the school, number one priority, spend time finding individuals to fill the board positions at any time to integrated with the current culture, more trainings, business professional attire for meetings, parents on committees to help sustain, show more support by having a presents at all activities, have board members do some trainings,
What has been worked on and what we need to work on each month.
- Event calendar is in progress, back to school night table,
- Adjournment:
Heather Allinson motioned to adjourn meeting, Megan Clayson seconded, Voting; Motion carries
Adjourned at 2131
Approved on: August 18, 2016